Do you live with the constant regret that you wasted your youth ?
Oldfag Thread
What's even more crushing is the fact that I fucked up my future. And changing careers is going to take years.
When I was in my mid 20s I thought I might have wasted it, but at 29 I don't feel that way at all. I just feel that it never really mattered and things are the way they were always going to be. I have very few significant regrets. The present and future are more important, the past is just as over for everyone else as it is for you.
what happened fren ?, did you do something you never had a passion for ?
I have lived my life already. At 26 there isn't something you could tell me that would surprise me. There is nothing besides having a child that I actually want out of life anymore.
used to, but honestly my life went from great (with a great future) to fucked due to a long, sustained perfect storm. sometime you just get unlucky and that's that. I don't regret the past or my life getting ruined because it was due to factors outside of my control. ruminating about things you can't control is a great way to go insane, so I've come to accept it. such is life.
Wasted no. I regret that I was born though.
Worked a job for years with very limited prospects in my country since there are only a few places where I can apply. I also suffered from a psychosis and developed schizophrenia so I've been a NEET for 2 years now.
My regrets all lie in the fact that my adulthood is wasted.
Adulthood > Youth
it used to bother me alot, always thinking back on the past and "what if"
But now it don't matter, at best it's nostalgia for the good moments that are gone and never coming back
My youth was wasted by not having sex. I wasted all those years jerking off.
If you're having it now then what does it matter?
same here, I'm not so regretful about the sex I'm just regretful about never having a girlfriend and never experiencing what it's like to fall in love.
You can get a young gf now with the allure of a boomer
I'm a 28 year old boomer but I don't have the boomer swag(nice car, muscles, blue collar job).
>I'm a 28 year old boomer but I don't have the boomer swag(nice car, muscles, blue collar job).
how did u fuck this up?
>nice car
buy a 10y classic muscle car or sportscar
exercise a bit, im naturally muscular due to rampant test
>blue collar job
you don't need this.. what's important is to look like the part (i.e. no fagboy attire/attitude)
>how did u fuck this up?
never had any motivation to do anything, wasted prime years, working dead end jobs, playing vidya, and being a shut-in.
you sound really cool what are you doing here ?
>you sound really cool what are you doing here ?
I come here for harvesting memes
I used to come here for comfy posts years ago
I am a 24 year old kv.
Have I wasted my youth? What should I do to not waste my youth?
You are basically still a lad but in 18 to 22 months give or take you will be a full grandpappy.
Should have gotten laid by now desu
What do you think is wrong with me?
I do not think I am ugly.
24 is still young but WAY too old to not have even kissed a girl. That's something that should have been happening from even pre adolescence.
I don't know if/when there's a "too late" but you need to get your shit in gear. You have an outlook on life that's fundamentally flawed if you're in such a state at 24.
For sure. I basically wasted all of middle school and freshman year of hs. Then after hs I wasted 4 and a half years largely isolating myself after class from college and graduated a khhv.
how old are you ?, is your life a little different now ?
Biggest regret I have at 28 is quitting wrestling in high school because it was the only thing I was really fucking good at, but I quit for bullshit reasons and didn't listen to everyone that told me I was making a bad choice and would regret my decision later on in life. They were right and I always wonder what I could of done. Win county's? Maybe place in state finals if I put the effort in cause every other sport I was trash at but wrestling was like natural. Also hurts because I know how much it hurt my dad that I quit because he wrestling in high school and placed in county and got me into it at a young age.
Now I work a decent but low paying job for the local government and just bought a new car but all I do is go to work, come home and get high, then do nothing till tomorrow. Been doing this for years now, even though I went to rehab twice in 2012, with almost no social life. I hope to get a girl before I hit 30 but the way things are going it don't seem like it, like always. I wish to have my brain now implanted in my 9th grade body, but that'll never happen just gotta grind it out now till I'm 60.
23. I'm a neet but I've since had sex several times and with multiple people so at least I fixed that
>I don't know if/when there's a "too late" but you need to get your shit in gear.
I am not a neet. I have a degree in a STEM subject, a job, a drivers license, I live on my own. I secured a place to study a masters at a good uni.
I just have never kissed any girl. I think there was one girl interested in my at school back when I was 17 who kept following me round. I was fucking terrified so I kept hiding from her.
Asked a couple of girls out while drunk; they all said no.
Been on tinder, got a few matches but they stop messaging and I just get kinda disgusted with the app after a day or two and delete it.
By "get your shit in gear", was speaking romantically. Made no assumptions of neethood.
The availability of good women dries up VERY quickly after graduating college. By the time you hit 30, everyone's going to be married and you're stuck with a bunch of weird dudes and women who no one wanted. Even still, the women are scarce and the ones you do hook up with will likely be cheating on some dude who is hilariously better than you in every way possible.
>The availability of good women dries up VERY quickly after graduating college. By the time you hit 30, everyone's going to be married and you're stuck with a bunch of weird dudes and women who no one wanted. Even still, the women are scarce and the ones you do hook up with will likely be cheating on some dude who is hilariously better than you in every way possible.
Well that is depressing. I feel like I am going to be one of those dudes that just goes to Thailand to get laid.
How do I romantically get my shit in gear?
I would start by making female friends. Everything just seems to fall into place on its own after that. Not saying to make friends with girls you want to be with, just have female friends in general, no matter what they look like. It gets you used to hanging out and conversation and all that. Then there's just a chain reaction of things that seem to always happen. You start meeting their other female friends, getting invited out to places, maybe one likes you and nature takes its course.
There's no sections to your life.
You're one continuous uninterrupted you
>You're one continuous uninterrupted you
That's terrible advice, unless you want him to turn gay then yeah hangout with chicks user.
Wouldn't disregard my education so much (which was straight A's until I got home internet in 2005 in my 3rd year of highschool). I got into a degree course anyway in 2008 and dropped out and have worked minimum wage jobs or been unemployed since, so I'd also do that differently and stick university through.
Make an effort to connect with people instead of being a silent loner just showing up doing the minimum not interacting with anyone. This one hurts me more because sometimes I browse normie profiles on facebook (on my fake no friends account) to see what people I went to highschool with are doing and they're all connected with each other, even the teachers, they all seem very bonded. I drifted through highschool like a ghost not knowing or connecting with anybody and it worked both ways, I was ignored by teachers as the awkward loner while they made genuine attempts to get to know most other students.
Dad's in a care home with advanced dementia now and will probably die this year or next year. I feel sad that I didn't get to know him more.
Regret? None of these things. I would do them differently if I could repeat things with the knowledge I have now, but I'll never use the word regret.
Every action and decision we make is down to an almost endless combination of factors leading up to that point. Free will is a part of it, but so are things like environment, genes, mental state, emotional state, treatment of you by others, and endless other stuff.
Look on the past as 'It is what it is.' Why dwell on shit you can't change? Unless you have a time machine. Regret accomplishes nothing and is a silly thing.
Look on the present with 'Do my best'. Just strive towards something good even if it's only a tiny improvement. Do 5 sit ups today. If you're a better person today than yesterday even by a single molecule, isn't that still an improvement?
As for the future it's nice to plan and visualise positives but don't set unrealistic goals either.
Something tells me your virginity is quite robust in age as well with that kind of sentiment.
09 fag here,
I only regret not scoring teen pussy when I was of that age. My basement dwellerdom formed me in ways that I am proud of. Im proud of Jow Forums, wizardchan, encyclopedia dramatica; kiwifarms, old /b/: Im proud to be a part of that glorious history and how it shaped my perspective, able to laugh at everything and the creative anarchistic grassroots of this movement. Slava Internet!
not really, i was always a loser,im a loser now and i honestly think i had never any chance, i did what i could, i was a miserable kid so i dont miss my childhood, i do miss my college years, those were the times, i i wish i could be 20 again,to waste all that time again
something tells me you're the typical r9k faggot that flirts with mentally deranged traps on discord servers, and now you want guys to pretend they're gay just so they can hang out with fag hags ?, that's pathetic.
Yes. The crushing thing is seeing people you used to know moving on with their lives, while you seemingly seem stuck in place. When people you least expect are now getting married, having kids, or having high value careers, you can't help but compare yourself. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in a dead-end career and have never been in a relationship or approached a girl. I wonder where I failed along the way, but I know it was simply because I was too afraid to take a risk. Avoidance and fear held me back in my youth and still do. The options become more limited with the advancement of time.
Now I don't even know how to go about changing my ways. I don't have the naive hope that things will improve in time like I did in college and the like. Time passes and the shame grows. As you get older, the awkwardness becomes inexcusable.