Why dont you know up, grow up, and show up, robots??
Why dont you know up, grow up, and show up, robots??
I was in a 4 year relationship, fully committed and ready to propose, and then she fucking broke up with me to go chase college chad dick
So fuck you nigger, I'm almost 30 years old, gonna drink and play video games every fucking night until I'm dead
And don't tell me to "find another gf" because I know it's just gonna be the same bullshit on repeat. Women are all treacherous whores with zero sense of loyalty
Oh I'm not afraid of commitment. I'm just afraid of signing a government contract that allows the bitch to leave and take half my shit for no personal benefit towards me.
If a girl truly loved me she'd be understanding and not want me to potentially suffer through that.
If anything it's women who hate commitment because they're the ones who initiate the majority of divorces.
Thats more about how lazy guys are. Most guys will just start sleeping with prostitutes or kick the woman out of the house if they get bored of the marriage.
None of the guys I knew who got divorce raped were like that.
Also you're dodging the real issue. Marriage is a BAD DEAL for men 100% of the time.
A woman can do all of the things a wife can do without the government enforced contract.
Honestly I'm pretty sure it's just because men are genuinely more loving and loyal.
ah fuck i just got cancer just from reading that
Nah that makes no sense. Not that many areas of the world are so cucked that men act like women
Maybe you should put out every once in a while?
Divorce rape is specific to a dude getting his shit stolen. In most divorce its a mutual break
She look like she takes black cock behind his back
>Why are you being rich a...
>Excuse me
>and successful...
>hold on
>without me user?
Chad doesn't have a "date night" he just fucks when he wants.
>jump through hoops for what Chad gets for free
No thanks.
Why should I sacrifice my time and health to become a productive member of society when I will still be universally despised and the alternative has never been more alluring and attainable?
holy cow that hover hand lmao
>Jews are responsible for trying to force MGTOWs to get married and have kids
>Jews are responsible for destroying the family unit and declining birth rates
Pick one you cunts
Unironically find another GF dude
>cant even look at a white christian family without fantasizing ablut black cock cuckoldry
What makes white such faggots?
It's genetic. Their white slave master ancestors use to break black male slaves by fucking them in the ass, as well as having orgies with them. White "men" have had BBC on their mind for hundreds of years, so it's nothing new really
This Dale Patridge is a fucking loser.
> I call it immaturity and selfishness
> Men so focused on their dreams...they find themselves wealthy known and alone.
Go let your wife ass fuck you Dale. Who are you to tell others how to fucking lead their life. Some people wish to pursue their careers as that is what they want to do with THEIR LIVES. They do not want to sit backseat with a thumb up their ass like you. Do not even get me started on how your outlook on what makes a man a man. Some of these
> boys
who cast aside their biological purpose do so for the sake of all who follow them. Whether it is for their company to flourish or for friends to be safe.
A man is not defined by his family to be, he is defined by maturity and actions.
>TFW born too late to be gangraped by slaves
>TFW born right in time to crossdress and worship black cock
Feels good man
It's so hypocritical that when men want to stay away from women, fatherhood, etc they are considered pathetic, childish, and selfish but when a woman wants to whore around and skip motherhood she's considered strong, courageous, independent, and nobody ever thinks twice to put her on the spot for being a childless thot.
>who are you to tell others how to lead their lives
Hes a life coach so thats his job, to lead around religious brainlets who actually think certain men are instilled with special wisdom and know special truths about morality and life
Pic related: religious people
Do you really not see the difference? How fuckin old are you, 15?
look at this dude
oh no no, wait till you see the....OHHOHOHONONONONONONO
Easy steps to gf
>Get job
>Shower, shave, and do your hair nice every morning
>Wash your face
>Wear nice clothes to work
>Wait until a girl shows interest in you (you'll be able to tell)
>Talk with her and ask her on a date
The fun thing about what this guy says is that I'll just keep doing whatever I want to do with my life. And there's nothing he can do about it.
I'm really looking in the opposite direction to this guy. The west is doomed, and the best thing I can do is accelerate this decline. The quicker this collapse happens, the quicker a new age can begin.
My dad worked nearly every waking hour of his adult life and all my mom did is bitch about it
Why the fuck would I want to do that?
Jews are not a monolith, they take different routes of attack depending on their interests
You left out
>actually talk to people and make jokes and stuff
>nazi LARPing and IQ stats are not acceptable conversation
>ill just keep jerking off to cartoon children and raging over tyrone between vidya sessions
>ha! Take THAT tyrone!
This is a very narrow-minded view. I'm glad this guy enjoys his lifestyle, but that doesn't mean it's fulfilling for all others.
Too fucking bad women gave up their gender rolls by choice and that means we do not have to keep our fucking gender rules. My dreams are far more important than taking care of some single mother slut with her mixed race goblin children.
We are not your providers,protectors or entertainers anymore. You cunt drilled it into the head of my entire generation that women are equal and can do everything just as well or even better than a man. So have fun with that because when Tyrone gets pissed at you and starts to beat you in the alley you can guarantee men like me will not bother to help you and men like me are only growing in number. You can use your equality to fight Tyrone off, pay your bills and fix your fucking car. You are not my problem anymore cunt.
sometimes I gotta educate dumb brainlets like you.
does this cunt think wifey material women just grow on trees?
either way, I got a very late start in life, so he is partially right.
because I don't have a bunch of money so parents will ignore me trying raise a 14 year girl into a wife
My girlfriend has been pushing me to give up on my dreams of being a writer and instead get a coding job. She says I could write in my spare time and days off so fuck that. I'm going to keep focused on what I want in life. If she leaves, she leaves. I know I'd be fucking miserable if I took a coding job then got married and never had time to write. Yes I know writing as a career is nearly impossible, but many writers write alongside a part time job which is what I want to do.
Where does tyrone come into this?
Are you tyrone?
Are those his wife's daughters?
Nah, jews are trying to force respectable white men to destroy their own social capital and dignity by forcing them to marry used up skanks with 3 kids from 4 chaddads.
>le epic cuck insult
Imagine thinking this is actually going to discredit someone happier than anyone on this board
Sorry I was crossing your post with this faggots
do what makes you happy user. whether you become super successful or not. never give up on your passion.