Be this morning

>be this morning
>wake up
>can't move my fucking body
>a sort of strange, warm sensation radiates from me, almost like things are closing in
>what the fuck
>wiggle my toes and fingers violently
>nothing is happening
>my body feels stiff and almost like it is shaking a little
>lasts for maybe 20-30 seconds
>regain control of my whole body
>nothing wrong
>feel slightly spaced out, but nothing overwhelming
What the fuck happened to me? Did I have a fucking seizure?

Attached: E67C810E-A02E-4BB3-BFF0-B1471195BEF5.jpg (115x125, 2K)

Sleep paralysis probably. I get it regularly and it's annoying

You didn't happen to see any Shadow People above your bed, did you OP?

You probably meant shadow pepe?

Lmao seizure OP go to a doctor

Stop sleeping on your back senpai, increases the chances of that happening to you

Have you ever had sex on Grindr with a bottom?

it's just sleep paralysis you fucking pussy, Jesus...

I could move my toes and fingers fairly easily though. I thought sleep paralysis was a full body thing. Also, I was shaking I think.

Nah no shadow people/other hallucinations.

I was on my side, that is part of the reason why I am afraid it was a seizure or some shit.

FUCK I hate that shit! Last time I got it with auditory hallucinations. Two men talking somewhere in my apartment. Everything in me was telling my body to role off the bed and grab the .38 stashed under the box frame. Nothing. Sheer terror for about four seconds until I thought "oooh. I know what this is." Then just focused on wiggling digits until I came to.

You either keep wiggling your toes and fingers until you wake up or you relax and go back to full sleep. If you go back to sleep chances are you get pretty cool lucid dreams

Solid digits BROTHAAAA

God, I hope I don't start getting his frequently. The hallucinations sound terrifying.

Sleep paralysis
enjoy the anxiety attacks nerd
t. shadow person

Is it normal to shake a little involuntarily though?

now the really beauty isn't in whether shaking is normal
it's in not knowing if you where actually shaking or hallucinating

I couldn't imagine not immediately trying to regain control of your body and just falling back asleep. I guess if you have a lot of experience with it.

Hmm. I see. I really don't think it was an hallucination, but I guess it is possible.

same i get auditory and visual hallucinations

100% chance if i sleep on my back

Attached: 1553384934496.jpg (250x245, 7K)

>mfw never had a sleep paralysis

Attached: 1242314.png (350x350, 311K)

Take a moment to feel grateful, user.

Have you ever gotten it NOT sleeping on your back? I was on my side.

Sleeping on your side is bad for your back

ha, you had it easy, you didn't see or hear any demons or other weird apparitions

What about sleeping on your front?