What are Jow Forumss thoughts on Max Stirner? is he retarded or absolutely based?

what are Jow Forumss thoughts on Max Stirner? is he retarded or absolutely based?

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He's the perfect mixture of both.

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Egoists annoy the fuck out of me because they usually mix psychological egoism in with their ethical egoism which is basically them conflating any amount of self interested motive with being selfish. Stirner is no exception to this trend.

nice reply, user. i usually like to believe in psychological egoism more than any other kind because i dont think that altruism is even remotely existent in humanity.

Let's ignore the concept of altruism and consider whether it makes sense to colloquially call every decision selfish.
Let's say it's winter and you see a gaunt homeless man in filthy tattered clothes shivering in the cold, wrapped and laying alone in newspapers. You imagine yourself in his situation and you feel strong pangs of empathy, and if you don't do anything to help him you know you'll feel guilty about it later. So you help him start a bonfire and later come back around and offer him a spare blanket.
Now, a psychological egoist would focus in on the fact that you acted because you anticipated guilt if you didn't help the homeless. Isn't that just considering what's good for you at the end of the day? Aren't you just thinking about yourself?
But we don't colloquially call that being selfish because that feeling of guilt would have been inspired by knowing you could have done something to elevate someone else's suffering. I.e. you are taking others into consideration of your action.
Everyone has preferences and they act to gain outcomes they maximally prefer. That fact is what psych egoists point to us making us all selfish. But colloquially what we mean by being selfish is your system of preferences for actions is static with respect to the suffering of others. I.e. if f(X I Y) gives a numeric value for how much you prefer doing action X given your knowledge Y of the consequences, someone is selfish if f(X I Y1) = f(X I Y2) where Y2 means knowing people will suffer a lot more than if your knowledge were just Y1.
Basically this confusion of how people are actually using words is what annoys me about psych egoists. Their philosophy is based on semantic confusion.

It's a retarded meme lad, if you go around doing whatever you want you get your ass kicked

alleviate someone else's suffering*

Opinions are spooks.

niggers are spooks

Liberating. Every NEETfaggot here has to read this man.

moral fags fear him

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Spooks are spooks.
This is fact.

i don't know enough about this to give an in depth response but honestly most psychological egoists don't call what you described as selfish. they simply claim that you are helping and prioritizing your own needs by helping the homeless person. that is not being selfish. it is situating your desires and needs even if you are helping someone else in the process.

Egoists are just libertarian brainlets who haven't read Evola.

Retard who encourages the worldwide adoption of acting like a nigger, probably why /leftypol/ sucks this kike off.

really deep and interesting until you graduate highschool and stop being a teenager



He had the most Chad philosophy. Nietzche/Stirner are peak Chad

>Implying stirner wouldn't be a neet if he were alive today

t. NPCs

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Fuck you this is original

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>unironic NPC posting in 2019
that's gonna be a yikes and an oof from me

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Just because it's an old meme doesn't mean doesn't accurately describe you

just call people niggers it's funnier

>memefrog posting retard calling people NPCs
You have a double digit IQ.

redpill me on this lad cause I ain't read shit

>implying libertarians aren't already brainlets

How the hell was Stirner a libertarian?

he wasn't. the retard i'm replying to thinks that Stirnerists are libertarians.

I don't get the connection between leftypol and this guy.