How do i safely do bench press?
How do i safely do bench press?
Use a spotter, or bench in a power rack with a power rack with the spotter arms set right below your chest height. (or bench in a bench w/ spotter arms if you're lucky and have a nice gym)
Just don't drop the bar on yourself, easy
Bench without clips so you can dump the weight off if you need to.
Use a power rack with safety bars
Do incline bench
There are people who bench with the clips?
only do close grip (unironic and serious). I vary between pointer finger on smooth, thumb on smooth, and thumb next to smooth, but they are all close grip.
Quit being an autist and get a spot
wouldn't i look weird if i use a squat rack for bench press?
if you aren't an ego edgelord mong you should know when you can't get the next rep, if you fail you deserve to die under the bar, not get saved.
everyone in this thread seems to be ignoring the fact that even if you never drop the bar on yourself, you will still /just/ your shoulders if you lift long enough and heavy enough. full range bench is a meme lift for retarded powerlifters
You've probably never spotted someone before and think it's a big pain in the ass. It's actually quite easy and nobody who's not a complete asshole would mind doing it.
Gotta microload somehow.
>full range
user, you're silly.
Don't do this.
Use a spotter, a Smith machine, or just do a higher rep volume at lower weights.
Is gif related a valid bench bail?
Thats a wide grip.
His feet look flat as fuck too.
is his wee wee ok
what do i do instead?
literally how hard is it for you fucking retards to just tilt your arm a little and push so the barbell falls to the floor?
i dont ask people to spot me because even if i tell them to not touch the bar unless i just cant lift the bar, they do it. i either use the power rack or just say fuck it and do it alone
quick Jow Forums do I touch my chest when benching or stop an inch or two before?
Yeah, if anything goes wrong activate
plus, it turns your chest workout into a rapid dynamic reverse pyramid
How do you position your hands/wrist when bench pressing?
my god are you guys literal children? bench pressing is quite possibly the easiest exercise in human history. a retard could do it right first try
Yes, it's called the roll of shame.
Doesn't work on decline though, so get a spotter or dump the weight like other anons are suggesting.
>easiest exercise in human history
>doesn't answer question
Here is advice from AI
I usually just tell my mom to spot me.
You should always let the bar press your chest down about an inch or it's not a full rep.
>roll of shame on the decline
Definitely makes getting the last rep out more important
idk i don't mind dying haha
use dumbbells. dumbass.
>smith machine
What are you? a fag?
Your abs will hurt the next day tho.
>smith machine
being forced into a purely vertical motion is an incorrect way to bench press and damages the shoulders
please stop giving advice
How else do you get the bar in the right position?
>smith machine
God i wish that were me.
suck dicks
this, jesus.
i say
>if i need, i will clearly ask ou loud, all right? "fine."
>2 reps into it, retard is already grabbing the fucking bar