EYE Health

I am an eyelet( -8 D in both eyes) and hate the weird distortion the glasses give my eyes. Can anyone redpill me on my best options? Is natural vision improvement possible and if not is laser surgery a good option for someone with a priscription as high as mine.

Attached: Just_be_yourself.jpg (500x500, 65K)

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contact lenses

can’t even see your own keyboard

-8.50 in both eyes here. Just get contacts, they work fine for me. Dunno about laser surgery, never looked into it.

audible kek. Yes i have terrible spelling XD

I know nobody will believe me, since going against groupthink is forbidden even on this board, but plus lens therapy can prevent, and to a certain extent reverse myopia.
Plus, lens-induced myopia is a thing. I'm not asking you to believe me on this, there are countless papers reporting studies observing this.
Never, EVER wear minus lenses for close up work. That shit will actually make your myopia worse.

jeez man -8? i have -6.5 iand i thought i was blind. i have contacts and they work absoulte wonders. will never touch glasses again as long as i live

>eye health hotline.
>how may I help?

Attached: manlett.jpg (1188x786, 96K)

- 9.50 here. Wearing monthly disposable contacts, no issues.

Contacts suck. The constant dry eyes and shifting focus make me sick.