Attached: antifat.jpg (1407x898, 232K)
/fph/ - liberation edition
Ayden Richardson
Lucas Morales
What pthumerian god am i looking at? Its like these p**ple have given up on grooming, social, and all health standards. Like why? Revolution? Against who?
Joseph Cox
I miss when revolutions were planned because people were actually starving to death, not because some lardass got upset that others judged them for hogging the fucking food
Jacob Young
Against logic, science, reason and sanity
Nicholas Russell
Wtf are they on about diet culture we have ALWAYS shamed fatasses
Oliver Powell
Finally the bodyposi movement recognizes skellies
Connor Edwards
Cooper Reed
what gender are they?
Carson Anderson
all of them
Angel Barnes
Against salad lmao
Dominic Gray
Jose Thomas
Blake Bennett
Dylan Ward
Connor Murphy
Based people posters
Jason Hill
Jayden Price
>friend is a good 60-70 pounds overweight if I had to guess
>vapes nicotine and marijuana daily
>does zero exercise
>8 months ago when I started working out to help with my depression he was happy to hear about it and didn’t seem bothered
>recently he gets quiet and doesn’t say anything if I mention my workout (I rarely mention it. It’s just a part of my day)
>injured myself recently and had to take a few days off
>make joke to him “aw man now I’m going to get fat haha”
>instant rage
>”what the fucks your problem man? Seriously why are you saying that?
>he argued with me that not everyone can be “in shape” and I’m an asshole and insensitive for saying that’s not true
I don’t say shit to him about his lifestyle, I just choose not to live like he does. He makes jokes about himself all the time but I can’t say anything about myself, eating habits, workout, etc. and it’s really starting to piss me off.
Hudson Wilson
He's severely insecure about himself physically
Sacrifice him to the gods
Jaxson Jackson
Put him down
Kayden Taylor
Yoooo they both pass as either gender wtf
Ian Clark
Fuck off ubik/conrad
Austin Turner
How is she pointing her feet if she can't use her legs
Jacob Moore
Or that time that being late for an appointment and starting a revolution literally carried the same penalty so an emperor got overthrown
Nicholas Reed
Those are both "women", aren't they?
Isaac Johnson
I swear I’m not autistic, but why on earth does he swear he’s happy with the way he looks all the time? When I’m not happy about something I own it and say I would like this to be better. Then I fix it, or at least try. Why isn’t he? That method of dealing with his insecurity seems impossible to manage or ever be happy.
His wife gives him shit and tells him to go work out with me. Then her and I go do yoga classes together because he refuses to go lol. I’ll leave that to her.
Thomas Barnes
Fuck his wife in the shower while you both listen to stevie wonder so he snaps and goes all silver linings playbook on you and himself
Noah White
Seeing this pic reminds me of some of the shit I read about the Paris Commune.
Jace Evans
because hes comfortable as he is and afraid of changing
Anthony Davis
That sounds like hell
Luis Morales
fuckin nice lol
Liam Hughes
Maybe she's not paralyzed but has some muscle dystrophy and/or degenerative joint issue
Julian Ward
Based Bloodborne poster
Oliver Martin
I kind of miss the pre-internet days when people like this simply would stay hidden indoors alone and wouldn't inflict their disgusting selves on the rest of the world in any meaningful way; when it was far more difficult to find fucked up kindred spirits to reinforce their horrendous opinions and lifestyles.
At the same time, though, I wouldn't have you faggots so that would suck.
Xavier Martinez
Alexander Taylor
Sebastian Howard
If I have a few drinks at a party, I’m a social drinker, but if I’m found passed out under the highway with an empty bottle of mouth wash in my hands, I’m suddenly an alcoholic. All you shitlords are the same.
Kevin Collins
waste of good genetics, I'd bang her if she were chubby, but 300 pounds? Christ woman.
Mason Parker
Yes, non-ironically because you're obese and clearly have a problem with food.
Aiden Cook
When I drive 65 on the highway people say I'm a safe driver. When I'm doing 140 on the highway people say I'm 'reckless' and a 'problem' and what's wrong with women drivers
Nolan Phillips
Cameron Nelson
Cameron Parker
Keked much. Good argument
Jayden Collins
garou a cute
Angel Taylor
Dylan Price
Am I missing something here? Why hate on this one?
David Reyes
the bad ones
Alexander Wilson
I'd bang that alien/squid chick
Jordan Edwards
yoiu can tell she's hella fat by how much fat surrounds her ring
Wyatt Rivera
fat fingers = fat gril
Aaron Thomas
Well yeah but it's not like she came off as a bitch or anything.
Oliver Myers
Eh, good for her. Who knows, I mean I would never put a ring on someone who would let their body go, but maybe she has a good personality.
Ayden James
Xavier Robinson
imagine the surprise slippery tentacle potential
Ayden Miller
>but maybe she has a good personality.
i don't see how anybody who is lazy, addicted to self destruction, and a lakc of decision making skills could have a good personality.
Juan White
kind of tangential to the point, which are examples of an unhealthy lifestyle or delusion. people aren't always fat forever. it's the fat lifestyle that is disgusting, not the people.
Cameron Sanders
Being in a comfortable rut that is easy to maintain and lashing out at any prospect of self improvement that might disrupt your 0 effort easy going lifestyle is the mode of existence of 90% of Americans
Julian Hernandez
It's called /f>ph/ for a reason
Blake Bell
The thing being hated on is how repulsive her body looks when she tries to act like a human and wear a piece of human jewelry.
We hate fat people. We don't just hate fat people when they behave badly user. The very state of fatness itself is deserving of your hatred.
Elijah Carter
I don't see either but there's much more sensible things to hate, like fat people overfeeding their pets
Ethan Ward
A woman who is happy to be fat is a woman who is happy to make weaker children who will be predisposed to obesity.
They are tacitly child abusers.
Christopher Richardson
This is the thing - people want the people around themselves to be stuck in place. If you make positive changes they'll feel threatened and attack you. I've experienced this not only with working out but also career wise and other shit.
Lucas Cox
No personality could possibly save that. It’s probably a beta orbiter, and she was probably the first to give him any attention. Could be a nice lady but she is still destroying her body, and no mentally and physically healthy man would want that
Hudson Cook
>people want the people around themselves to be stuck in place
That's a rather depressing thing to realize
Ryder Bell
A person's friends and family are a part of his comfortable little slice of mediocrity. If you become better than them, you're likely to leave them behind without whatever you provided, be that love, friendship, financial help, ect.
Mason Ward
girl who is probably not that fat but now she has no reason to care about her appearance so she's going to be HUGE and she is already starting because of the plate of mac n cheese in front of her lmao
Aaron Wood
nah senpai she fat as fuck already
Ethan Fisher
probably, based on the hands, she could be attractive though but now she has no reasons to be
Colton Evans
you don't think that taking a *teehee* pic of her fingers that are so fat they're triangular in front of a plate of mac and cheese is self-destructive?
Xavier Foster
>Sacrifice him to the gods
What gods would take him?
Colton Kelly
>girl who is probably not that fat
Jesus Christ, did you even look at that hand?
Connor Powell
Mason Thomas
It makes sense but Jesus what a terrible life.
Ethan Hall
yeah but i like bigger girls (under 300 lbs)
Ethan Stewart
Course I do but I don't have to see her nude or listen to her rants about how she's just curvy and she jogs everyday at the speed of light but still can't lose weight. Maybe I'm getting too used to it.
Levi White
Also she took a photo of her engagement ring but it’s mostly a photo of food because of how much her life revolves around eating grease.
Kayden Murphy
my hgealthcare and taxes go up because of this thing, I'll hate as much as I want.
Liam Adams
I'll never forget home time at primary school. The mums and dads would come to pick up their kids. I lived in a working-class white area.
Every dad:
*bronze skin
*muscles from work
*low to mid-tier bodyfat
Every mum:
*fat as fuck
*aging badly
*maybe even twice the weight of their husbands or over in some cases.
Henry Perez
The brap gods.
Bentley Allen
based bro
Jace Ward
Feel free, I totally understand. At least we're not the desperate chump getting married to this hambeast, you know?
Marriage changes people, but not exactly for the better.
Carson Roberts
why do fat people hands go in at the knuckles? like there's an indent where my hand has a tendon. if the fat is bulking everything up, wouldn't the dent be between the tendons? directly down the middle of my fingers over the knuckle is a high point....
Camden Mitchell
That and the fact she's currently eating fattening food
Anthony Lewis
30g carbs and 10g fat is actually insane
kinda feel sorry that this stupid fatty gets matched with a stupid doctor
Luis Davis
that's a normal pre-op diet, it's used to lower their weight as fast and dramatically as possible in a month so they don't die on the table. it's not supposed to be healthy, it's supposed to be a last resort
Wyatt Powell
Based and quints
Cameron Phillips
Jeremiah Long
Also if their liver is fatty they might try to get that fixed before surgery. You need to drop 10% of your body weight, normally in 6 month time, normally it might make things worse If you drop weight too fast. so if they are on time table they might try do it faster by cutting fat and carbs out and drop 10% body weight.
Brody Wright
her fingers look like candy corn
Jason Cruz
Did anyone else think that was just an unflattering pic of Sam Hyde?
Austin Bell
the fat pools up between the bones so instead of being convex it becomes concave
t. former fatty
Gavin Rodriguez
Jayden Jones
Zachary Wilson
Michael Collins
Jose Kelly
Luke Foster
Mommy gib milkies
Kayden Peterson
they lost my bote
Luis Wood
la gorda goblina...
Tyler Rivera
what’s wrong with the shape of its nipples
Caleb Cook
checked. so how do people on the preop diet manage their insulin response? 30g carbs and 10g of fat seems to be pushing the diabetic ketoacidosis kind of "keto", and these people are surely dealing with some late stage t2 diabetes and a whole bunch of medication. how do they do that for any length of time and not just fuckin die?