Just fuck my shit all the way up senpai. I just smoked for like 10 hours straight on this juul zoomer shit because its fucking addicting to just keep going and now my head is fucking exploding and my eyes are red as shit dried out. i went through 4 pods in one night.
The fucking jews got me. Will throw this shit into the trash
You're going to end up like that guy who went through two pods a day and had a massive stroke.
Brody Taylor
don't blame the jews for your lack of self control
Jason Evans
You can have a stroke from this shit? what the fuck son
Jeremiah Lee
> 4 pods in one night the madman
Parker Campbell
lads i just read the story and have massive headaches. am i about to get a stroke? what the fuck should i do? drink water?
Aiden Rivera
Drink lots of water. Go to the ER
Ethan Young
Vaping helped me cut down on cigarettes over the course of about a year and then stop cigarettes entirely about 3 weeks ago. I was mixing the juice at 14-16mg and reckon i was still getting less nicotine than from 15 12mg cigarettes daily.
In an hour and a half it will have been 3 days since i last vaped. Its a great aid for quitting cigarettes when used for that reason.
t. Smoker for 12 years.
Nathan Phillips
My friend quit smoking by only buying the absolute shittest rollup filler he could find
Then he added an additional filter.
It got to the point smoking was such a fucking effort for so little payoff that he just didn't bother with it.
Hasn't smoked for like 2 years now (aside from a cigar the day before his wedding). He'd been smoking for a decade prior.
Colton Parker
op here. drank a litre of water, showered and now am laying in bed with my head heavy as fuck but no more real headaches. if i didnt get a stroke one hour later now, am i fine? im fucking paranoid now
Kayden Smith
>My friend quit smoking by only buying the absolute shittest rollup filler he could find
That wouldnt work for me as i used to smoke some nasty black/brown tobacco called white ox. Bring a pouch of it out and most long term smokers will refuse to smoke it.
In the end the vape helped me with the fear of withdrawals and made me realise that the addiction was mostly psychological, and going completely off ciggs for 3 weeks helped that.
At the end of the day, if vapes are used as an aide to quitting smoking, they have been shown to be more effective than any other method of quitting smoking. They certainly were for me, and i had tried everything from reading alan carrs book to nicotine substitutes like gum/sprays to taking prescribed medication called chantix/champix (which incidentally made me go crazy and was a failed anti depressant).
You do look like a turbo faggot when huffing on them and i can see why they're called a douche whistle.
Parker Williams
You'll be fine.
Or you'll stroke out in your sleep and will wake up dead tomorrow.
turn off your phone and lay in bed in the dark, and sleep you'll be good tomorrow op
Dylan Bennett
thanks fren
Nolan Williams
What do the true symptoms of a stroke look like? Obviously google is going to tell me that because I'm alive, I didn't have a stroke, but my face looks like I had a stroke, I think I have nerve damage above my waist that is causing poor posture and I've also had brain fog for months. I juuled like a mf for months and barely ever drank water, I'm just wondering if I could have had a minor stroke along the ways that just fucked my shit up without really noticing, because I've had shit where I like blacked out for about 10 seconds at a time and couldn't see/hear/smell anything and could only feel. Shits kind of fucked, and I'm not sure how to approach it. Any advice would be nice, this stroke talk is freaking me out.
What the fuck dude, does your liquid contain nicotine? You could possibly have ingested eccessive amount of it for months fucking up your vegetative nervous system.
I don't think you had a stroke but I suggest seeing a doctor.
Carter Long
op here. i been off and on smoking for years without issues. i chain smoked a single night with this juul shit and was about to fucking pass out earlier. brutal. im never touching this shit ever again
stop smoking anything you retard. you dumb fucking nigger. just stop it. I smoked 2.5 packs a day and stopped cold turkey because I want to fucking live.
Robert Jenkins
I know, I've been seeing PT's and chiropractors for the nerve damage, and I've been mulling over the possibility of a stroke for a while now, but ig there'll never be an answer unless I bring it up. I'm just surprised a trained physician wouldn't have noticed it by now. This seems really likely, since pretty much every pod leaks and I normally try not to ingest it but its not always easy. Fuck, I just don't want it to be permanent
Luke Morales
how many pods did you vape at most a day user?
Chase Perry
Let him, smoking is just natural selection. I honestly dont think it a coincidence that smoking became massively popular the moment we discovered pennycylin. If nature cant regulate the population, then we will do it ourselves... willingly
Justin Butler
Never been worse than 1 a day, since I've always had a semblance of a life to maintain. But I did that consistently for probably around 8 months, so over 100 pods for sure.
Aaron Torres
>100 pods F.
Juan Baker
No need, i was only joking you. Take a benzo for recreational purposes if you want but you're not likely to get a stroke just from vaping.
Although do be careful with frequent benzo use.
Matthew Rivera
I might also mention that my vape was a mix your own and insert your own juice type, not one of these pod types.
Eli Evans
ik its too late, I just want to feel normal again.
Nicotine has been proven to assist in focus, energy, and allows the dopamine receptors to be more sensitive.
It's the intake that'll kill ya though. Tobacco? Atrocious. That shit'll end you. Vaping? Possibly okay, we'll give it a few years and see. So far it looks promising.
Nathan Collins
you're an idiot
Nathaniel Torres
>chain smokes like a freak >gets nicotine headache and nausea and shiet Never happened to a smoker for 2500 years before, vaping is to blame
Josiah Ross
Easton Moore
>Juul Ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha >10h Ahahhahajahhahahajahahahhahaha >Doesn't know what nicotine poisoning is >Doesn't know propylenglycol dehydrates you increasing the effects of nicotine overdose Hahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha you had it coming you retarded subhuman. Never in my 2 years of vaping on and off I have had any problem with nicotine because I'm not a fucking retarded inbred animal. The jews didn't got you, you are just too retarded, also I'm a very compulsive person, smoking or vaping, you must be beyond retarded idk. Buy a fucking mod and a decent mtl tank and buy at 6mg/ml nicotine strength fag.
Asher Gutierrez
>I juuled like a mf for months and barely ever drank water The absolute fucking retard, smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day without drinking water and come back to tell us how you feel. Fucking idiot. You are lucky it's just nicotine and extreme dehydration, you are fine faggot, probably no permanent damage, just fucking drink water it's that easy, god you are stupid.
Levi Davis
>This seems really likely, since pretty much every pod leaks and I normally try not to ingest it but its not always easy. Fuck, I just don't want it to be permanent You didn't even fucking do your research honestly hang yourself, even if you drank it what's the fucking deal, it's vegetal glicerine and propylenglycol, foods have VG and PG is used as a dehydratant in hospitals, there is also food flavoring and nicotine, that's about it, the most dangerous thing about your retarded case is the extreme dehydration you have submited yourself to, it's not good to ingest eliquid, it will maybe upset your stomach and you will fart like a mofo but that's about it, but man you clearly are retarded as fuck, you know nothing about vaping or anything, why would you do something while literallt having no knowledge on what you are doing, like when I wanted to move from smoking to vaping I did my research before I started vaping but you seem like a such a dumb fucking shit, holy fuck. About permanent damage maybe the extreme levels of nicotine (poisoning) + the dehydration did something but idk, I've never gone to such extent.
Gabriel Long
Debunked, eliquid producer don't use dyacetil anymore, no popcorn lung from vaping, faggots.
Anthony Green
hopefully you die and your corpse smells like rotting cotton candy
Blake Myers
Ok I just checked how much nicotine a juul cartridge had >60MG OF FUCKING NICOTINE PER 1 ML HOLY FUCKING SHIT Bro that's literally enough to poison yourself from just 1ml, they are 0,7ml but still no shit you and the other dude in the forbes article had problems and even a stroke, holy fuck, your pod has more nicotine than the whole 10ml mini bottles I go through in 3 to 4 days you retarded fucks, no wonder you are fucked up, just wow man, I can't believe people this retarded exist.
Adrian Hernandez
Experienced the same, vaped 10 hours straight. Went to the bathroom and my eyes were red af, felt I was stupid high, but without the fun part. Went back to cigarettes after that.
David Perez
Smoke for 10 hours straight see what happens fag, you will want to puke
Gavin White
Nigga how the fuck do you wake up dead? Either you're dead and don't wake up, or you're alive and are capable of waking up
Bentley Ross
imagine being literally scared that vaping all day is going to hurt you
probably a wristlet
Andrew Myers
Jose Morgan
Even when they did there wasn’t enough in vape juice to cause popcorn lung anyway
Cig smoke has more diacetyl and there has never been a reported case of popcorn lung from cigs
Camden Wood
those are some inferior feet
Elijah Miller
yeah im a retard, believe me I wouldn't have started this shit if my life was going anywhere. I've just been trying to do damage control since I quit and I am hoping that whats happened won't fuck me for life or anything.
Oliver Stewart
t. cig and vape shills
Oliver Morris
Nigger that’s 4 packs of cigarettes worth of nicotine drop that shit before you die. May not even be immediately dangerous if you worked up to it like a normal smoker but going up to 4 pods with no tolerance sounds like taking a spinner dose of meth right out of the gate.
Henry Jenkins
>Vaping You mean Douche Whistles?
Adrian Powell
imagine accidentally tripping and putting your face on her vagina haha
Aiden Adams
Quit it. It sucks for a little while but it must be done.
Liam Cox
yeah this shit has a hold on me too. wnt a couple days without, just switched to a couple cigs, then i found a fresh pod and just cant help myself. i can feel this shit negatively affecting my cardiovascular health. but i am doing it less and less gradually. god help us zoomers.
Matthew Ross
>60mg holy jesus christ, a pack of my cheap ass menthol cigs has barely 15mg of Nicotine, what the fuck are kids smoking nowadays?
Jordan Edwards
this is probably some sort of severe nicotine poisoning
Jaxson Lopez
A juul has multiple times the nicotine of a cigarette you low iq retard. A single one of those pods contains as much nicotine as an entire pack of cigs.
Easton Martin
Thank god I had my mild vaping phase back in like 2013. Havent touched any of that gay shit in years.
The er is usless when waiting times are fucking 2 hours
Thomas White
This. Her feet are disgusting.
Nathan Roberts
The feeling of too much nicotine honestly feels like hell. Ive had bad highs, gottwn sick drunk where my world is spinning but nothing is worse than the feeling of a nicotine overdose. Literal hell.
Cameron Lee
Christ this man is so handsome. I want to kill myself knowing I'll never have those facial aesthetics
Adam Price
Yeah hes a hunk but I can't not notice the cartilidge on his nose tip is fucked up
Dominic Gomez
Yeah ok buddy. Im sure the people who debunked it have no ties to the billion dollar industy of vaping
Mason Johnson
Literally takes me over a month to go through 4 pods? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Brandon Richardson
Man I feel you, I'm the dude you are responding to, I'm the same, I compulsively abuse shit because of life but you got the shorter end of the stick, had you done your research you wouldn't have gone through the suffering you experienced, sorry for being mean to you but I consider myself pretty stupid, to find someone more stupid than me angers me in ways I can't describe, or maybe it's just me being angry at myself for being such a retard, it's probably the later, if you didn't have a stroke I would say you are safe, just go to the doctor and explain him what you did. If you wanna keep vaping find a mtl tank and a mod suitable for you, there are big and small ones, get one with intwgrated battery and buy 50/50 pg/vg eliquids, higher vg doesnt work in mtl tanks, 6mg/ml nicotine strength and you are good to go, wish you the best man.
Cameron Nelson
thats nutty
Landon Bennett
Idgaf bro I smoked too many cigarettes a day and vaping is not the holy grail, it keeps fucking your teeth and gums up,I can tell you that, but it's not as half as bad as cigarettes, I'm being honest here, if you don't smoke don't even think about vaping, nicotine is a bitch but if you smoke you might aswell change to vaping. When I smoked I thoughr about smoking 24/7 now that I vape I even forget about it, the only downside is that when I sot down on my computer I chain vape (while drinking water you fucks) and since it tastes great I can go on forever until, and thats not good, with cigarettes you cant keep smoking for too long because it starts tasting like shit and makes you wanna puke, unless you are drunk. But even then it's more convenient and better than fucking smoking. Also cheaper if for me than smoking.
Chase Roberts
I looked at the pic first and thought the title said "vagina is fucking cancer" and was interested to read this thread. Now I am not because obviously vaping is garbage, vaporizing propylene glycol and inhaling it is the dumbest shit even a thread did not need to die for this
Juan Evans
And there’s definitely no massive industry that might want to convince people not to switch to vaping
Aaron Baker
what kind of nigger gets addicted to nicotine from vaping when they aren't using it to quit smoking. why aren't you vaping something with zero nic in it?
Anthony Bennett
I get that, I really wish I had stuck to a mod and not jumped to juul. I probably will have to get one before I can fully quit, since I've already broken 5+ time on quitting juuling. But I'm a week clean and definitely never touching that shit again. Gonna get one now though, I appreciate the advice. Best of luck to you too brother.
Jason Morgan
OP,go to ER and get yourself checked. Better safe than sorry.
Julian Ward
6mg salts or regular
Charles Gonzalez
Get regular juice, idk about salts, I have never tried em but regular ejuice is fine for me so no need to try other shit, juul uses salts so fuck that. I'm using a mod called iStick Melo, it was like 30€ it has great battery life like 4000mah wich is insane and has integrated battery so you dont need to worry about gay shit like buying batteries and charging them with an external charger you just charge it with your phone charger, for the tank im using a berserker mini wich is a great rebuildable mtl tank, but idk if you want to get into building coils, it's very easy tho and you save a lot of money, prefabricated ones are too expensive for what they are, in case you want to get into rebuilding and are gonna use my tank buy a coil master 4 kit and use the 25mm thingy, use kanthal A1 kidney puncher is a good brand, clean kanthal imo. Then you buy some cotton (cotton bacon, or muscle cotton, or whatever really, just dont get normal cotton) and you do 7 wraps, about 1.10ohms and pop that thing into the tank and screw it and voila, I think im using like 26ga kanthal, or 28ga, not sure but both should be fine. Do spaced coils, you wrap the wire around the tool and then just push it and pull so it gets together or just look for a guide on youtube. 30m of kanthal and one bag of cotton and you are set for an entire year for 20 something € in materials. I've been vaping like this for 2 years and it really does the trick for me, also DO NOT forget to fucking clean the tank every 1 or 2 months, put a glass of water in the microwave and heat it until it boils, you put a little dawn soap type soap,dissasemble the tank and put the parts in the glass, and wait, then you do the same thing but without soap and then you rinse the parts and put it together again. Also when you cut a portion of wire to make a coil clean it with hot water and some dawn soap too, also you might have to clean your tank after buying it, sometimes they have machine oil residue.
Jose Cooper
>not the foot thread fuck off OP
David Walker
cont> just like kanthal also has most of the times some machine oil rests. Sorry for the extremely long post but it was a bitch for me to find what worked for me once I started vaping, it took me a fucking year to learn all this shitm and I want you to be set, because this shit is kinda new and I got into subohm vaping at first (big clouds) and that shit is gay as fuck and also can burn your throat really bad if you dont know what you are doing, mtl vaping is mouth to lung, just like the juul, and its much better for a smoker like me. If you liked how the juul vapes then you will prefer mtl, and not dtl (direct to lung) wich is subohm, and that's why I typed that wall of text, so you know where to start, because the fags at the store will try to get you into subohm vaping so you buy a fucking overpriced bottle of juice every week. Also as I said buy 50vg 50pg eliquid if you are gonna mtl vape, higher than 50 VG eliquids wont work on a mtl tank because the cotton wont drain it well unlike higher PG eliquids wich are more liquid and have greater taste. Ask me anything while this thread is up if you want. I might post a picture of my setup and I know all of this sounds kind of gay and overcomplicated, you just want to suck and puff some vapor with nicotine out of something but this is how it goes.
You will also need a nailclipper to cut the wire if you dont have a specific tool for that and that's it. The nail clipper works great tho.
Daniel Powell
appreciate it vapebro, not sure how deep I'm going to get into vaping and whether or not ill keep doing it casually, but definitely capping this in case. also I already bought the mlt tank with a box mod and some 50/50 juice, so I'm on the righteous path as we speak.
Jaxson Williams
>look guys I have no self control >yes, I blame it on the juul, not the fact that I could not use it 10 hours straight Also how the fuck does that happen. Nigga you're gay as fuck if you vape juul
Josiah Richardson
Cool man, what did you get?
Sebastian Mitchell
Forgot to mention, do not dry burn your coils if you are gonna rebuild, specially if they are spaced, its bad for you(the metal composition changes and that's bad it seems), and the coil will lose its shape, just pulse it for about 0.3 sec (my mod has a counter) and wait 10 secs and blow on it do it cools down repeat until no more smoke comes out of it, this is to be sure that there is no weird stuff that you might inhale. That's my method. God I'm autistic, ok I'll stop now, enjoy whatever you have bought man.
Blake Moore
i smoked cigs. then vaped. quit cigs, didnt quit vape. quit vape. bought vape again. quit vape for a year, bought it again, but threw it in the trash. then i bought it again. i'm just going to keep it. i need at least 1 addiction but i'm not going to be hooked on the nicotine. if i dont have juice i wont get any till i feel like i want to use it. its not that bad.
Ethan Rogers
incel shut in here. can you guys explain to me, juul or vaping or whatever if there is any difference, do people start doing it as a way to quit actual smoking, or as a way to smoke without smoking cigarettes?
i see some people when i take the subway to work doing it, look relatively normal, late 20s early 30s, i guess professional types
Jace Thompson
it was first created as a way for smokers to quit and it works. but it spawned a bunch of people who bought into it as a fad and other nonsense. i did it to quit smoking, but now i still do it because i just feel like it. why the fuck not. it's not harmful per se, but recent studies have shown that you are indeed inhaling very tiny amounts of metals. i don't know if this is different depending on the whatever of a vape, but who knows. all i know is that it wont matter and i will still be healthy as fuck. also people say vape. juul sounds fucking retarded and only retarded people say it.
Robert Thompson
t.little bitch boy who had heart palpitations after drinking a red bull
So do you use a Juul? How does the taste compare to cigarettes? And does vape smoke stick to your skin, hair and clothes? The nasty smell of cigarettes is my biggest issue with smoking.