Any other anons perpetually horny? No matter what I'm doing I'm always down for a wank. I actually anticipate going home and playing with myself when I go out.
High Sex Drive
yeah same. Cant help it, must be my high test
I wonder if I'm actually high test and I could become a Chad-lite if I started working out more.
Yes. There are other anons perpetually horny.
i consider myself having a high sex drive and can go 2-3 times a day if i want to but have a pretty rough refractory period. my gf and i went camping a few months ago and she wanted to immediately after a 30 min session and i had to beg for a few minutes of break and she still kept slobbering on my dick until it got semi hard
If I don't stop myself I can go more than 3 times a day, and I can start going again literally as soon as I'm done cumming.
very jealous of you desu. might be because im a boomer now at 28 years old and heavy smoker/drinker. should stop
11th day of no fap... user you can do it too just believe in yourself and god(if you are religious)
No, it's because you're zoomers. It's normal to be that horny from age 16-23. It starts tapering off afterwards, especially if you don't have a regular sex life.
>tfw 35
>never horny anymore
>have to put forth effort to fap
>fap once and done for the day, or even week
>depressed all the time
I don't know if it is high sex drive, but I get hard very often. Regardless if I fap or not
It's calmed down since I hit my 30s but I used to fap up to 4 times a day, big tits and wide hips always got me hard no matter what
You don't have a high sex drive. You've just got sexually arousing things around you alot. Like this board
There are zoomers who very rarely, or even never, masturbate though.
How is that even possible? You mearn HRTdicord trannys? all healthy young people masturbate
I've known multiple dudes who didn't ever have sex and said that they only masturbated every few months. I don't understand it either, but I doubt they were lying.
I stopped masturbating soon after i discovered it, i saw it as if i was lusting over women who weren't my wife, I thought it was like cheating on my future wife before we even met or got married(I know it sounds dumb but I can't help but feel like this). Now I masturbate once every 3-4 months without porn just to make sure my penis is working properly in the hopes that i someday find a wife.
I fap like 5 times a day
not a big deal
the absolute state of this puritan autist. I can guarantee you your future wife isn't thinking the same way
That's kinda wholesome, but I could never do it.
I'd never have loose sex though.
Yeah, I know they're all whores, but there MUST be at least a few who want to wait until marriage, I just need to keep improving myself until I can get one of them. In my eyes, an ugly 1/10 girl who waits for marriage is still miles above a 10/10 slut. I know its very likely that this won't happen, but the hope of it still drives me to become better.
If it gives you some more hope, there "waiting until marriage" stereotype is one about women, so there are likely more women who feel that way than men.
seriously though, post some more titties itt a
>big tits that are also perky
is there a greater miracle?
based tiddy posting anons
sauce on those titties robot?
No sauce sorry, I stole it from a thread a while ago and reverse image search just brings up other threads with no sauce.
I'm 21 and I haven't been like that since I was 18. I just can't jerk off even once a day anymore.
I wonder is it Leanne Crow or Lovely Lilith then, I will find the sauce!
i am not sure what to make of these tits 2bh
Somebody mentioned Leanne Crow in one of the threads in response to another user who posted a pic of her, and their pic related was the OP image. It could be her.
I am just passing by to inform that I want to impregnate those tits. Thanks
Absolutely based, I would definitely also like to
>desire to breed intensifies
I honestly find cleavage more appealing that naked tits a lot of the time
depends on the rack, but generally you are correct
>but I doubt they were lying.
You're fucking stupid, then.
I've even seen some chicks with kinda small racks that had super tasty cleavage
At least one of them is not lying about it, he was a total horn dog who was incredibly open about his sexuality, he just didn't jack off often.
you're not perpetually horny you're just addicted to porn and wont admit it get some fucking help
Robots who have a high sex drive should go on Grindr and bottom sissies or twinks if dating fuck a DILF or slampig
Go back to your Discord server
tranny discord plz go thx
holy milkers batman
She has the face of a 50 year old librarian but her tits big
yes, not that bad though. i thought it would lower as i got older, but my sex drive is higher now (early 20s) than it was when i was a teenager.
Yeesh. Serious case of butterface on this one.
get HIV and die freak, fucking trap
Every hour of the day until I fall asleep.
it is. my sex drive is much higher when i started using testosterone.
that doesn't matter, dem tits tho
>Had a T test come out above range
>no sex drive
It's probably because I haven't interacted with a women my age in years. At least I hope so. Porn and masturbation is boring and all I get are weak drips when I cum.
>want to fuck my math teacher from 2 years ago who is likely in her late 30s
I'm 100% serious about wanting to connect with her and possibly even fuck her. How can I accomplish this?
message her on facebook I guess, ask her how she's doing
I love when the nips point down like that, makes them look like human udders
same thing happened to me except i got bored half way through because i wasn't horny anymore. she got pissed too cus she was about to cum
Her last facebook post was made in October 2018.
I just found out that she had a baby too.
Only when I'm alone and neeting. When I'm at work I have no libido whatsoever.
>tfw no milky udders gf to suckle
Do keep in mind user that every time you rub one out your testosterone rises which then becomes DHT which attacks your hairsacks and slowly resides your hairline.
Once you get older and your hairline resides don't forget this and don't blame your genetics, you did that.
how bout nah fag
It may have something to do with it but you guys are probably addicted to porn and fapping, so you have to take that into account as well.
sauce on girl? oreganoli
Speak for yourself, testlet
i'm a sex addict and think about sex all the time. currently watching a lot of VR porn and jerk it 5-10 times a day. i've spent thousands on prostitutes in Japan and Hong Kong. it's pretty much my reason and motivation for working now.
that's all there is of her, she got doxxed and deleted everything
keeping the titty thread alive, hiopefully it lives until tomrrow
Thanks for bumping my thread user
>have sex with wife every other day
>still masturbate two to three times a day
I-s this normal? Yesterday we actually had sex twice and I fapped three times, right now I'm fapping for the second time today
just try n fuck more bro
Dopamine deficiency