Which culture loves lifting weights?
Which culture loves lifting weights?
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I’m no anthropologist, but I’d say gay culture. they’re always singing about YMCA
Most gay dudes I've come across are skinny people
Niggers... because Jail
Before hiv they are typically fat
The blacks
America, Eastern Europe
Plenty of fat people as well, but Rio de Janeiro has a pretty big gym culture. It's easy to get mogged at the beach.
So this..is the power of Chad....
>Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said a strong believer was better than a weak believer
>He was talking in terms of faith and character but also indicating that physical strength i.e. optimum health and fitness were desirable, providing God gave us the ways and means of attaining such strength. Islam’s holistic approach to life and thus health offers us the ability to remain strong and healthy. If God decrees that illness or injury are to be part of our lives then Islam provides us with the ways and means of accepting and even being grateful for the tests and trials that envelope us.
>Believers in Islam must take care of their spiritual, emotional and physical health. Our bodies, the most complex of machines, are given to us by God as a trust. They should not be abused or neglected but maintained in good order. As previously discussed, diet and nutrition play a big part in maintaining the best possible health, so does a lifestyle incorporating exercise. Islam lays emphasis on a simple diet combined with physical exercise.
Polish people
They look kinda fat but holy shit do they have retard strength
Caucasians, eastern europeans, mongols and turkic people
chad af wish i had that jaw
This is hilarious because a tonne of their curtain wearing women are fat as fuck around here.
Israel. The only bastion of democracy and strong men in the middle east. If you visited you would know what I'm talking about. They also don't mess around with krav maga..
Eastern Europeans.
this, I'm part polish and I look pretty good just from lifting on and off
the white anonymous-board visiting lonely incels