Okay are there actual success on escaping skinnyfat? Every CBT and progress threads you never see before bodies that are textbook skinnyfat. Its either a fatty or skelly
Skinny fat thread
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Why do you retards keep making threads like this? Fucking lift. Eat protein and pussy. Level the fuck up. You will also be "skinny-fat" if you don't build muscle.
Babe we already are lifting. Theres no problem in that department. Problem is diet. We dont know if we should eat a lot of eat less
Skinnyfat means you have no muscle
Yeah stop reminding us :(
Literally stop eating so much and/or do some cardio. If you are "skinny fat" that just means you have extra unnecessary fat. You can burn it off just like anyone else can. Then you will be regular skinny.
If you don't just want to get skinny, start lifting. Then you will become muscular. You can diet to be lean just like other guys on Jow Forums do, or you can just carry around a lil fat, which is probably fine too. Looks much better on a muscular body.
You don't see "textbook skinnyfat" in CBT threads because skinnyfat guys are sedentary and lazy, and make no actual effort to "escape" it. That's how you BECOME skinnyfat -- sitting around playing video games all day, developing 0 upper body strength, but managing to stay "skinny" due to the sheer force of their lucky metabolism.
>tries to google image skinny fat transformations
>before pic are either just fat or skinny with okay and proportional physique alread
im gonna kms
I literally can eat nothing as a former skelly this is easy for me. I am doing cardio too.
Thing is, i already have a small body. If you measure my body width its only probably 12 inches. So would cutting make me look sickly and smaller? Or if im lifting I would look bigger since my muscles are growing?
Some people are saying slight bulk to gain muscle and since theres no muscle to cut to. Cant i cut AND lift so I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? I heard of recomp but that doesnt work all the time they say
So hoenstly now, im just lifting and running but eating clean and just the right amount. Since some people say it doesnt matter if you cut or bulk if youre a beginner
just lift weights and keep doing you. Body recomp is hated on here but just lift weights. In six months you will look better. Dont worry about what and how worry about going consistently 4-5 times a week. Do cardio and lift weights.
before pic actually has some kind of muscle definitition but idk
Some people gave this advice to me too. Just dont worry about bulking or cutting but just eat clean and right. And of course consistently and youre going to be okay.
Im almost 2 months in with lifting and i did sliiightly see some changes like i can see some muscles when i flex.
Kek you dont see noticeable progress for at least 3 months
Come back in 6 then tell us.
Or eat the same and wait a year for a fucking result
Yeah i know that it just sad how some people can see progress already in 3 months.. Just wanna know if im doing this right i hate wasting time
Skinnyfats have problems with volume. Work your way up to crazy frequency and volume without breaking yourself to break free. Eat enough to not break yourself. Just lift, then lift more. It takes a lot.
12 inches is not unusual (unless you mean 12" across your shoulders and chest, in which case you need help). I just measured and my waist is 12" wide. I'm 180lbs.
If you have nothing to cut, then don't cut lmao.
>If I'm lifting would I look bigger since my muscles are growing?
Uh, yes? That's the whole point. If you are actually adding on muscle mass you should look bigger.
Eat 100g of protein every day and start lifting 5x a week. Take a picture of your body now and take another in 6 months. Unless you are autistic and don't lift correctly, you will notice a difference.
>12 inches is not unusual
Really? Maybe my brain is distorted cause i was a former skelly and my friends still always say im skinny. Anyway, i measured my body right under my nipple and its exactly 12 inches. No not accross my shoulders just my chest.
Pic is my body right now. Its gross yes its just fat all around my small ass body.
>If you have nothing to cut, then don't cut lmao.
There is a LOT of fat to cut though. Id say im around 26% bf. Im all just fat but small frame.
>Eat 100g of protein every day and start lifting 5x a week
I try to eat lots of meat and less carbs so i wouldnt gain much fat. Im thinking of buying a protein powder too soon. But im lifting 3x a week and 1x cardio and ab workout 3x. My lift numbers are going up every workout so i'd say im getting stronger.
Thanks user this actually made me feel better.
At this point you are just fat
Yeah you left skinny fat like 10 lbs ago. What are your stats? Regardless of them you should cut while lifting weights and see where you stand in 3 months. Maybe start bulking.
I was a textbook skinny fat. My advice to you is to cut first down to below 15% body fat (closer to 10-12%) is even better. From there just eat at maintenance and because your a newbie you'll make gains.
Yes, when you cut down you'll look tiny because you dont have much lean body mass, but trust me this is the best thing you can do. I honestly feel like if you bulk from here you'll get even fatter and be stuck in a cycle of perpetual fattening.
What do guys currently 165 lbs 5'10 i was 180lbs but lost 40 lbs without exercise just stopped eating trash but i regained them pls advice ive looked like this for about 2 years
idk what answer you're looking for man. Go lift some weights, have a high protein intake and measure how much calories you're taking in.
Also you seem to distribute alot of fat around your hips in a way most men dont. Maybe check out your testosterone levels and consider HRT.
This was me before i lifted. I did gain 8lbs after a month but did see some muscles. Its not obvious on the pics lmao.
Anyway im just confused how the people i know irl say i still look skinny? Maybe if you guys see me in person you wouldnt say im fat?
Anyway im 148lbs now. Started at 139lbs. 5’7” height
you def dont look fat, im not saying youre skelly, just average body
Are you american or something? He looks borderline obese
Lol, mexican actually so slightly worse but i mean he has a good frame
Is this what you did? Would love to see your progress pics. Like how tiny did you look when first cut? Im scared of looking like a skeleton. But wont you just even out and not be too tiny since youre lifting?
Anyway some say this is bad advice cause there will be nothing to cut to. Better to slow bulk or maintain?
This is what makes skinnyfat hard cause there really is 50-50 advice.
I just want cannonball shoulders bros. I don't even care if I get a little chubby along the way. Should I just bulk to 200 and then go on a cut?
>He looks borderline obese
Maybe it really is just the pic but ive never heard this about me. If anything people always tease me that i look anorexic.
This is me with clothes on. Is this obese?
This is you on on an ice cream and protein powder only diet
You are just fat, faggot, 26% lmao that's fat you fat bastard
At the end of the day its up to you. If you're really cant make up your mind just eat at maintenance.
The reason I say get lean first is that there's something called nutrient partitioning. The leaner you are the more muscle you will build - this is why bodybuilders try to stay lean all year round. When you have a high body fat percentage you WILL build less muscle.
Another reason is that from personal experience beginners who say they're bulking really only just get fucking fat. Cutting first builds the discipline to bulk later on. You have to see food as fuel.
Also when you get fatter. Those new fat cells will remain for life - you cant get rid of them which will mean you are likelier to regain the fat for the remained of your life.
I fucking hate eating anyway so this is a good thing.
Yea this is my plan just maitntenance Or just eat whatever i can but clean. No more junk.
Thanks user
You should lift
Escaping skinnyfatness is a matter of building muscle and losing fat
Use a TDEE calculator to determine your maintenance and stick to that. Dont cut yet, youll just be skinny. When you have a satisfactory build, you can: cut to shred or eat more to get stronger. It depends on your goals, so take what you will from this thread and apply it to your own. These guys have the right idea
Make sure youre getting 1g protein per pound
And no matter what, keep lifting brah
Thanks for this!
See theres always gonna be mixed advice.
Anywy ifi did cut, wouldnt i look leaner but skinny since im lifting?
How the fuck does this happen
More like between average and overweight
How did you even manage to get loose skin after being skinnyfat, did you starve or that's not the whole story
you have to cut - get your bodyfat down to 10-12% and then lean bulk for the rest of your life
Eat big but eat healthy nigga. Get that pasta, that chicken, that beef, salmon. Eat lots but make sure you avoid processed shit
Is HIIT (jump rope/weighted jump rope + weight lifting) good to get rid of the fat and get some muscles on me?
So far I went down from 198lb to ~186 (6’2”) but I feel weak. Currently eating at maintenance (2500cal/day). Any advice?
Yea that was my mistake first month. I ate shit. Now i dont do all those junk anymore. Oats, fruits, clean meat, etc etc damn
I am escaping skinny fat right now. It's all in the food. You get skinny fat eating garbage and doing nothing. I'm still new to this, but I have eaten nothing but chicken, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, and a protein shake for 2 months. I have lost weight, but I am also the strongest I've ever been in my life.
Pro tip if limiting your diet is too much. You can still eat bullshit if you make it yourself. Can't live without big macs? Learn to grill a proper burger at home and don't use processed cheese slices. Ya like pasta with all sorts of shit all over it? Learn to make sauces and throw some grilled chicken in there while you're at it.
Also, measure EVERYTHING. I don't give a shit how annoying it is. We got this way by ignoring what we ate.
Are u blind i literally look like a stick
Wait which one is the before photo. >my body width its only probably 12 inches.
Are you some kind of hobbit? Im only 5'10 but im at least 16-18 inches wide at the shoulder.
I cut 12 lb, then lean bulked back to the same weight: I'd say cut first. Like said, it builds discipline you'll need later on anyway and it'll only get harder to shed the fat later.
Another factor to consider is the motivational factor. You'll get tiny (even tinier than you think), but you'll start seeing definition/progress. Which is infinitely more motivational than getting fatter and fatter (albeit stronger).
It's up to you, though.
how much u lost bro?
I escaped skinnyfat by getting a physical job where I stand and lift things 12 hours a day, 50 hours a week.The muscle took a really long time to finally stay on my body though. I started eating more eggs and chicken and started cooking more at home and stopped eating out. That's pretty much it. And as a bonus it helped me save money so I could move out of my parent's house.
>tfw disgusting fat body, I really let myself go
>tfw can't even lift my own body weight/do pushups because I'm so weak and fat
honestly just lift, not really that bad, sure you got some excess fat but you can lose it easily if you start lifting
I had the same problem. Just try to do normal pushups and when you feel weak continue on the knees. This helped me to get strong enough to do the normal pushups.
20lbs. Once I hit my goal I'm gonna go and clean bulk.
I can't go to my university gym until the semester starts at the end of the month unfortunately, so I'm just walking every night for 5 miles while I listen to music and eating a deficit.
I legit struggle with even incline push-ups.Can't do a single pull-up. I can do maybe 3-6 horizontal pull-ups before I can't do anymore. I'm weak as fuck.
I think you should eat at maintenance or just slight deficit, eat a shitload of protein and do those pushups and pullups as much as you can. You will feel stronger in no time. As I said, I was struggling as well.
Op here. Thats not me on the photo
Awesome progress m8y but noah fence u dont look skinnyfat on ur before photo... just fat.
What did you look like when you cut? Did you look like a skelly and didnt fit our clothes? Im afraid of cutting cauE i dont wanna go back to my skelly self before where i cant fit my clothes.
But someone else here said you wont look tiny if you cut. In fact you look even bigger because of your growing muscles. Is this true?
Cut until emancipation, then eat a diet of 80% protein
You got to start somewere
I quickly checked how much is 80% of protons from my current diet and it’s a fucking 500g. Half a fucking kilogram of protein. That’s 630g of protein powder I have a day which is 2539cals only in protein. I will never gonna make it.
I just made up some bullshit, ignore my advice. Eggs, chicken, extra lean ground beef, and fish are your go-tos for high protein and low calories.
I just made the calculation for amusment, it wasn’t serious reply. But made me kek. Like chugging down two liters of protein shake to hit my macros.
Anyone else with extremely protruding acromions? I'm not that skinny either, I dunno if it's just extremely shitty delts or some malformation. One side looks slightly more prominent too, it being my mouse arm.
We know. But to get muscle, we are told to eat more
>Become just fat
It's a cruel joke.
Lmao exactly!! Skinnyfat is a curse
Cut untill very lean (up to 1% of bodyweight loss per week and you'll probably recomp)
Then lean bulk
I was skinnyfat 3 months ago. I have a long way to go, but I still look much better.
cut and bulk is a meme. Its only for roiders
first pic is me on a starvation diet and cardio
second pic is me on a meme shitty ass retarded dream bulk+SS as was recommended to me by fags in this shit board
third pic is me on a GOMAD diet(literally nothing but milk) and high volume bodybuilding(mostly calisthenics) + cardio
You look good! This actually is my goal body. but wait.. 3 months? Im 2 months in and I still look like shit. What was your before body?
Before pic body actually looks okay and less fat... but good job!
How do you even eat at maintenance at that low body fat percentage? I'm skinny fat at around 18% - 20% bf right now and even with a max intake of 1500kcal/day and exercising every other day, I seem to lose weight slowly(I've actually stalled for 1 week atm). If I go down to 10%bf then with my 0 muscle mass I would need to eat like 1000kcal/day to maintain.
This actually looks like a decent body already and i wont consider this skinnyfat. You dont have tiny ass wrists and arms. And frame isnt that small too.
lol mate, if that's skinnyfat then it's definitely on the far upper end
Good foundation
Which posters are the GAMERS RISE UP
of Jow Forums, """hard gainers""" or skinny fat fags?
Skinnyfat and hard gainers are both gamers rise up fags. I'm
Skinnyfat by my standards I guess. Only reason I have any kind of muscle is manual labor and woodworking. Anyway, don't get discouraged, just keep doing what you need to do. It will come in time
EAT LESS YOU FUCK. You still have fat, skinny FAT, its in the fucking label you cunt. Lift and diet until its gone
Yeah and i dont think you were a skelly before unlike me so you have a nice frame. I just still hasnt seen a progress story of an actual skinnyfat to fit.
that double chin says this is a lie
Okay im just scared of looking skelly like i was before. but yea im not eating as much now
LMAO fuck off yea my face is a bit :( but i really look a twig when you see me
Okay i found an actual skinnyfat transformation on leddit:
No skinnyfat has ever fixed it & ended up aesthetic. Anyone who says they did weren’t skinnyfat they were just skinny
just start lifting brah, i was in the same situation as you like 6 months ago, shitty hair and all. seriously cut that hair, i did it and my confidence went through the rough. long hairs just isnt good on guys if you're not a giga chad
through the roof*
Can yall stop saying this? Is this actually true? :(
But yea i agree all progress stories i just see they already have a decent frame and low bf. some either are super skinny or obese which im sure is easier
I cut them bulked.
It was a mistake, because you need to be so thin to display your gains, and you become afraid of weight. You try to progress without good nutrition, get hurt, stop lifting.
Eat at maintenance and dramatically increase protein consumption, get on creatine.
This is what im doing currently. I wanna get on creatine but they aint cheap huh
Creatine is extremely cheap lol. They even sell the shit at Walmart
Anyone else care to weigh in besides telling me to lift, which is what I'm already doing.
what about this dude
500mg test-e 500mg tren-e / 12 weeks
I used to be skinny fat. once I started lifting seriously, doing a shitload of cardio, and fixing my diet, I got really lean. since then I bulked for a year and am currently maintaining after I did a small cut
you're wearing a black shirt and we can't see your moobs or stomach
did you get cancer?
Yes. Keep lifting and eat more. That is literally all you need to do.
This is not true right?