>Post a good physique of someone who's actually average or below average test levels.
No one posts their test levels with their physiques. Take a step into your local gym if you want to see average people that workout. If they don't look like they're obviously roiding that's the physique you can expect.
Gabriel Fisher
reminder that believing that your test is too low or that your genetics are bad has been scientifically proven to reduce your gains, ie as a form of nocebo. unless your levels are low enoujgh for TRT or you're planning to roid you should probably not think about it and just lift hard
Isaac Reyes
I have half that. How do you feel now cunt?
Michael Ortiz
300-1000 is "normal" but that doesnt mean average, average is about 700. obviously a 300 and 1000 look very differently, even if both are withing this arbitrary normal.
Grayson Phillips
hahaha I came in at 205 last year and I'm big, but I can't for the life of me get lean.
Gavin Ward
Take the sildenafil pill user, a study linked recently showed an increase of 100ng/dl in test
Nolan Ortiz
That's similar to Viagra right?
Parker Gray
>similar hehe
Ryan Barnes
How many mg/dl of test does the average roider take, if 300-1,000 is within the 'normal' range.
the difference is that roiders add large amounts of free test
Sebastian Reyes
I haven’t checked in a while but last time I did I was a 227. When I was getting treatment for it man the extra test boost made a fucking difference. Couldn’t stop fapping/fucking each day. Whole mood was just better overall.
Lincoln Evans
average roider is at around 3000 ng/dl
which is literally 10x more test than a lot of us natties have.