The world's strongest man smokes weed, why don't you, Jow Forums?
The world's strongest man smokes weed, why don't you, Jow Forums?
But I do
He’s not the worlds strongest man, period. He’s the most agile with a heavy weight, not the one who can lift the heaviest weight.
I love a smoke before I lift,run,plyo and even before I play basketball. It does make my jump shot garbage though. Photo of some conditioning shit I bought.
Really, so you're telling me that if I google: 2019 world's strongest man, he won't come up, huh?
because not all of us are degenerates who welcome Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0 with open arms
smoking weed is for children and niggers
>Why don't you smoke weed
Simple. Because I'm not the trash of society.
Every time I smoked weed I lost all desire to do anything except play Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess on my gamecube, watch cartoons, rewatch old Game Grumps episodes with JonTron on YT, and eat junk food until my stomach hurt.
I love going into the gym totally ass blasted. I always end up going extra hard because I'm an overconfident nerd. I think most of my PRs have probably been set while under the influence. Plus it's great for releiving pain from DOMS and injuries. Why so you think so many pro athletes use it,?
>trusting (((google))) for (((sources)))
try again
>relying on substance abuse to make progress
>everything i dont like is jewish
Since when
not true oven dodger i like roller coasters
Cause I get randomly tested for drugs in my field and some higher ups still think smoking a blunt is literally doing cocaine
Stopped smoking weed after having smoked the shit for 15 years. Best decision of my life. Also quitted alcohol, caffeine and nicotine too. Felt awesome desu.
based and an example of making it
Unironically... how has your life improved so far?
seething shaw fan detected lmao
do some rotator cuff stretches and get a clue
Alright dicknuts, so if I look up “world’s strongest man 2019” on fucking duckduckgo, it won’t show me Martins?
Less anxiety and paranoia plus more energy overall. I am a conspiracy and porn freak back then during the times I over endulged on weed and alcohol. Now just living a quaint and normal life. Eating right, being active in fitness, sleeping right, staying hygienic, helping out on housework etc.
id rather invest my time in the word of God
Right, just and based.
Absolute fag
Bro how do you quit nicotine, I can't stop being a vape master god
pertty sure you use creatine user
Unironically vaping helped me quit chain smoking Marlboros. I vaped for less than 2 weeks with 0 nic juices and just gone cold turkey from there. I replaced the habit by just chewing gum tho. (Double mints)
>wins the squat
>beats Shae h2h on grip
Take the duckpill
>trusting duckduckgo
>"open source" but with proprietary elements
lmao good luck
absolutely nothing on the internet is reliable these days, you may as well use yandex or bing for all the good it'll do you
taking creatine isn't drug abuse mate