I am an eyelet( -8 D in both eyes) and hate the weird distortion the glasses give my eyes. Can anyone redpill me on my best options? Is natural vision improvement possible and if not is laser surgery a good option for someone with a priscription as high as mine.
EYE Health
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contact lenses
can’t even see your own keyboard
-8.50 in both eyes here. Just get contacts, they work fine for me. Dunno about laser surgery, never looked into it.
audible kek. Yes i have terrible spelling XD
I know nobody will believe me, since going against groupthink is forbidden even on this board, but plus lens therapy can prevent, and to a certain extent reverse myopia.
Plus, lens-induced myopia is a thing. I'm not asking you to believe me on this, there are countless papers reporting studies observing this.
Never, EVER wear minus lenses for close up work. That shit will actually make your myopia worse.
jeez man -8? i have -6.5 iand i thought i was blind. i have contacts and they work absoulte wonders. will never touch glasses again as long as i live
>eye health hotline.
>how may I help?
- 9.50 here. Wearing monthly disposable contacts, no issues.
Contacts suck. The constant dry eyes and shifting focus make me sick.
I think wearing my glasses all the time worsened my eyesight. Now i only wear glasses when needed. My eyesight is -1.75
Forgot to mention my eyesight was around -1.00 when i first started wearing them but i never felt need for them so i was forced to get them by my parents.
I agree my best friend and I both got glasses age 7 and I wore mine he never wore his and his eyes are 20/20 while mine re minus 7.5.
Definitely think a dependancy develops.
Just got fucked by my optician last week. Didn't think my lenses like I wanted and I look like a fucking sex offender now.
Correlation =/= causation
I only started wearing glasses at 18, but I had been losing eyesight since childhood. The loss halted at 23 give or take.
I got Lasik done and never regretted it. Got really emotional and hugged my doctor, too. I didn't do it to chadify myself or anything, just got sick of wearing glasses since I was a kid.
Lasik might not be an option at -8. And there's always the risk of the dry eye syndrome.
what if you get Lasik and your eyesight worsen??
can it happen ?
It's not about how bad your eyesight is, it's based on how thick your cornea is. Only way to find out is by getting it tested, which is free over there
Never heard of such a thing. I can snipe a pigeon off the Chrysler with my eyes now
>tfw -6.25 OS -2.75 OD
Anyone else got a weird prescription like this? Causes distortions in pictures and in the mirror.
You get used to them pussy
It's either contacts or lasik
What kind of stupid fucking idiot thread is this? Do you want some shaman ritual to cure the bad blood in your eyes? Moron
There's absolutely no corelation. Your eyes would continue getting worse either way.
Stop wearing glasses altogether and get naturally selected, eyelet
>not using leeches to suck the bad eye juice from your eyes.
>tfw congenital nystagmus
>tfw you will never see anything better than 6/12 or 10/20 for you fellas across the pond
Thanks mum and dad for willingly having kids knowing you carry a defective gene
There have been quite a handful of studies using negative lenses on monkeys and chickens where forcing them to wear them did cause myopia.
Here is an example of a related study, that investigates the effect of environmental lighting with respect to it: iovs.arvojournals.org
It's not even something "obscure" or some kind of conspiracy. Many papers reporting similar studies can be easily found on mainstream websites such as Google Scholar. It's out in the open.
There certainly is a genetic component when it comes to nearsightedness: some people are just more predisposed, and their eyesight will further deteriorate with bad habits and a bad ecosystem, while others are more resilient. But just like with baldness, the environmental component is often criminally overlooked. Myopia rates in particular have skyrocketed when compared to 70-80 years ago: such a massive change in less than a century can only be explained by environmental characteristics: actual genetic mutations would take way more than that.
>What kind of stupid fucking idiot thread is this? Do you want some shaman ritual to cure the bad blood in your eyes? Moron
wrong. Supreme omniscient dudebros like you ought to know that there are treatments that don't risk burning your eyes with a laser as already mentioned by youtube.com
my video talks about human studies at the 10-15 minute mark
I have dry eyes and my cornea is thin, I checked a while back with a doctor. I don't think I'm doing surgery for this, dry eyes all my life fuck no.
Sungazing and eating orange/red/yellow fruits/veggies completely reverses eye problems.
astigmatism fags, report yourselves.
I heard studies that being outside more helps with the whole near-sighted thing but can't tell if its getting better cause of it or just natural. Eyes have stabalized at -3.75OS and 4.00OD for like 5 years now.
back it up with sources
there are contact lenses that you can wear while you sleep. They temporarily change the shape of your eyes so that you can see without contacts for 12-16 hours. If you have dry eyes they're perfect because you can wear them only while you sleep and enjoy the benefits during the day.
Not sure if they work for -5< tho
>Do you want some shaman ritual to cure the bad blood in your eyes?
That would be nice, yes. But I’m only +0.75, so idc?
-8.5 here. Wanted to do lasik, got checked and my cornea is too thin for the surgery to be safe. Can’t get used to the contacts either and i look retarded wearing them
research it yourself, faggot.
that bait
Nearsightedness is usually caused by the eyes growing too large.
So my right eye is a bit wierd, when i cover my eyes one at a time i can tell a small difference in how my eyes see colors. To describe it looking through my left eye every color is vibrant and lush. Then looking through my right eye the colors look grey and dull but not like im colorblind its more like looking through a very lightly tinted purple glass. When its bad light in a room or at dawn my eyesight gets pretty bad on my right eye.
I never been to the optican because my left is completly fine and is the "dominant" eye so I dont ever think about it until im just looking through my right eye.
Will i go blind in one eye?
If that's your actual face you look hot as fuck op
Plus also smart I'd fuck in the ass 10/10
watch this and stop bitching
I'm at -5 and -4. I was wearing lenses before but sleeping with them is a big no no because they stick to my eyes due to dryness, I almost got one stuck to my eyes one time.
These lenses are different than the ones you wear during the day, they're made specifically for ppl with dry eyes / children
-9.5 here
contacts is the best choice
you need to power it through for first few months
What are they called?
>Bawwww guys I'm a babby who can't do hard things that would solve my problem bawwwww I'm only a little babby and need sweet sweet easy answers
Suck it up buttercup
you need to use eye drops before going to bed and in the morning with the ones you can sleep with
I have natural dark circles on my eyes so tfw wear glasses to minimize them
years of chronic gaming gave me astigmatism lmao, have to wear glasses whenever my ass is planted in front of a computer, so most of the time I just treat them as reading glasses to cut down on the strain
was lifelong glasses wearer but switched to contacts this year.. truly very good decision. The feeling of freedom without frames stuck to your face is immense. Also sure it helped skin imperfections because oily skin and glasses get oily and nasty.
Yeah the first month was hard.. my eyes kept tearing up but now its normal
as a sidenote i think it has improved my sleeping because the routine of taking them out in the evening- and i really dont want to put the glasses on so it means go straight to bed
Eye exercises. They work, I've been doing them and my eyesight has improved (was near-sighted). Reduce screen time, eat carrots, drink water. Tons of testimonials online, of people regaining their youth's 20/20.