Femanons what is the most evil thing you have ever done to a boy

femanons what is the most evil thing you have ever done to a boy

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cheated on him with 3 other guys. one was a one night stand.

may your vagina rot and fall off you filthy whore

emotionally manipulated and cheated on three while also flirting with other guys all throughout the relationships and broke their hearts at the end to the point where they all threatened to kill themselves
all three also begged to stay friends after the fact

was a while ago and im in a normal loving relationship now

let me guess, you did it because you found the drama entertaining?

I can't really think of anything. I'm disappointing to my father but mostly accidentally.

you're so strong and independent, how does it feel being a stupid little thot ?

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Why are you even on this board if youve had multiple relationships and lots of sex


>ask for story
>i tell story
>shit on me
it's fun

>>shit on me
well, a ho be a ho

I cant believe how much of a beta a guy one must be to not fucking anal rape you or atleast kill you after they get to know you cheated on him.
You deserve death you filthy whore

These are broken creatures right here. When a woman decides to become a depraved slut it's because she has been damaged, and her damaged spirit is so desperate to cope that she damages herself further as if it would make it all go away, thus is her broken reasoning.

>shit on me

Bet you're into that shit too, fucking roastie.

i mean we're gonna call you a whore anyway so you might as well just post your whore stories femanons

>why don't i have a gf

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the fact all of you guys believe those are actual females

you must be really smooth with the ladies.

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hahaha imagine thinking femanons dont like being called whores lmao

BASED dissapointment femanon

i did a horrible thing to a guy, probably the worst thing i've ever done. in my defensive, he was an intolerable retard. not that it makes it any better, but still. he didn't deserve it either way, but i enjoy seeing people in pain, women and men. sorry for being a bad person.

>Tfw found out my then gf was flirting with another guy while we were both naked and drunk
>Still didn't hit her or anything, just broke up and seemingly scared the fuck outta her with my angry face
Feels good to know I'm genuinely a good person that can handle things without violence even when drunk

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Not a female, but my freshman year in high school I collaborated with some roasties to kick this autist out of our theatre class. They asked me if I could back them up (I was the silent type that teachers trusted) when they would tell the teacher that this autist grabbed one of their butts.

Of course he didn't even touch them, but I wanted him out of our class because he was annoying as fuck. So I ended up confirming their story to the teacher and the teacher sent the guy away. I don't recall seeing him again after that.

no i just had issues and i still feel bad about it

life isn't all about sex user

no i don't, people change

>people change
things that whores say for 100 alex

sounds like you're just gay lol

I catfished and blackmailed him into knocking me up. Was trying to get revenge on his wife, he was just a means to that end.

You gotta expect trolls man but I can tell you an ex of mine used to intentionally fuck with my ocd. She thought it was stupid so like if I did something like needing to count something over and over she would hide that thing

She's lucky I only harassed her for three years. To this day i still want a bullet in her head.

Absolute cunt, sorry about that, user.

In elementary school a boy said that he would never hit a girl and I said what if one hit you first and he said no so I hit him

Dubs of Lies and Deception

you better have sucked his dick to make up for it

I raped a trap. Full on physically, we got into a legit fight but I beat him and wanted to punish him for causing shit and I hated his guts.

>Girl befriends then later abandons me
>Caused me to have massive trust issues and develop paranoia, now I expect everyone to abandon me
>Doesn't even feel anything resembling guilt or regret

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This made me sad user :( god bless

Im too ugly for anyone to want me to suck their dick

If I were one of those guys I would have thrown acid on your face sand nigger style. It would be worth the prison time which wouldn't even be that long.

There are a few things sand niggers do right and one of them their treatment of adulterous whores.

at least you know youre only good for licking assholes

i'm sure there is someone out there who'd like it

blowjobs are like a cup of water, you don't refuse

id refuse a cup of water if you touched because youre a filthy dirty stinking pile of maggot spunk

I put cat chow in my brother's cereal when I was 6.

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you aren't a whore, you're just a cunt

What are you gonna do? Cry about it?

b-boys dont cry s-shut up

I've ghosted a couple of guys from Jow Forums, I'm very ashamed of it.

ive ghosted every femanon ive talked to

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This dude liked me ever since HS. Once he heard me say that to make a girl fall in love you need to give her lots of chocolates (I was joking).
He started giving me a small chocolate a day and I took it... but then I started to feel guilty and after a week I decided to refuse and he said
"B-But user, I already bought for a whole month"
My heart broke but I never took any gifts from him anymore.

you broke his heart and took a diarrhea chocolate shit all over it. what do you think he did with all that chocolate? he either ate it while crying or he threw it all out. you did that to him. you.

>tfw no fembot to rape me
It's not fair bros.

>larping faggots thread
anyone that thinks a female is really posting in here is fucking retarded.

This will either make you feel better or worse but he is black and now hes married and I am old, virgin and alone haha life is funny

ok yep that just dropped my caring level to 0 lmao hahahaha what a stupid porch monkey

I cheated on my boyfriend on his birthday because I was passed off we had gotten into an argument earlier that day and he called me a whore. I have his best friend a bj in the washroom when everyone was trashed.

Pissed off* autocorrect

Kimi? Is that you? Why do it?

A guy led me on for a while, then cut it off me got with some other girl, so I got with my neighbour, and invited the previous guy to a house party purely to make out with my neighbour in front of him

>get called a whore
>give his best friend a blowjob
You sure showed him!

Did you ever tell him?

You can't have it both ways, chief. Either Jow Forums is overrun with roasties desperate for attention, or there are no women on the internet

Oh boo boo some faggot thought he could buy a girls affection, wasted his money and was let down. Maybe he learned something

No I never told him. We're broken up now.

I tricked a boy into having sex with his biological sister.

men and women both fuck each other over equally

Exactly 3, no more no less? Sure it wasn't 3 years and a day?

Do you have Discord? Have you done this before to guys? Do you think you would do it again?

Does inducing suicide really count as evil if they're an orbiter?

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How? I demand the story in full.

Sounds like mercy

I've cheated a couple times
I always feel ashamed and bad after. I'll try not to cheat in the future. It mostly happens when I've been drinking.

No I don't have discord.

I view it the same way.

Are you white? Do you have any kind of app we can talk on more about this?

I raped one

I LARPed as a girl on Jow Forums and told bullshit cheating stories just like everyone ITT. No actual girls post here you fucking idiots.

please rape me ill fake cry while you do it

His mother gave him up and birth and he was adopted into a family on my street. My mom knew his biological mom from her old job and made me promise to never tell him he was adopted because his family didn't want him to know until he was older. I sorta figured the rest out on my own based on mom's friend's last name and the age of the girl at school. I convinced them to hook up at a party and later their mom caught them together in a parked car but they never admitted to having sex even though she told me they did a lot.

Please stop being so thirsty user. We all think you're pathetic

I'm on my 12th day of nofap, user. Cut me some slack. But you're right, thank you for joltiing me out of it.

Plenty of girls have posted on this board for attention. Is this your first day?
That's pretty good desu. You ever masturbated thinking about it? I'm going to

12th day huh? I remember my 12th. After 7 days of agnoizing headaches suddenly I could read minds and see 30 seconds into the future. If only I'd known then how things would turn out...

>Plenty of girls have posted on this board for attention. Is this your first day?
Trannies don't count.

Do these mean anything to you or is it literally your first day?

he said most evil, not the best pity favour you ever gave one

That is next level, Morgoth - to - Turin - Turambar scale evil. I salute you and present this silmaril to you

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greentext femanon plzs

i made a fake profile, talked to a guy until he fell in love and then pretended she killed herself. to my defense, he was very annoying and i have no emotions.

How did the best friend respond to getting a bj from his friend's girlfriend? Did your relationship with the friend change after that? Did he try to get more bjs from you or try to have sex with you later? Did he ever express guilt about what happened?

Not being able to love him back

you can love me
please love me

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fuck you im gonna love you and you cant do anything about it

That's the spirit, lil fella

id like everyone to know that while i love this girl, her pusy stank

Sucked off his dad while my boyfriend was asleep then made out with him with a mouth full of his dad's cum

Calling bullshit on that one, champ!

To be honest, this: He took a joke autistically literally, he was in the wrong.

Pushed him off a river bank into water I thought was deep but wasn't actually really deep and he broke his collar bone and stuff.

Did he drowned?

No he didn't drowned. He was just really hurt and his dad shouted at me.

Should've pushed his dad too