Anonnette why not just get a robot bf?

Anonnette why not just get a robot bf?

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I'd rather be alone than be settled for

I think I almost have one already, we didn't meet here though
And granted he courted me for quite a while, so I can be sure I wasn't settled for
But yeah the robots who don't hate women are top-tier bf material honestly

Because most of you are under agea and racist.

im only one of those please be my gf

Long distance is difficult and hard to maintain.
Also not straight

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>robots who don't hate women are top-tier bf material honestly
Nah. I don't hate women but I'm definitely not top tier. Maybe like, C tier at best.

C-tier how? I meant top-tier for femanons obviously, not normie women.
>inb4 bluh bluh muh mental illness

>Emotionally unintelligent
>Uncomfortable with sex and intimacy in general
>Chronic procrastinator
And that's just the things I'm aware of/mentally able to admit.

So a perfect fit for most girls here.
Also, those are quite normal flaws these days, even if they can suck. And although I'm not disagreeing with you, from my experience most robots who say they are obviously unattractive are simply insecure.

Would you look at that. I'm a robot who doesn't hate women.

i could never trust him to not leak my personal information or pictures of me :/

>So a perfect fit for most girls here.
I mean, I assume most girls here have their own fair share of issues, and they'll just compound on top of mine. Two weird awkward people are just even more awkward together.

It is possible of course, but it really just depends on your personalities. Me and the robot I mentioned in my first post are both pretty awkward and dislike most other people, but it's been pretty great so far. And in my experience weird people will always gravitate towards each other.

This can not be the first time someone has used this word on Jow Forums

Id rather get a prison bf because then he cant cheat on me and he will grateful for the human contact. All robots care about is sex and they are misogynists who deserve their misery.

The real question is, why should I get a gf?

femanons are all mental cases or fat fucks, they deserve nothing better than a robot

>All robots care about is sex
Where did you get a dumb idea like that?

this they also ghost you quicker than regular women

i will be a fembots robot bf

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