Will drinking wine help me achieve Greek God Mode?
Will drinking wine help me achieve Greek God Mode?
Is that supposed to be hades?
It'll help you achieve sumo god mode
Yes you can go to greek god mode by drinking wine.
I fucking hate this guys drawing style.
Congratulations on your bad taste
His style is the best part about the manga
Me on the right
Me too
Wine and any alcoholic beverage is disgusting. The only reason people drink this shit is due to peer pressure. Nobody ever would drink or smoke if it wasn't "cool" as a teenager.
Are you retarded?
The first time I drank was my 21st birthday, and now at almost 30 alcohol is one of my favorite things.
It makes me forget my troubles and smile, if my brain is racing with bad thoughts a couple drinks will slow me down and make me relax, if I'm having trouble sleeping a couple beers lets me rest
Congratulations buddy, you're on your way to alcoholism.
You have shitty taste buds, alcoholic drinks like beer, wine and mead have some of the best most complex flavors around. Maybe if you stopped being such a candyass bitch you could learn to enjoy some of the greatest things life has to offer. That being said responsibly drinking to not fuck gains and physique is a good idea
Drinking like a bitch instead of facing your troubles like a man. You utter faggot
Nothing from my post screams alcoholism except the picture, which fuck you, I like
Less than a bottle of wine *every* day and you're not an alcoholic, teetotaler medical "scientists" be damned
>could learn to enjoy some of the greatest things life has to offer
Yeah, thanks for proving my point. I don't have to learn that ice tea tastes great. It just tastes great.
drinking ambrosia will
Internet tough guy
I r so scared
I'm sure you're not 400lbs and a virgin
>Nothing from my post screams alcoholism
Denial about their drinking is typical for alcoholics. Get some help, user.
the fucking cope in this post in absolutely unreal. how do people even get to this point
oh Jesus fuck this one is even worse
Fuck yourself
People like you make people think that if they have a shot once a year on Christmas they have a problem
Jesus, just die
Just realize some people enjoy things you don't like
Same thing happened when I had a cigar for fun on my birthday; people on goybook were telling me "one is enough to have you addicted for life".
It's been over half a year and I haven't smoked since then, haven't even wanted to
God being this much of a tastelet, you are the same type of faggot that isn’t willing to eat spicy food because you have to acquire a tolerance to taste the great flavors that are behind the spice. You will honestly never make it, you only know low hanging fruit and not the grind of hardship to achieve something greater
>some of the greatest things life has to offer
Alcohol is clearly not in this things man.
I'm one guy and I'm currently fucking 4 women in rotation. i don't drink alcohol and never have. go cope somewhere else
your pic is roman mode user
>Getting this defensive over his drinking habits
user, you literally show all signs of alcoholism.
>You have shitty taste buds, alcoholic drinks like beer, wine and mead have some of the best most complex flavors around. Maybe if you stopped being such a candyass bitch you could learn to enjoy some of the greatest things life has to offer. That being said responsibly drinking to not fuck gains and physique is a good idea
Food and drink can rank up there as some of the best experiences in life, things so sweet and fleeting usually hard to even capture with words alone since their existence and experience is so pure and unique, sometimes like describing a color. If you are a man that does not cherish a good meal or a good drink then you have either not experienced it or you are not a person I would like to know. Food and drink bring people together and is an art form in its own that also helps you get big and make gains, how could it not be one of the greatest things in life
Your not scared because youre tucked hiding sucking on a bottle like a baby on a teet.
no you did not understand me.
>Alcohol is clearly not among those things.
You are right, food and drinks can be rank upon those things, even a ripe fruit that is harvest from the tree can be an amazing expirience. Figs from wild trees in Greece, just fucking wow.
If you are talking about drinks that contain alcohol, you are not really talking about the taste. You are talking about getting drunk even if its in the slicest. Your brain recognize alcohol and likes how it makes it feel (drunk) and this is why you like it... taste good...
So Food and drinks can sure be rank among the best things... getting drunk, i dont know, maybe too.
>people don't drink wine etc. for the taste
okay kid
t. eri
>If you are talking about drinks that contain alcohol, you are not really talking about the taste. You are talking about getting drunk even if its in the slicest. Your brain recognize alcohol and likes how it makes it feel (drunk) and this is why you like it... taste good...
>a single glass of wine gets you drunk
okay kid
you cannot be really so dump man... can this be, where do you work?
Just for you... no you get not "really drunk" with a glass of wine... but your brain recognize the alcohol and yes aven one glass have some effects that your brain likes... even if its just the social effect, like cigarrets when they were cool...
Im not going to explain more, you can really believe what the fuck you will. really it doesn't matter, go drink something that makes you feel nice.
Not necessarily but the point is that you feed your addiction.
Not the same guy but I absolutely despise being drunk, I hate the way it makes me feel I hate the taste I get in my mouth and I hate the way I act when i'm even slightly tipsy.
I do like beer though and drink a couple bottles every couple of weeks or so.
>peer pressure
>Nobody ever would drink or smoke if it wasn't "cool" as a teenager
you sound like someone who never enjoyed or did something by and for himself in life because he was too scared to
99% of the entire western population is too afraid to admit this.
Ice tea tastes like shit, but please continue to describe how your taste buds match your faggotry.
The first reaction to alcohol or cigarette is always a negative one. Never ever have I saw somebody take his first sip from a beer or take his first cigarette and was overwhelmed by its "taste" in a positive way. The reaction is always the same and it's "ewww". Why are we even arguing, it's fucking common sense.
The marketing is too deep. Hell the only reason why women started smoking is because it was marketed as torchlight of freedom.
Only georgian wine
classic seething acohol dependance
>resenting sports and "sports culture"
>resenting alcohol and "alcohol culture"
These are telltale signs of someone who has been a social outcast since middleschool, these sort of people tend to take up a straight edge lifestyle and/or veganism as coping mechanisms
>haha I like to drink beer too, look how sociable I am. Can I have sex?
Cope. Dilate. Have sex. Bend over.
>felt compelled enough to reply in less than 4 minutes
Exposed, might as well admit you also browse Jow Forums and don't actually lift
>felt compelled enough to reply to my reply in less than 4 minutes
I bet you feel pretty dumb now, huh?
it's cool if you're a dyel and don't know what muscles look like and are still at that stage where you think brad pit from fight club is big
>no u
This is what porn, loneliness and bitterness(/r9k) does to your brain.
There's also a very strong correlation between posting Baki/OPM and the thread being off-topic and created by an r9k crab
Guess how they cope with it? That's right, by getting drunk.
>throws his homeboard under the bus to further his sXe narrative a little further
Crabs know no loyalty
t. Schizo
>capital after punctuation
a ban-evading phone-posting crab
Dionysus was the same God basically.
Bud you unironically sound like an alcoholic.
You’re logic is fundamentally flawed, drinks like kvass which are ultimately so low alcohol that they might as well be alcohol free still taste amazing because of the fermentation Process even though the alcohol can be far less then .5%. You do not actually understand the science behind it. Fermentation can bring about changes in the compounds present like esters and other aromatics that can massively effect the taste of an item. You have placed way more value on the alcohol itself as an effector on your brain. Beyond this as well ethyl alcohol itself can effect the taste of a drink too, higher levels can make a drink more or less favorable in regards to taste, by your logic more alcohol would mean better taste, but that is far from the truth.
saying this while the author of baki is praised by many artists/animators for his excpetional understanding of human anatomy.
nvm totally retard peaked at reading your comment
user you're a straight-up alcoholic