Be me

>be me
>get shredded
>hit 1/2/3/4 × 5
>start having regular casual sex with thots
>treat them like shit because "muh alpha male status"
>now feel empty 24/7

I.. I thought this was making it bros :(

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>be me
>gf of two years leaves without explaining why
>feel empty, but have started sleeping better
>still feel empty tho
>think about her fucking other guys and want to vomit

This is a tough feel user, place your trust in yourself. Take steps to advance in your own life, it's the only way to make it. Get her off your mind, start thinking about yourself.

I would suggest you stop treating women like shit. It's really difficult, I know. But, in the end, I believe only a virtuous life can provide happiness.

Do you have any idea of where you might be able to find a decent girl worth caring about?

literaly the same here, not realy worth it.
its better than before, but now the illusion is gone that this lifestyle is fullfilling

>hedonism is empty
Congrats on breaking the conditioning, user. If you want fulfillment, return to God, find a good woman, get married and start a family. I'm 3/4. Only holding off on the family as i have grave concerns about having kids involved in the indoctrination factories they try to pass off as schools here.

>Only holding off on the family as i have grave concerns about having kids involved in the indoctrination factories they try to pass off as schools here.
I know this feel brother. But perhaps by having kids and teaching them the right way of life we can help to fight this evil?

No, I cant find chicks worth more than just sex

Glad we're not alone bro, it's tough

I Agree with you fren, my lifestyle lacks some sort of faith, you may be right.

I appreciate the replies lads

>No, I cant find chicks worth more than just sex
Where are you looking?

I'm more looking at expatriation.

Through work or college mostly. I work in a cocktail bar and live in a city where I'm a stranger so I think I'm limited in the way of meeting people

Church, sport, some sort of group like lions or rotary (most likely grandmas here though)

I play rugby but it's a sausage fest. I plan on going to church though. I really appreciate your thoughts man. Was thinking maybe rock climbing or some shit like that too?

>Get tired of fucking thots
Who knew sex is overrated

Attached: sohWhy9.png (1731x1506, 458K)

Give BJJ/Muay Thai a try if you want, it's like one-on-one rugby and you make good friends there, sometimes there are cute women too. Don't join a meme gym if you do, BJJ schools that have Gracie in the name are almost always good. And any Muay Thai place should have sparring and padwork as staples and not advertise themselves as a fitness anything. If their fighters actually compete it's legit.

Okay bro, thank you

Now you realise the reason youre unhappy is because youre alone with the shitty person you were born as instead of just because youre alone.
Youve been enlightened like the rest of us

the same thing happened to me to - about 6 years ago now.
i was with her for like 4 years. it will get better or rather you will get better/stronger - dont worry about it.

Well of course there's no chicks at rugby. Climbing would be good.

>Going to church to hunt for women
You don't deserve the body and blood of our natty lord you imbeciles

Wish you the best. Keep your chin up.

>Do you have any idea of where you might be able to find a decent girl worth caring about?
Try the 1800s

> kids involved in the indoctrination factories they try to pass off as schools here.

> If you want fulfillment, return to God

High level satire, surely.

also isnt 1/2/3/4
one qt gf two happy dogs 3 beautyful children and 4 proud parents?

Unironically, read philosophy. You'd be surprised how compelling it is. It's helped my mental state when disillusioned/"""depressed"""

Who are you thinking about, specifically, when you say philosophy helped you?

He wants his kids indoctrinated, just not with shit he doesn't like. Somehow, that's better.

I do, I'm not depressed. Just empty

Not him but Marcus Aurelius-Meditations. He offers, maybe a bit of a simple worldview, but a clear and more or less rational one. He has a way of boiling things down to some really basic truisms about human life and how you can best live it. It helps get more productive and positive thoughts rolling in my head.


>its a "babys first existential crisis" episode
congrats, remember its called the red pill because the truth is painful
if it was easy to swallow the red pill everyone would do it
you peered into the abyss, and the abyss peered back into you

based and blackpilled, women nowadays are only worth pumping and dumping am I right? hehehehe
it's not me and the women I chase because I only go for club/tinder sluts, it's all women that are retarded and slutty.