Anxiety and sadness are caused by overthinking...

Anxiety and sadness are caused by overthinking. Stupid people are usually the most happy and confident because they don't have a thought in their head. They don't have that internship voice telling them "maybe I shouldn't". They just do it. Therefore I believe the key to happiness is meditation. Learn to be without thought. Learn to live completely in the moment.

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Thinking brings unhappiness. Unhappy thoughts can't appear if you are busy all day.

This I'd rather be a drooling idiot than smart some days. It's not like my intelligence has gotten me anywhere in life anyway.

When I'm around my friend I feel happy.
When I'm alone all I do is talk to myself and look in the mirror ever minute.

I drink a lot of alcohol on the hard days. Don't know if this is something I can recommend though, but it does remove my thoughts for like 3 days ahead. I will never get help cause I'm to proud but I will never kms either, get help if you have the balls-

OP what you've described is called a "greedy algorithm" -- take the easiest path at any given moment, without considering any long-term paths that cause unhappiness in the short term but might end up bringing more happiness overall. And I REFUSE to run my life using a greedy algorithm. No no no... I'm 25 years old, with wrinkles in my face, an insurmountable sleep debt, and an appalling level of psychopathy that I have unwittingly grown for myself through my countless 70 hour work weeks. And I will not stop until I am rich enough to toy with normies like they are ants.

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Why are you sad?
I'm sad cause nothing is happening in my life but it will change soon, then maybe I'll be happy,

"Learn to be without thought. Learn to live completely in the moment."
uhh... fuck. I'm doing it wrong.

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You don't work 70h don't lie, if you even do you are retarded

Sexy png, I'll ,make an even better

I make more money!!

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I'm talking about overthinking and meditation user u don't think I nor you have any idea what you're talking about

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You'll get through it OP don't worry to much! Fuck a whore and realize it's overrated.

Hardcore meditation shows you how it is to be dead, I always get scared and think I might die if I keep going deeper.

I absolute do friendo. 40 hours a week at my wage cuck shitty programmer job. Then I come home each day mon - fri and spend another 2 hours working on personal projects. Then Saturday and Sunday I work 10 hours on personal projects.

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It's not even that uncommon.

Oh wow, you sure showed me there lad. I'm mad jealous.

Don't confuse "personal projects" with hobby.

Working 70h is uncommon unless you are from the third world

Or America

If you work 70h swap jobs dude, you can't sleep 8h a day. Fucking work at MC at least you can sleep

Of course not. I allocate completely separate blocks of time for "hobbies" though I rarely indulge in such a thing; If it can't help me make money, I don't both with it. If it CAN help me make money, I make it into a project, not a "hobby"

No no. My "personal projects" are simply websites. I'm a typical millennial dipshit who fell for the computer science meme. That was a big mistake, and I am ashamed of my field of work. But luckily I actually happen to be good at it, and am digging myself out. I have 3 websites in my portfolio, one of which already brings in more than $500 per month, and another which brings in more than $100. The third is only so-so, not sure if it's worth pursuing any more. And I have a 4th website in the making which will, quite simply, upend the entire news industry. In 5 years, CNN and all the others will be utterly out of business, and you will have me to thank.

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At McDonald's I don't earn enough to feed & house myself let alone to invest $3200 in excess income per month.

Plus I live alone and don't have a girlfriend so I can sleep 10 hours a day while working 70hrs without a problem.

70hrs divided by 6 days is only 11.7 hour shifts.

Who is this? Origgilio

fuck off retard we are talking

3k excess?? If dollar or euro you STOP complain.

Um how about no nigger :^)

If you save up enough, buy a apartment and rent it out. That's my plan. I'll work for like 5-10 years then buy 1-2 apartment and rent them out. Morons who live pay for everything. That's my dream.

Then I'll live like a king with 1-2k euro a month, rent some cheap shit app and just chill.

Goldie glock. She appears to be white but she's Mexican and Yaqui Indian.

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I've actually never had a GF.

I had the same idea but I switched to buying stocks because I can't be bothered with trying to manage real estate and working at an ordinary job. Property managers take a fat cut and you're left with all the risk.

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it's not that simple. if you look at anxiety like a fucking idiot "bro anxiety is worrying about things just relax bro" then you're retarded as shit.

that's not anxiety, that's just stress or normal every-day pondering thoughts. anxiety is when your body makes you enter fight or flight when there is no immediate threat. increased heart beat, shortness of breath (which causes hyperventilation, increases CO2 amount, makes your symptoms even sharper). THAT is anxiety. sometimes the severity of these symptoms makes you have a panic attack and there's literally nothing you can do other than sit down, feel like you're having a heart attack for around 15 minutes, and then go on about your day.

Noob here, If I BUY an app for 100k euro. I think I can sue everyone who fucks shit up (sweden) Am I wrong?

I'm talking about anxiety as in the state of feeling anxious, not anxiety disorder. Not everything revolves around you and your illnesses user.

fair enough. well pretty much EVERYONE feels anxious, even normies. they just found ways to deal with it. something most people here haven't done.

He's having a bad day dude, he'll be fine.
If not say something, doesn't look like he's here anymore though.

Fuck of, they don't feel EXTRA anx

I already know that but I can't stop over thinking and over analyzing as my brain is unfortunately wired this way. When I worry about something I have to think of just about every possible scenario that could unfold and I'll hyper focus on the bad ones. I wish I could be like your typical ignorant normalfag who doesn't think ahead past the present day so I could enjoy life but I just can't do it and I'm stuck with this mindset till the end. I don't think I could ever be in a relationship either because I know my neurosis will ruin it.

You actually get me, user

I feel almost zero anxiety from day to day, I only have severe hypochondria and cardiophobia (obsession with heart health). I cannot drink coffee because it gives me intense paranoia.

I offered a solution in the op. Meditation. It trains you to stop thinking and live completely in the moment.

Read up on cynicism and zen, they say "think about the worst outcome and learn how to counter it".
Example: Niggers invite you to watch movie, when you go there they say " HAHAHAHA fag was just kidding go home".
Then you plan for it and when it happens you just fucking go home and forget about them.

Fuck off meditation is only a shorth term solution, and sure it works as often as you want but does NOT remove the problem

Hit too close to home. Only difference that I dont have friends

Alcohol does the reverse of removing thoughts for me. It just amplifies the negative thoughts tenfold

It isn't a solution but it works for me when times get tough, different for every person I suppose.

Gonna leave this thread though, good luck with your anxiety. Meditation is good to counter it, drugs works but will make it worse in the long run. Cya hf.

One last pic, glhf in future. Remeber it gets better when you have your own income but NEVER spend to much time alone, its dangerous.

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>but NEVER spend to much time alone, its dangerous.
Not him but I was kicked out of my parents house a year ago and I've been living alone without much contact with anyone since then.

What dangerous things should be happening right now?

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