Does anyone else lift because it helps with depression?
Does anyone else lift because it helps with depression?
It doesn’t help with depression
>I look better but don’t feel better
Nope. You're the only person in the world to ever use exercise to deal with depression, OP
Never been depressed. I get feeling blue for a few weeks at a time. But it goes away, and is rarely debilitating.
Then again I've been lifting for most of my adult life. So that could be saving me
But I've never been in a committed relationship. So maybe I just am waiting for the day for that to truly become hopeless to get depression
yeah i have clinical depression, and it gets worse if i don't workout. i immediately feel better when i'm at the gym, but it doesn't make me less depressed. just keeps me from feeling bad i missed a workout.
It doesn’t help at all. It’s been almost 2 years of self improvement, gym and therapy and i’m not different than before mentally; just Physically.
Mires have never gave me joy, new pr never got me happy and all seems so vacuous and ephemeral.
I really wish to get out this hole but i can’t. I got all yet i feel nothing.
We are gonna make it bros.
Glad to see I'm not the only cunt that fell for the "lift the depression away" meme.
Been lifting for more than half a decade and it's only gotten downhill. And on top of every thing, now I'm way more self conscious about my body than I ever was even when I was a fat lard, I get OCD with my food and I judge every one by their muscle mass and insertions.
I'm fucked, fuck this shit.
Yes I did before I realized it was just a symptom of my unhealthy video game addiction and hypothyroidism.
Just a question; do you had some narcissistic parent or were you been abused/neglected?
This reminds me of the small towns I go through when turkey hunting. :)
It does help me but I wouldn’t say it’s the one solution
The mixture of lifting and medication makes it "bearable", but one or the other doesn't for me.
It only helps while lifting. When I'm out of the gym it comes back. It's been pretty bad recently. It's not like my life is bad but I feel so empty.
It helps more than anything. Weightlifting is very zen, I don't listen to music I just focus on the weights and zone everything else out. Progressing gives feelings of accomplishment and more motivation.
I've always had too many side effects/bad reactions from medications. I've been trying to get into meditating consistently to get its benefits.
More like it's an outlet for my anger and frustration with everything
Absolutely fucking not
Best parents I could've asked for
Pretty much. Worst case scenario I'll have a good looking body to leave behind
not to armchair psychologist you here but you sound really dependent on it so that days you might have to miss for say external circumstances or things out of your control you will feel 10x worse because of the situation and missing the gym
just be aware man, dont skip days but if you ever miss one because of something else going on you can always make it up the next day
Gets my mind off of the drama that goes on at my job. Also nice Volvo.
try living in sweden during long and dark winters, youll have maybe 2 hours of sunlight at most each day, most days none at all.
working out and vitamin d is a lifesaver literally
lifting seems to make my bipolar better
might just be the lamotrigine tho
it doesnt help but I still do it because there are so few things that I can do to try
I'm 6'3 and have a masculine frame and face but I've always been awkward and unfit. Lanky and hunched over.
So with lifting I start to become what I'm supposed to be. A beast that's physically intimidating. I start to stand up straight and make most people look small.
In these way appearance does matter. Of course it does. Especially when it directly projects your status to the world. Its one of the main things anyone cares about. And it also affects your own self worth psychologically
I don't know if it's just the rest of you guys come by it more from brain chemistry than anything else, but I'm doing a hell of a lot better by lifting. It's been a long road but sticking to a routine where I'm making incremental progress has been great for helping establish some control over my life, and as a result I'm feeling way better about myself. I'm using the discipline I'm honing at the gym in other aspects of my life, including in my diet.
It's not a magic pill by any means but it's part of doing the work to make myself better, and I'm enjoying starting to reap what I've sown.
I think for me going to gym just gives me something to do in my spare time and progressing my lifts gives me some happiness. The mires also in a way show appreciation to something I work on so that helps.