>tfw DOMs
Tfw DOMs
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>tfw DOMs
I like upper back doms, makes lying in bed comfier.
>Getting doms
I did a push day on Monday and pull day yesterday.
Think I’ll rest and eat pizza today lads
Nooo you'll get fat
Wtf doms are the best it means you did something god don’t be such a cakeboi
Aye this isn't it lads
lol ngmi
>Quad doms
Me right now
>Leg day was brutal
if you get DOMS it just means your training frequency is too low for that lift
>pelvic floor muscle DOMS
Cope it means I'm building muscles
>tfw I almost never get DOMs anymore
never get doms anymore, only when i've been sick for several days, but that doesn't happen often
i kinda miss them, except those excrutiatingly painful ones in pecs i remember having when i was a noob
> mfw doms
>getting DOMs
unless its your first day at the gym you're not gonna make it
nogains cope, sad!
>thinking DOMS is plural
Fucking kill yourselves
suck my cock you filthy fucking nigger
>has shit grammar
>I'M the nigger
>not getting your bro to punch your muscles after a workout so you can enjoy the pain after the doms stopped.
never gonna make it
Correct and autismpilled
For me, DOMS means I worked hard and broke those pesky muscles pretty good. Makes me feel good and acomplished
>DOMS in quads
>me taking a dump
>tfw DOMs
fuck off disinfo retard no one really knows why doms happen, there is no conclusive evidence of anything
Calf DOMs are the worst
>stretching when you wake up with lats DOMs
how do i recover from doms, like i really want to go back FUCK
Nothing makes make hornier than doms. It's like bondage without any actual restraints.
just workout with doms
Tricep doms that haven't gone away after 3 days. It's time for another arm day already.
>tfw no doms
you don't get doms if you train frequently
Eat more. Sleep more. Weighted stretching.
>tfw high rep front squats yesterday and I can barely move
>TFW comfy lower body doms from squats
I found swimming helped but it will also reduce gains. just keep pushing through and after a while you stop getting doms
How do i achieve
God this DOMS feels amazing
Kegels but usually only feel DOMS the first one or two times
if youre getting doms at all youre doing something wrong