Use dumbbells
>healthier shoulders
>better ROM
>literally just drop them to your sides if you need to bail
>no spotter needed
>look cooler
>i'm a pussy and can't jerk my ego off with barbell press because i only press 45kg
Yeah ok, bitch.
how the fuck do you make improvements on this lift, I’ve been stuck at lmao1pl8 for 3 fucking years while all my other lifts are going up
>I can rep out 225lb on supine barbell press
>I can only rep 90 pounders on incline dumbbell
How again would that be ego lifting?
Make sure you've got the basics right. What's your rep/set format? Have you researched the form? Have you watched 3 hours of youtube videos from fifty different guys breaking down the form? Or atleast just Jeff's videos?
If you've done these, drop weight and EXAMINE YOUR FORM.
I prefer them for bench press and shoulder press, no barbell to kill myself with and I couldn't give a fuck what people think of the numbers on the weights, I'm there to improve myself not impress someone
>>no spotter needed
do u need a spotter for barbells or machines??? 99% of the time i see spotting for shoulder press is with some dude sitting in a chair and his bro behind him helping the dumbbells. never a barbell or machine.
If you fail supine or incline barbell press the bar pins you or could fall on your neck, you need a spotter to train to failure, which is the only way to do it. With dumbbells you go until you can’t get them up anymore then drop em and you’re safe. You can of course have a spotter help you get a few assisted reps for that eccentric overload, but one isn’t needed for safety.
failing bench press is the stupidest shit in the world. you can feel when your arms are getting weak and if you're smart, you stop. it truly confounds me how there are people stupid enough to continue and then complain when their arms give out on them
or you could be a heterosexual male and do both dumbbell and barbell press
>quoting a roid abusing adulterer who has gone full blown soilent sucking faggot apologist bitch
>has gone full blown soilent sucking faggot apologist bitch
>the chad palms inboard dumbbell press is exactly the same as the patrician barbell press
get the fuck out, dyel ass faggot
How dare you disrespect Arnold
Any advice on a good dumbbell workout routine? All I have is dumb bell and a adjustable bench. For chest I do incline and bench, shoulder military press and shrug, back deadlift, rows, lat pullover. I need more variety.
Jeff's been putting out a series of dumbbell-only workouts over the last bit. Maybe try some of those?
He hasn't done a back one yet, but I wager that will come out soon, too.
if you want to your chest to look like an ass between your arms you need to do incline + flat + decline + pec deck
>more ROM
>Lee Priest in OP pic is touching the dumbbells to his chest and it's still 3 inches short of touching his chest if he had a barbell