As a 5"8 manlet what body mode should I go for to get the attention of gym Amazons?

As a 5"8 manlet what body mode should I go for to get the attention of gym Amazons?

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Same here but 5'10, currently ottermode.

>tfw not tall enough to attract heightist women and not short enough to attract dom amazonians.

there is no good looking 3d amazon

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I'm just here for when someone posts that mango page of a dude and super tall chick and he's laying on her stomach in a hot springs or smth while they spray water out their mouths so I can ask for the name.

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I'm just here to check your digits.

>Print that pic on shirt
>Wear it to the gym

I guarantee you, you have their attention.

I'm going to do it

6'3 220LBS Gigachadcy, You can't handle her Jow Forums. I repeat, you can only surrender.

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>you can only surrender.

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Good thing i've only 6.4 inch wrist and see fairly often women who wrist mog me, I'm almost 6' with decent build, wrist mog is the only thing i can make myself feel emasculate for amazonian domme by fantasizing of their 7+ inch wrist snapping my arms with ease.

Too bad she's dating 6'6 gigachad, god women are so boring, there's almost no variance in what they like in a man.

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she looks like a genderbent baki character

>See this 6'2 210LBS goddess as you enter the elevator

What do

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shes not that attractive so i keep eyes away from her and look at my phone or something so she doesnt get a big head

That's a man, baby!

6'6.5 kickboxer, at this point just lay on the ground and become a stone Jow Forums

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This one?

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You're not officially a chad until you can manhandle this 6'4.5 270LBS world champion brick house

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Hit that

Low T

>tfw ywn be a 5'6" manlet having 6' gf cuddles you like her own son.
>tfw the world dramatically changed where sexual attraction become less variable and both man and woman only looking for lanky side.
Why even live. Even alone is suffering.

Steps in your way

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pic not related

What's her height? 5'10 is queen of amazonlet

How about this snu snu user If I remember correctly she is 6,1

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>Men love lanky women

Where do you live? womenlets are far more desirable in my country, srsly lanklet women have it almost as hard as manlets (especially if they don't have curves).

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god i wish that were me

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I want the snu snu NOW

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Snu snu user

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Attached: kawai Varbie.webm (640x800, 2.8M)

she genuinely doesn't look like a varbie, just a lot of years of hard work and slightly above average test for a woman. Not at all crazy unbelievable like

are without gear.

that said she for sure the cutest in thread

I’d fuck em

>only see varbies
>hardly see any bear mode/oga mode muscle mommies

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user I got you homie

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strong fat is a patrician taste

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I see I have a brother in here

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God have Mercy !!!!

Nothing beats strong fat mommy

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She is single 26yr and lives in a shit hole you have a shot user if you want to wife her

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I don't have the original

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Where is the bed frame? Why can't these women afford bed frames?

> Puma tatoo on the ankle

Right i can only surrender to her stupidity

Is he holding a pipe with his foot?

They always break them with there snu snu user

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Last one of the night

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Well i live in Europe so i dont know about that user,but would glady have her!