This is the ideal make body

You may not like it, but this is what peak natty performance looks like

Attached: Clarence Ross.jpg (1024x683, 116K)

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honestly can't argue desu, this is good

>Clarence Ross

He was Mr. America when test had already been synthesized for for over a decade.

>mfw people roid for (much) less than this

Attached: Clancy Ross.jpg (193x261, 7K)

roidlet cope


Attached: 15646330329.gif (311x240, 1.28M)

Post body.

Clancy was sick
looks even better on a video here (7m 12s)

I have his frame but will probably need another two or three years to come to that physique.
No doubt it's possible when you're genetially gifted.

Photo is from 1850, how the hell can he be on gear?

Attached: 1531368921294.png (1065x991, 676K)

>Born: October 26, 1923
>Photo is from 1850

Lmao. You are delusional. Post body.

too much of a manlet and that waist is way too broad.
looking a bit like a fridge, a bit grace moretz looking

>people were just starting to get their knowledge together on how to get big yet roidlets think he was already on gear
coping this hard is not healthy

1850, 1920 whats the difference? its a fucking long time ago.

And here is the real look a man should hope to achieve.

Attached: 1538440388559.jpg (960x870, 116K)

>You see, the massive jump in physiques from Eugen Sandow to Sergio Oliva was because they figured out how to lift weights, not because you could buy pharma-grade test, deca, and dbol over the counter in the 50s and 60s.
>Why yes, I have been lifting for 6 months. How could you tell?

Attached: 1564370933322.png (205x246, 5K)

still coping really hard roidlet.
How does is feel knowing that even with all the juice in the world you still will never come close to a genetically gifted natty god?

>it thinks you need to hop on gear for this

Attached: this kills the roidlet.png (1699x894, 1.42M)

>Wanting to be fat

This man, with one punch could knock you into another time zone.

But nah, that's nothing to look up to. Got to look like this, am i right?

Attached: realmen.jpg (648x576, 78K)

I feel fine considering we're both on gear and I'm bigger than him. I don't know how you'll cope once your newbie gains run out and you realize you'll never look like that.

God, grizzly is such an unit. This man is a force of nature.

possible as a natty if you aren't a lazy cunt & eat & lift proper
would take a few years but it's possible

No, it's not. I challenge any natty to post a pic of themselves and prove me wrong.

Spoiler: nobody will because no natty on Jow Forums is even close.

Attached: 1560823119468.jpg (1024x1024, 136K)

of course this mongolian basket-weaving forum comprised of autistic dorks at 4AM won't have anybody on it who looks similar

but you're an absolute defeatist loser if you have zero hope in ANYBODY being able to naturally achieve that physique after a lifetime of devotion to bodybuilding

More and more people are joining the gym with the goal of getting ripped. We're seeing more and more participation in strength sports and seeing records being smashed every year.

The higher participation is the more likely we are to see genetic freaks who picked good parents get into the gym.

There are some people with great natty physiques who are just lucky with insertions and longer muscle bellies. Deal with it.

Lmao. I lifted for 8 years before roiding. I had a 375 bench, a 550 deadlift and a 485 squat at 205lbs, 15-18% bf before I stuck a needle in my ass for the first time. I know exactly how far natty lifting can take you and Ross was beyond that.

>but muh theoretical genetic freaks
The ultimate natty cope. Those people are one in a million and you're not one of them.

I never claimed to be one of them.

Natty lifting gets different people to different points. So few reach their natty genetic potential because they have shitty programming, diets and/or recovery there's no point telling them to roid because they'll do that wrong too.

I'm not telling you or anyone else to roid. I'm telling you and every other natty to stop idolizing guys who were on roids.

Why does it matter? Loads of people looks up to elite sportsmen and know they will never attain the skill/success of them.

Except this thread is filled with replies like "it's totally possible natty brah, just lift for a few years", which is simply delusional.

Do you compete? If not, why the fuck do you roid?


Yeah but why do you care? Give them something to aim for and by the time they have enough experience and gym time under their belt to understand their limits they'll be setting their own goals and will have moved on.

It's like in school where you get taught about the Rutherford atomic model before you learn the Bohr-Somerfield model

>he doesn't roid
>he actually lifts natty
Oh no no no. Imagine being that retarded.

Not him, but it's a genuinely unrealistic standard. I'm okay with dudes taking gear, but it's dishonest to call it natural; the general here is called /fraud/ for a reason.
It fucks with your expectations if you are new to lifting and people shouldn't be lied to. There's already enough lying and deception going on in our world.

Far better for those people to never lift at all then?
Compared to all the other shit people get lied to about at least this encourages healthy activity.

>205lbs @ 18% bf
Literally under 6' manlet, sit your ass down you only know what natty limit is with shit genetics

Nah, I'm not saying people should give up or never lift.
As you said before, it's not a big deal if people /fraud/ and lie.

I just have a personal vendetta against liars because I'm an honest person. I'd put people who take gear and lie about it on the same circle of hell that Instagram users belong.

Post body

People this fat fight like utter bitches. The guy can't extend his hand further than his gut protrudes and you're praising his ability to punch? Lol.
Any trained fighter in all but the lowest weightclasses would make a fool out of him.