What are the most effective no-equipment ass workouts you anons have tried?
I’ve been doing squats for almost a year, but now my thighs are huge and my ass is a pancake.
What are the most effective no-equipment ass workouts you anons have tried?
I’ve been doing squats for almost a year, but now my thighs are huge and my ass is a pancake.
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Lunges, squats, running
I want to say pause squats might help? i only ever do lower body enough so I don’t look uneven
>effective no-equipment ass workouts
There aren't any, that's why I had to start deadlifting again when I was trying to just do calisthenics.
hip thrusts, you gotta squeeze your ass, not just trying to hoist most heavies weight you can
i’m gonna start doing them again, but i’m two weeks out until i can get back to my gym. i need something to keep my ass occupied with until then
Brah, it's mostly genetics though. My glutes are solid even before I started lifting. I hated it because I'm not a fag, but now I appreciate it
I know guys at my gym who squat almost double what I squat and their ass is still at Hank Hill-level
>no equipment
>huge thighs
Ok retard lanklet
I that case try elevated one leg glute bridges, it's one of the more effective bodyweight glute exercises.
>tfw spent 5 minutes wondering why the calf muscle was called the gluteus maximus
Yea that illustration is awful
like front lunges? or step behind lunges? cuz I feel my quads burn significantly more before my ass starts feeling it
split squats always destroy my glutes, even bodyweight
run up actual stairs.
I thought it was a bloated penis in the thumbnail
weighted bulgarian split squats. i cant sit down the day after
Bulgarian split squats do it for me. Do 3x8-12
Single leg hip thrusts
lungers and up-hill sprints
one leg on second or third stair then lift yourself up and down.
>he fell for the "squats = big glutes" meme
Squats target glutes just about 20-30%, quads are the main squats target muscle.
For bigger glutes you have to do hip-thrust (as main exercise), lunges, 3d lunges, step ups and claws (for medium glutes).
As a beginner, do bridges; as you advance, do them inclined; after a while pass to one legged bridges, and in the end do one legged bridges on an inclined plan.
For step up and lunges, after a while use bottles of water to overload a little.
You can obtain a decent ass, but don't expect bodybuilders tier ass
I also add superman (very important as they target your lower back with your glutes) and bulgarian split squat.
running uphill
it's a little hard to force glute activation without equipment. i would say just do volume, so your glutes have no choice. how fast can you do 100 bodyweight squats? do it with full torso range of motion, knees to chest. you should feel it in your ass then.
Weighted lunges
Bulgarian split squat
Jump squats
Hip thrust
Bent knee glute kick back
Hip thrusts fren. Fags will say they're for fags and chicks, but they help your squat, and they help your didly, they round out your physique, and help with posture.
Hip thrusts fren, they hit your ass so good. Even better than anal.
one legged deadlifts, hip thrusts, deadlifts where you push your hips back really far
Bad photoshop ass on the girl on the left
Check your posture.
Might have posterior pelvic tilt from gaming
this plus lunges