>every wrestler I meet is a regular guy who just so happens to wrestle despite it being one of the most difficult combat sports out there >every BJJ guy I meet is #BJJ #JoeRogan #420 and has to show off that they do it
what gives? Is BJJ basically just wrestling for autistic people?
competitive men's association football is the toughest sport out here, and has the highest level of any sport in human history
Bentley Peterson
Wrestling is a sport where everyone competes, i.e., they know they are shit unless they make it to the D1 level. Most BJJ guys just go to their gym 2-4 times a week, don't compete, and don't realize they are shit at it. I doubt the #BJJ guys you're talking about are very accomplished.
Justin Wilson
wrestling is a sport with regular competions that are easy to attend. bjj is a hobby for normies to be "badasses".
I don't know about toughest. It may well be the most competitive by virtue of how internationally popular it is, and just how many people are competing, compared to how few slots there are, but there are not people getting CTE and dying in soccer. That is very real in Boxing and MMA. Not to say I don't respect the skill, just that it isnt the "toughest" in my book.
Ian Cook
wrestlers were forced to do it to the point of fucking hating it and naturally dislike talking about it bjj faggots do it as a hobby and won't shut the fuck up about it
Noah Butler
Martial arts that have belts always give people inflated senses of skill, because they are not all based on actual competitive ability. In wrestling there are not belts that you get based on how many moves you know and how long you have been doing it. There is only rankings based on actual competition. Its happend before that in jui-jitsu, white belts who wrestled in college can ragdoll black belts who have never competed.
Sebastian Nguyen
Nolan Walker
lol pretty much
Thomas Hernandez
reminder that bjj is only as popular as it is because the gracie family ensured that its counters were outlawed in the early days of ufc
Carter Walker
>watching the Gracie family get their arms literally torn off by "Gracie Hunters" in Japan >all while taking the piss by wearing Super Sentai masks to the ring youtu.be/QNlQQ-SX3X4
Jose Rogers
BJJ is for men who are too afraid to get hit in the face but still wanna LARP as a fighter
wrestler here. cutting weight hurts my heart so much that we don't want to talk about it. bjj is for fags
Jose Roberts
Has he fought the best members of the family?
Benjamin Stewart
>royce gracie so assblasted he demands a rematch while full retard blasting nandralone in 07 >still a close fight that is handed to gracie despite sakuraba being the superior technical fighter fuck the gracies and fuck monkey jiu jitsu
Thomas Thomas
a little story in case anyone fucking cares >living in Eastern Europe >i do kickboxing for 2 years >our gym haves kickboxing and BJJ classes >i always hated BJJ persons they are arrogants and majority of them were corporatists with nothing going on in their life >i suspect their work boss humiliates them and they express their frustration in the gym >anyways i wanted to get some ground game >trained a 3 months with them >the locker room discussion were about tolerance for refugees and homosexuals >leave them >i started Sambo insteed >best decission ever
Wyatt Johnson
>Its happend before that in jui-jitsu, white belts who wrestled in college can ragdoll black belts who have never competed. Not saying it can't happen but kinda sounds like bs. BJJ and wrestling are different sports with very different goals. A lot of standard wrestling moves put you at danger of a submission in BJJ and if you aren't good at submissions yourself you can't really finish a BJJ practicioner, because putting them on their back doesn't end the match. And wrestlers are very unfamiliar with the whole concept of the guard and how to play it, which is essential in BJJ.
Can a wrestler take down a BJJ player and control them? Likely. Will they get submitted anyway afterwards? Also likely.
But I guess once that white belt wrestler becomes a blue belt or higher he will be a real pain in the ass to deal with.
Blake Ramirez
>its counters were outlawed in the early days of ufc Such as? And how come it worked in no holds barred fights prior to the UFC? Or in the streets? Just look it up on YT, there's tons of videos of BJJ players winning street fights.
Once done college wrestling went to BJJ. Easily control people, but no knowledge of submissions. Kind of like a shark with no teeth
Cameron Collins
i continue >i'm training kickboxing at the old gym and sambo at the new gym >after 6 months of Sambo get a fairly good base on takedowns >at the old gym BJJ guys found that i do Sambo and they are giving me ugly looks when i'm there >one day a blue belt asks me to roll >i sayd let's start on the feet >he tells me he doesn't want >eventually we start on the feet >throw him on the floor like a doll with arm spin >he doesn't know what to do >i finish him with a rear naked choke >after that the BJJ guys wich i trained it don't even say hi to me because i beat their boy
Julian Stewart
i'm from Romania
Jacob Thomas
holy shit that story sucked.
Liam Kelly
>wrestled around age 7-10 >then moved to a new city and apparently the only club my mom could find was 30 minutes away and completely deserted aside from the coach >quit instead of finding a new one and turned into a couch potato
anyways what you are expecting to massacre the BJJ boy on the matt and create a bloodbath what i wanted to say in this is that BJJ persons are scared of takedowns and in general their fight mentality its close to 0
Colton Ramirez
>be braziliam >start doing jiu jitsu ,coach ask me to show how i punch >show my my punch,a wimp punch >coach ask me to start doing muay thai a few times a week or else he is going to beat the crap out of me >coach start to teach us wrestling after classes (he trained in folkstyle since he lived in ohio a few years) >start to train wrestling and muay thai also >during classes our teacher show the best way to soccer kick faggots on the groung >say to buy a gun if we want real protection The problem aint jiu jitsu,its your country filled with faggots .In Brazil the gracie family helped elect Bolsonaro,a anti-gay president that suports mma and manhood .Also,BJJ in Brazil is focused on self defense so we learn judo takedowns and striking as well .Sambo is based as well ,keep doing it and wipe the floor with those faggots ,i ask you go to to bjj classes only to embarass thoose wimps so they learn takedowns .
Leo Jones
>>show my my punch,a wimp punch >>coach ask me to start doing muay thai Doing MT to learn how to punch? Seriously?
FYI; MT has shit punches because punches give almost no points in a match. What gives the most points is throwing in clinch and kicking - MT is good at both. But not at punching. Seriously.
Nolan Thomas
>Such as? Not him, but: Inviting guys who can grapple.Or maybe have seen a takedown before.
>And how come it worked in no holds barred fights prior to the UFC? Vale Tudo is not "NHB". Every VT tournament has its own ruleset. The rest is marketing.
>Or in the streets? Just look it up on YT, there's tons of videos of BJJ players winning street fights. Kicking a drunk hobo's butt after years of training a martial art shouldn't really count as proof for this.
Logan Bennett
i dont know whats the problem in Romania, but BJJ attracts only wimps that come with that mentality of superiority Boxing, Kickboxing, MMA, Sambo, Judo attracts normal peoples anyways you have a great coach
Nathan Torres
>Also,BJJ in Brazil is focused on self defense so we learn judo takedowns and striking as well Are you LARPing?
Gabriel Rivera
>i dont know whats the problem in Romania, but BJJ attracts only wimps that come with that mentality of superiority Same thing everywhere.
Mason Jackson
>majority of them were corporatists with nothing going on in their life LMAO what interesting going on in your life?
Elijah Baker
>Sambo Rubbish, got to бopцeтpeд in 2ch and ask why.
Evan Allen
>бopцeтpeд Can't find it.
Can you give a short version of why Sambo is shit?`And what art do you recommend then?
Dominic Morales
Sambo its not an Martial Art, Sambo its fighting if you want a martial art start wing chun and aikido hahaha anyways who talks shit about Sambo should come to any capital city in Eastern Europe and get smashed
Andrew Cook
How's wrestling class user?
Tyler Flores
>samboist threw someone after 6 months of training LOOOOL There is a joke in my grappling gym, "Even if you are International Class Master of Sports in sambo, don't tell anyone", because everyone knows that sambo is low rivalry sport and only unathletic guys who failed in wrestling or judo do sambo. Judokas has better throws but even they often can't throw BJJ guys. Also everyone loves to say how bjj guys love to buttscoop but sambo guys do same thing too. In this video Kazusenok tries to do submission simply falling to his ass (22:13, 24:27) youtube.com/watch?v=F4v-K5BZ2WA
t. guy from Russia
Alexander Murphy
It's low rivalry sport with shit rules. Ever wondered why International Class Masters of Sports can be only Candidate to Master of Sports in Judo for example? Because no one cares about sambo.
Adam Adams
BJJ is a hobby, wrestling was a sport that most only did in school. It's like comparing cross country people with triathletes. I used to wrestle and I think I'll probably do BJJ soon. It's the same with all "tough guy" things the obnoxious assholes are the ones that get noticed. I'm really surprised a board that talks about lifting non stop doesn't understand this, seriously have you not met a million annoying gymbrahs
I always enjoyed PRIDE better. The fights felt more legit.
It was also the way more fun mode in Undisputed 3. Shame they never brought it back in the EA games, but fuck those new ones and their Ultimate Team bullshit anyway, so whatever.
William Miller
boxing is the toughest sport.
Andrew Rivera
BJJ has done a complete 180 from when I first started in 07. It used to be a different type of retarded faggot shitting up gyms- guys with red Mohawks, bad tribal tattoos, mouthgaurds that looked like fangs and a permanent scowl. Now, it’s all bugmen in yoga pants trying to play footsie. I’m not sure which is worse anymore.
Matthew Bell
But MMA proved that Sambo works well, didn't it? At least in sports competition format.
Say, what do stereotypical Russians gopniks do for streetfighting? Just boxing/kickboxing as in the West?
Ethan Brown
talk all the shit in the world about Sambo but it change nothing and Eastern Europe its a Sambo powerhouse and i has been proven many times by persons like Khabib, Fedor etc that Sambo its great fot streetfight and MMA
Julian Anderson
i think there are some good places in US where this wimp mentality isn't present like AKA San Jose and Nick Diaz Academy where i would like to do some BJJ
Andrew Davis
Lol, what are you even trying to prove? That BJJ isn't effective? Because it clearly is, you're just trying to be edgy. You're asking for impossible proofs and standards that you don't apply to other martial arts. Just stfu.
Colton Edwards
Are you okay, dumbass?
Here, I tell you how to beat BJJ in one day of training: Leg locks.
But hurry with this, they are now including leg locks to defend against them better.
Daniel Myers
>>watching the Gracie family get their arms literally torn off by "Gracie Hunters" in Japan >>all while taking the piss by wearing Super Sentai masks to the ring you have no idea what you're talking about. there was only one gracie hunter, and he was one of the most talented grapplers and baddest dudes in the history of the sport.
Ayden Brown
>But MMA proved that Sambo works well, didn't it? Sambo is associated with to names in MMA - Fedor and Khabib. Fedor was probably first universal all-around fighter because of judo and sambo (sambo doesn't have chokes while judo has). But from that time martial arts stepped far forward. Khabib's base is clearly freestyle wrestling, and he also did judo (pic related), all his connection to combat sambo is politics and sport popularization, and also easy medals (that's why for example in grappling he competes in LMAO NAGA and not in ADCC because in that case he will be absolutely destroyed, like he was destroyed in sparring with bjj black belt Leonid Gatovskiy who competed in ADCC but was only some finalist or something like this ok.ru/video/642813921814)
brind your blue bjj belt to any Sambo gym and Eastern Europe and see how it goes big boy
Brayden Turner
12-6 elbows, vertical spike slams, & soccer kicks all being banned in the UFC come to mind when I hear that
Anything else?
Xavier Thompson
from what country are you?
John Davis
There was plenty of samboists in my Eastern Europe bjj gym who were destroyed even by white belts and even in stand up (since we have wrestling classes). Cope harder ameryfat.
Christopher Gomez
Gabriel Gray
I have been practicing bjj for 2 years already and I haven't even told my best friends about it
Jaxson Campbell
It's like being Gay Nobody need to knows about it And if you let your friends know, they will laugh you off Actually BJJ is Gay
Andrew Phillips
>Anything else? >The following acts constitute fouls in a contest or exhibition of mixed martial arts and may result in penalties, at the discretion of the referee, if committed: >- Butting with the head >- Eye gouging of any kind >- Biting or spitting at an opponent >- Fish hooking (act of inserting a finger or fingers or one or both hands into the mouth or nostrils or a person, pulling away from the centerline of the body) >- Hair pulling >- Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck >- Strikes to the spine or the back of the head. >- Throat strikes of any kind, and/or grabbing the trachea >- Fingers outstretched toward an opponent’s face/eyes >- Downward pointing elbow strike (’12 to ‘6 strike) >- Groin attacks of any kind >- Kneeing and/or kicking the head of a grounded opponent >- Stomping a grounded opponent >- Holding opponent’s gloves or shorts >- Holding or grabbing the fence or ropes with fingers or toes >- Small joint manipulation >- Throwing opponent out of ring/fighting area >- Intentionally placing a finger into any orifice or any cut or laceration of an opponent >- Clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh >- Timidity (avoiding contact with an opponent, intentionally or consistently dropping the mouthpiece or faking an injury) >- Using abusive language in the fighting area >- Flagrant disregarding of the referee’s instructions >- Unsportsmanlike conduct that causes injury to an opponent >- Attacking an opponent after the bell has sounded the end of the period of unarmed combat >- Attacking an opponent on or during the break >- Attacking an opponent who is under the care of the referee >- Interference from a mixed martial artist’s corner or seconds
>MUH SAMBO STAND UP!!111 Here is bjj purple belt with no prior wrestling training throws a fucking Master of Sports in sambo youtu.be/COBNKzyeGgQ?t=627
Wyatt Baker
Bjj is the best grappling sport there is AND necessary if you ever want to get good at mma. People trying to deny this are usually dumb wrestlers or judokas witht heir "muh this guy defeated a gracie 50 years ago".
Get. Out.
Aiden Martinez
>thais got no hands Nigga, please. Anuwat Veeraphol Wangchannoi Samart To name just a few.
Jace Phillips
can you imagine that a Sambo guy got thrown i can't imagine Conor or Nate Diaz getting punched in the face oh way...
Robert Anderson
No I just hide my power levels, they are bigger than me and sometimes we wrestle for fun and I always win and I don't want them to know why
Levi Bell
oh wait...*
Ethan Stewart
>the legends of Muay Thai have some acceptable hands, that means all Thai boxers have great hands Americans...
Nicholas Morris
>muh mma the topic is not about mma its about how retarded people who do bjj think they are the shit. You are just confirming the point
Wyatt Jones
which self defence art is more popular than boxing nowadays? exactly, bjj.
Your point?
Jaxon Rivera
>Say, what do stereotypical Russians gopniks do for streetfighting? Just boxing/kickboxing as in the West? Boxing and muay thai. Recently some man was killed right in my yard by gopnik that did muay thai
Robert Smith
Sambo is not that good, my country has one of the best if not the best schools of Sambo and yeah they are pretty useful but definetely not the best, Muay Thai/Boxing+Bjj/Wrestling/Judo is the best option if you want to be strong in every aspect. If there was only one martial art than I would reccomend BJJ because it gives you advantage over bigger guys too, MUH MULTIPLE OPPONENTS argument is retarded because literally every single martial art is useless against multiple opponents.
Ryder Cook
This is bullshit If you are small and know how to fight you can get beaten up essy by someone that it's big and knows how to fight That's why you have weight classes in every competition of fighting
Nathan Nelson
We talk about self-defense and not professional tournaments right? The chances that some retard who wants to fight practices fucking MMA and is a good fighter is really low, there are not many of them.
Cameron Anderson
Also Gracie literally beat the shit out the guys who were twice his size and also were professional fighters in the first UFC tournaments. Of course octagon and real life are very different from each other but still.
Cameron Diaz
>Throat strikes of any kind, and/or grabbing the trachea >Fingers outstretched toward an opponent’s face/eyes >Clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh Kung Fu's death knell, I'm sure
Ryder Phillips
American football is the girly man's rugby. But combat sports are manlier that either.
>literally every single martial art is useless against multiple opponents. >t. guy that's never gotten into the ring with two or more sparring partners While no particular sport gives you an advantage there, stand up game is not useless. It's also a very good pressure exercise.
Ayden Watson
I think the dweeb meant soccer
Carson Lopez
I didn’t say all. But, saying Samart has acceptable hands is like saying the ocean is damp.
Joseph Brown
I have never said that stant up is useless, I literally wrote that one stand up+one grappling martial art is the best option, I just said that if I had to choose one, I would choose BJJ
Adam Carter
You did say it was useless against multiple opponents, which is the position being argued.
Blake Young
Wow. I thought you guys were based. Are the opinions of the bjj guys common among your people?
Brayden Murphy
This, also >getting mad that people want to talk about their hobbies Yeah why don't all people hide their "power level" and never talk about anything op.
Jaxon Williams
If you are not super good you have to avoid fights against multiple opponents at all costs because the chances that they will destroy you is really high, by useless I didn't mean that trained and untrained guys would have the same chances. I have trained Judo, BJJ and Muay Thai for years but I would still never risk fighting against 3 or more guys (unless they are complete retards with no basic knowledge of fighting), I would beat up 2 guys easily if they are not professional fighters or giant freaks. I have trained with Olympic and world champions, it's not like I'm some kind of super amateur guy, I know what I'm saying.
Robert Myers
fucking hell
I looked up the rules a couple weeks ago, but didn't realise how many of the rules were created to dissuade BJJ
fuckin Gracies eh
Austin Russell
dissuade measures that would counter BJJ* fuckin late night phone posting
Aiden Barnes
so whats your point?
Justin Gutierrez
no they are not man its only small minority
Andrew Price
>Judokas has better throws but even they often can't throw BJJ guys. thats bullshit and you know it, every bjj guy i know does not know how to throw, stay on their feet or fall from a decent throw. they will tumble then lift up their knees instead of trying to land in a defensive position
Matthew Watson
Kung Fu would dab on those buttscooters if they didn't rulefuck everything
James Morales
Based. I wish you and your people all the best.
Nathaniel Campbell
I wrestled with Candidates to Master of Sports in judo, their hip tosses can be easily countered in BJJ with low stance. Also main takedowns in BJJ are single and double leg and BJJ guys usually do them well (not as good as wrestlers of course).
Nolan Roberts
Rules came after the gracies tard. UFC 1 rules were no eye pokes and that’s pretty much it. Dudes were getting their balls stomped on
Nolan Evans
As someone who’s done bjj for almost four years I can assure you 90 percent of bjj practitioners suck balls at takedowns.
Charles Reyes
Maybe at place where you practice. We start workout with takedown work and have 1-2 classes of freestyle wrestling per week with coach who is Master of Sports
Colton Perez
Yeah but the Gracies lobbied the UFC to add bullshit rules to protect BJJ
They literally banned 12-6 elbows because "karate masters can use them to break bricks, therefore they are too dangerous to be allowed", no bullshit
Imagine what some lobbying from a few high IQ Gracies would be able to accomplish