If I look like this is there any hope?
I am a non-manlet and strong but I still look like this. And I'm an incel.
If I look like this is there any hope?
I am a non-manlet and strong but I still look like this. And I'm an incel.
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i'd kill myself if i looked like that
Yea, I look like that (especially very weak chin) and have a girlfriend, decent job etc.
If you know how to be social and then also take an interest in people you can have a normal life. If you aren't socialised and also look like that its gonna be much harder.
Lifting also helps with girls.
but to be constructive: if you grew your hair and beird out, it would probably hide the ugly
Incel is just another term for autist now? Because the guys in OP’s pic all look like autists.
Lol, there's even a picture of Harlamov, a Russian comedian, who's absolutely 100% not an incel.
Glasses don't make you an incel instantly, just get a decent pair with a normal frame, not these small-ass shits.
I knew a guy who looked like this, but then he got a job as a Walmart cart pusher and looked like Chad after 2 years of doing it 40 hours a week. Basically: DYEL?
Incel has been adopted by the media it literally refer to weirdos as a political group is my understanding.
Which is kind of funny, but seems like an ill omen for the future of humanity more broadly.
Post body
If you're ugly and commit a crime you're now an incel terrorist.
Those count as "white" in the US?
Looks like a typical male feminist
All of these pics are just bad angles, bad lighting and bad lenses
Get laid, crab
every person on that pic is russian\ukrainian
tfw i look like some of these fuckers but i dont have glasses
>prone to violence
>low test
Pick one
Get them all lasik. Problem solved.
Black people are prone to violence and they have lower test than other races
Are you stupid?
Why are they better than whites at sports, then?
1/3rd of those guys aren't even ugly, lifting, longer hair, and contacts would probably do the trick lel
get better hair and cooler frames or contacts
wear better clothes
problem solved
Okay, this is literally me.
they dont have lower test they have more estrogen
So which glasses aren't incel or SJW glasses?
>t. have thin top frame glasses since as suggested by qt optometrist when I bought them as they match the general shape of my face
"Serum estrogen, but not testosterone, levels differ between black and white men in a nationally representative sample of Americans."
In this research, it turns out Blacks have higher female hormones than Whites not test
desu, this explains why Black people love shoes, clothes, take a haircut every week, and fight and scream lots
tell me this doesn't describe women
cultural differences, they focus lots on sports than on studies, and to be more exaact at what sport? running ? basketball aka (jumping around) ?
because last time I've seen, world strongest men were 100% Caucasians
which, forgive me if i'm wrong, is a direct result of having higher test
a lot of guys with gyno develop it because their test is 'too high' and is metabolised into estrogen
Thanks for the profile mr federal agent
Don't be a retard.
Incel is not what you look, it's how you act. Incidentally blaming it on your looks is a very incel thing to do
Probably finished going through puberty as well
wtf are you saying? read the research ffs
That one Asian top right lmfao
Am I anabolic yet?
Just transition bro.
I'm dating a qt trans that used to be an incel. Now she (he) won't shoot up anything and would do anything for my headpats and cuddles.
Strongman is niche. Very shallow talent pool.
>here's your cute trans gf bro
Absolutely disgusting
Glasses that compliment the shape of your face. The guys in OP’s pic all wear something extremely unflattering and should wear something like pic related instead.
funny but she's only 19
yeah but I gotta do society a favor to help stop mass shooting. These incels need love and affection so I fuck my gf's buttpussy every night
>at what sport?
Nearly everything from soccer to golf and track and field to baseball. As long as it doesn’t rely too much on technique or thought, blacks are better athletes.
They're better at some sports, like track, but so what? Sports do not really matter.
Unless you're at least an 8/10 you're not gonna make glasses look good, get eye surgery or contacts
I asked the people at the glasses store that I tested my eyes at to recommend me a pair of glasses that fit me properly. They told me that since I have a round face I need some rectangular glasses, so I got a pair and I think I look good in them but I don't wear my glasses to formal settings or parties because I will look better without them.
>genetic affinity for thin framed glasses
Also most of those pics seem to be taken with a camera with shit tier focal length, which of course distorts the fuck out of your face.
you sure this dude is white?
This guy is worth more then everyone in this thread
Lmao I fucking though it looked like him
Yeah he is pretty based, though I haven't watched Comedy Club since like 2011
>since 2011
its been degenerate shit hole since it started, they are all bydlo faggots
I advice them to grow a beard and smile
Oh wait...
Well I was pretty young
>been looking at TV and computers too close my whole life
>never needed glasses
Step aside virgins, chad eyesight coming through
Hence why they have suicidal tendencies
I started calling him he before and she threatened suicide. Love these clingy transgirls
What these guys need is to cut, they might be slim but they're clearly high bf which gives the babyish look to their faces.
>get contacts
>better haircuts
>fashion sense
This applies to incels and soibois
We need to pull the plug on the digital age.
Tear down cities, return to the woods and mountains.
Technology was a mistake.
What they need is to take HRT and transition
Fuck off tranny
Tiger was mostly Thai
Spics aren’t black
relentlessly b&rp
t. Harlamov
trannypill is save their lives. Not a single tranny I've fucked have regretted their decision.