Is this a good book?

Is this a good book?

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>Mark Ripadick


It's quite excellent.

I don't know.

Allow me to summarize and save you the money (meaning the pdf download)

>maybe do other lifts a bit

>maybe do other lifts a bit

>now, finally, you may do other lifts a bit more but not too much

now go forward and build the fattest ass known to man

It's pretty good but to be honest I get the feeling that it provides an incomplete picture. It doesn't do much to address the connection between volume training, muscle size and strength.
It also doesn't address why techniques such as grease the groove are so effective, his model just doesn't have space for it.

The version with Andy Baker is very good

it's shit and has nothing useful in it
but SS is good and everything there is correct, and the squat-bench-ohp-power clean-deadlit-chinup exercise selection is also good

Is programming a meme? At the end of the day your testosterone levels will determine what you'll recover from.

Yes, it's great. I appreciate their way of thinking, which is fundamentally to make things as simple, focused and effective as possible.The routines in this book work well, and if you put in the work you'll make good progress for a long time.

What I've noticed in most gyms is that people have routines that are way too complicated and not focused enough to make long term progress. When they inevitably plateau they insist on adding even more complexity and make even less progress.

Of course there are many other ways to do programming, but in my opinion it's worthwhile to learn this simple approach. You should go through the routines in this book and see for yourself what kind of progress is possible with simple, efficient routines.

I guarantee you're weak

it's a meme in that most online retards overcomplicate it, see barbell medicine, gnuckols, all useless overcomplicated shit

ss then hitting a bodypart hard with high volume with one or two exercises (usually compound + isolation) once a week is all you need

Yes I am, I've done programs and I didn't get stronger, that was my point.

when it comes to programs just follow the /plg/ OP copypasta

Besides novice programming it's not just copy paste. Almost anything will work for novices.
The problem with intermediate is there's so many options.

Post lifts and bodyweight fren, would like to help if I can. Programming isn't a meme imo

And then you'll hit a plateau, because that's all your genes allow. And if you inject some test you'll break it. I guess the one thing that can be agreed on about programming is that higher frequency low reps is the fastest way to get big and strong for beginner natties.

what are some good books on strength training

SS is for a totally different target audience you dumb shit
PPST is in said copypasta

I can assure you I've tried everything, from programs to diet. I get fat when I bulk and I don't recover when I train because I'm probably low test. Look at women, they're low test and they're incredibly weak, no amount of programming will change that.
The only programming advice worth a shit is that higher frequency lower reps will get you to your strength limit fastest.

>they're low test and they're incredibly weak
Post lifts faggot.
I saw a natty woman squat 195kg in sleeves just 3 days ago.
If you can’t squat 200+ you’re just not trying hard enough, because you have higher test than she does.

>The only programming advice worth a shit is that higher frequency lower reps will get you to your strength limit fastest.
This is big dum

Just post lifts and bodyweight, we'll help

Ur dum
You've convinced yourself you owe it to the program but if you had low test YOU WOULD NOT HAVE RECOVERED FROM FROM THE TRAINING
prove me wrong
You can't.

If it works for women it’ll work for you, you dyel twink shit.
Post lifts.

It's not the program because the same program that got me to 220kg squat isn't working anymore, that's just how programming works. You need to find something that works for you specifically

This could be because of recover, Test, time available to train

I guarantee there are natty women stronger than you, it's not about Test. You can do it too user just let us help

its good for first 6 months of lifting if you r a newbie

>I guarantee there are natty women stronger than you
Even if there are some incredibly rare exceptions it doesn't disprove that there are other genetic factors, as far as I know there isn't a single woman who can beat a man at anything in the same weight class. They can't even beat trannies.

>Elite level squat

Yes, that's the bait.

>elite standards are impossible without PEDs
Isley has an elite level squat and a world class deadlift and is as natty as they come.
Try harder.

It's fun to read, but I would never recommend that you follow his advice.

Nice non sequitur retard, I'm talking about a normal woman squatting 225lbs when a guy in the same gym cant.
I don't know where the other user is stuck in his training

PPST is absolutely not fun to read, it’s dry as shit