Need quick advice from Robots

Ive been chatting with the girl in the picture for around 4 or 5 months, almost daily. She turned 22 yesterday and i shipped her a NES nano, some chocolates and a letter because i am genuinely in love.

She tells me, come tonight i have something for you (6 hours from the time of this post) and she send me a picture of her completely naked covering just with his hands.

What to do now? i am a virgin, i am 30 years old i have no idea how to fuck, my dick is small, i am nervous AF, what to do?, i dont want to lose her, but i am sure that i will fuck this up. Please help and advice.

Attached: DGirl4chan.png (731x730, 635K)

Have a good fuck, user! :)

Go fuck her, the more you worry about it the worse it will be. Just go indulge yourself for once, it's okay to let go and have fun. As long as you're not worried, she won't be. Good luck

Post more pics of her. Just go to her house and fug her. I don't know what else you want to hear.

thanks, i dont even know how to go clothed, should i buy condoms? should i go a little bit drunk?, must i do some pushups?, should i eat?, take water?.

What causes that blue/red 'overlay' effect on this photo? I've seen everything like that on LSD, so it's definitely something natural with how light colours work and blend

OP in here again, my dick is 4.7 inches, do woman really care about that?, i know a lot of people are mean a bout dick size online, but ia 100% worried about this... what is she asks for positions where my dick will slip off because its small, what if i cant get an erection?, should i purchase viagra?

For the love of god just stfu and fuck this bitch OP. You're 30 years old and you sound like a high school freshman freaking out because he still thinks freshman friday is a thing.

Don't overthink it, buy some wine and condoms and improvise.

Just go in casual clothes, yes buy condoms, don't go in drunk but bring a little booze for you both to enjoy, maybe ask her if she prefers wine. Yes eat but allow yourself time to digest before fucking, and water I'm assuming she has already

then you'll be licking and fingering her pussi
and it will make you hard

ok ok... im not ugly or anything, we went out 3 times to the movies, i never kissed her, but then she told me once on chat that she was waiting for me to kiss her, and we started talking about sex and i lied a bit about being experienced... i am ashamed that i am a noob at this, you guys understand this righT?

will she let me finger her? or demand my dick at any point, should i undress first?

yea brother

4.7 inches is fine my man, don't worry you'll get the job done and get it done well, as long as you're enthusiastic and having fun. Remember that sex is supposed to be fun, and it's always going to be a little bit awkward at first but if you just roll with the punches and make both of yourselves comfortable then it will be a great experience

go with some clothes on, and a little drunk if you need some courage. You will need to fuck her or lose her tonight though

Things should escalate slowly, start with your arm around her, then get into a make out session, then as you're making out start feeling her up (make sure you do is slowly, gradually, steadily, don't go straight for her tits and pussy, instead work her thighs, under her tits, her ears a little bit, her neck, etc. then make your way to feeling her out fully after those), then once things are hot and heavy (you'll know when), start teasing her pussy with your fingers. That's when you can whisper in her ear something like "Do you want me to finger you?" and if she says yes, you do that and go from there. Don't overthink it, just do

If you want to look 'experienced' just be confident in what you're doing.
Do with her whatever you want and go with situation

i dont want to lose her, should i message her and tell her that i am a virgin before i go? or maybe when i am already making love to her? or i should i void telling her anything about it. I lied to her that i even had anal sex and shit, we never talked about dick size, i would have lied if she asked me about it but she never did. She seems to be very much experienced, how much sex can a 22 year old already have? i assume not much more than me right?

Maybe you should stop in your tracks and fuck a tofu block instead you onions filled bitch, jesus christ. Go fuck a girl, get some wine, have fun, or just drink some meal replecement liquid and hump a bodypillow, your choice

i already grab her from the waist to "fool" around and shit, is it ok that when i say hi i grab her and kiss her all of a sudden? instead of making it awkward latter of me not knowing what to do. In other words should i kiss her right when i see her?. And if so, do i say anything? or just kiss her and that is it.

Yea kiss her, but not all of sudden, like randomly, but greet her with kiss maybe. She'll like that. She wants you already dude, you can be a little awkward if you were in cinema, she prolly likes you like that.

I mean don't approach her very quick with kiss, just so she has enough time to see what you're up to and wait for her reaction

Don't fuck it up. Good luck faggot.

ok thanks everyone, so just be myself and go with it.

This is a question that might sound really dumb, but should i try the things i see in porn? like grabbing her legs, sucking her pussy, grabbing her arms, doing it fast etc?, or i should just be like gentle and slow and not changing positions or making her body move a certain way etc. I am pretty strong guy i am sure i can grab her over my head if you know what i mean.

also, what to do if she sucks my dick?.

What i am trying to say, and this is another DUMB question, how people do to not ejaculate, is there like a method for it? i want to last a lot, i have been masturbating last days and all my life almost daily.

>but should i try the things i see in porn?

Absolutely not, porn is cancer and the less porn you watch the better

Every person is different, likes different things, likes different speeds and pressures of touch and everything. It's not beta to ask her what she likes, in fact she'll appreciate it. Just make sure there's always a certain undertone of firmness and confidence in what you do, and if you feel like doing something sexy in the moment don't hold back. That's the shit girls love

Well, let her

You could have sexual intercourse with her.

The point of sex is for both parties to feel closeness and to make each other comfortable and pleasant. So she'll enjoy 'caring' for your pleasure with sucking dick, as much as taking your careness, so let her
You literally can't get physically closer, than be in a girl's womb, hug and kiss her at the same time

are there any girls in this thread that can give this man a hand?

I'm a girl(male)
Original one, too u///W///u

>are there any girls

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Fuck off tranny, this guy is genuinely going to escape wizardhood and you come with your faggotry to try and ruin it for him. Go back to your containment thread

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Why don't you date someone of your age, asshole?

you dumb fucker never learn not to trust the vagina jew.

Asking for advice on this board is a huge flag that you will fuck it up.

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OP here, actually it was of much help, now that i will have sex tonight and i should jsut be happy about it and my dick size is perfect, and that kisses are clue and i should be a man and not a wuss.

yeah you are definitely going to lose your virginity in prison when she regrets the sexual contact. I hope you are alpha enough to convince the judge that is was consensual while she cries her crocodile tears.

What you're saying is problematic. Women have the right for choice, even AFTER the sexual intercourse