Gym in home town is hella expensive for summer

>Gym in home town is hella expensive for summer
>Build my own to worship the Aesir
Rate my setup

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Based viking.

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Thread theme

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I am praying that you find Christ and his love, child

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I like it but build a better setup

Where's the actual weight? Stay weak.

shut up kike

Why would we worship a desert god that was forced on our ancestors?

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lmao 2rock

Biology is the roots and culture is the flower, that's someone elses flower

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You poor sweet children. One day you'll wake up to His love.

go to your megachurch, loser

Are those wheels of fucking cheese

doubtful considering how I left his Abrahamic cult

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fuaaaark, mirin creativity - I have been wanting to do this exact thing for like 2,5 years.

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Christians are so fucking arrogant

What begins in a desert... ends in a desert. It's time to let the desert cult go.

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despite it being an abrahamic religion, Christianity does not have a home for jews.

Bumping based and blessed thread.

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pagan bros get utmost respect from me

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kys 56%er

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lmao at that picture

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What kind of a cheap bate shitpost is this? Yes, it produced the most beautiful and magnificent buildings europe has ever seen, christian europeans literally found and colinized the americas (vikings were too pussy too colonize it), church chorals and music are the base of the modern music systems, literally a 99% of western literature, fiction or non fiction, is based on christian value systems and myths, even though it is exactly the point not to be a warrior, in the name of christianity many empires were built (not to forget the cursades, wich in large were pretty succesfull), invetnions like agriculture and the book press are there only thanks to christian monks, food and clothes don'T have to do anything woth any religion, it's cultural thing, thatyou can find being used in christianitys holidays (food) and higher offices (clothing).
So, yeah, your brainlet paganism is even worse than christianity, which is bad too, but for different reasons. It had an improtant role in humankinds evolution.

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All of that would happen anyway and also much sooner.

I'll agree monks did well, scientifically speaking etc, but the rest were bound to happen anyways, really.
>inb4 "yes, the advances in technology between 5000 years before 0 AD and 0 AD were thanks to christianity"

Also, read up on the crusades. They were largely just out of greed, and were basically genocidal. Kind of reminds me of european crusades, you know .. ?

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Is there a weaker argument than this one? What makes you think it would have happend earlier? THe fact that all this happened around the same time an inside one system (christianity) is pretty strong evidence that this system helped hold all those things together produce them.

>I'll agree monks did well
Did well with what, writing over stuff written by pagan authors that they didn't like?

>but the rest were bound to happen anyways, really
as stated in my other response, just speculation (also bad, unlikely speculation)

>They were largely just out of greed, and were basically genocidal. Kind of reminds me of european crusades, you know .. ?
That's what I meant with 'it's not the point to produce great warriors in christianity' however it still did. Every war basically is just out of greed, I mean the vikings didn't even colonize, they just raped and pillaged and then got out of there as swiftly as they came.

overall gathering knowledge and shit. the only bad thing about monks in my mind is celibacy, same with nuns - limiting young people from having kids during their fertile ages sounds (((familiar))) to modern times, doesn't it?

>grug u retard! ever since me worship air spirit, we have fire in village! this direct sign me is correct!
>implying we would have fire if it wasn't for the air spirit

Aye, and viking/raider was a sole profession.

>invetnions like agriculture
are you literally retarded? also are you just going to ignore the fact that Christian holidays were mirrors of pagan ones?
> church chorals and music are the base of the modern music systems
are you kidding?
>it produced the most beautiful and magnificent buildings europe has ever seen
>christian europeans literally found the Americas
that would be norse pagans.
>literally a 99% of western literature, fiction or non fiction, is based on christian value systems and myths
lets see a source on that.

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I wonder if people even remember why he was pointing and at what.

Again, the role of the system was not the production of these cultural advancements itself, but their organized (historically) production in a system, which sped their occurence up. It did not delay them. Maybe they would have occured over time, scatered, one after the other, yes you're right.

And in the same sense a lot of progress in at least southern europe/the levante stemmed from the Roman empire holding those places together, everyone being able to communicate in greek or latin in most places, etc. So that's all thanks to European paganism, then? Or was that paganism the cause of that "organized production"?

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It holds up because you could already see the technological evolution working in that direction prior to the Christianization of Europe. Also quicker could be argued since the upheaval caused by the conversion attempts and the cultural changes would have slowed progress. A lot of our recent tech was created in an age of progressive ideals and atheism, does that make those ideals the driver behind the innovation?

he was pointing at the drugged up guy

>are you literally retarded? also are you just going to ignore the fact that Christian holidays were mirrors of pagan ones?
That's just wrong, yes they are on the same day to 'override' the pagan holidays, no, it's not actually worshipping some weird river god.
>are you kidding?
No, and like about the thing with agriculture you seem not to have read much about history.
>Bruh, egyptians had towers, so every tower is actually a penis and churches are just big penises
>that would be norse pagans.
Again, too pussy too actually colonize.
>lets see a source on that.
Obviously the number is exagerated for lyrical effect, the statement becomes aparent the more western (and even some eastern) literature you read. But for that you'd have to pick a book sometime.

it's always been about population control. also, religion didn't make those things or fulfill those rolls - people did.

It may have actually been, now that you say it. Looks to me like (roman and greek) paganism was kind of the first step, then came christianity, and it looks like man actually evolves.

Like he was the only one on drugs, kek.

>river god
as opposed to a virgin mother and a jew?

You realize paganism isn't about taking the gods literally, rather as icons of values and the tales are metaphorical. nice trips tho

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based and ironpilled

The guy that viking was pointing at was completely out of it and stumbled into a dancing girl pretty hard. Starts at 0:30

The current age has systems that replace the role of christianity in parts, man keeps evolving.

certified brainlet post (r) (tm)

>You realize paganism isn't about taking the gods literally
Wasn't my point at all, it was about the hoydays of both belive systems to be on the same day.

I never said he wasn’t on drugs, I was implying that most of the people were on drugs as well.

It's Berlin Love Parade. No shit people are on drugs. Viking is clearly on MDMA.

Listen to Bach paganigger
Also I'm sure like 95% of the "pagan" community are amerimutt larpers who played too much skyrim

what don't you agree with, christfag?

I don't disagree with you on that, although I think you might be skimming some of the adoption of pagan practices into Christianity.

I dont see Christians as "the enemy" by the way, just misguided. I think it would be better if europe returned to the culture that was created by their own ancestors, not someone else's. (when you phrase it like that is sounds cuck-y)

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>Swedish man decapitates himself with makeshift guillotine
>Muslim citizens raping nearby reports he heard shouts of "LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!" before the huge clang, followed by a lower pitch "Pls help me scooby!"
>Police hypothesizes it was a white nationalist commiting suicide, as they found heavy drugs such Creatine in the suspect bag

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>caveman fitness

I'm norwegian tho, don't even fucking mention Sw*den

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Obviously monks are not the first ever people to farm, but they made it much much more efficient by inventing the three fields economy, writing a ton about botany, and making other ingeneer tier invetnions that just make manual labour more easy.

Based as fuck OP

10/10 would lift and listen to Burzum with.

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The whole point of that fucking meme is to shut down the faggot Christian's that claim people were uncultured savages before christianity and that pagans were brainlets. I think we can all agree that Faith's do not have that much influence on technological development unless they are intentionally limiting like Islam and amish.

>invetnions like agriculture and the book press are there only thanks to christian monks
>Obviously monks are not the first ever people to farm
If its obvious then why say they invented agriculture?

I'll be there

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The answer to all those questions os yes, so whats ur point

This is a highly based and Pagang thread may the iron be loyal to you and you loyal to the iron

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if i would see this setup while taking a hike inna woods i would be spooped

never saw the original. thanks berlin bro

thats the rütlischwur nothing to do with paganism

>a religion should take credit for the fruits of the white man’s inherent genetic prowess
it’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg
both kike worshippers and LARPagans are useful idiots

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iirc some druggy dude was trying to mess with a chick that was just trying to dance with the technoviking group

Just do calisthenics

modern agriculture, i am well aware that people needed to eat before monks, i just hoped that this post was understood without spelling everything out in detail for ultra brainlets

It's actually three guys trying to figure out which direction the wind is blowing, they took bets the winner gets the sword

There is literally not one single conflicting thing between Christianity and any European Paganism

That guy's a LARPer, not a Christian.

>you fucking female
holy mother of based

I find it hard to lift to most Burzum songs, they mostly just put me in kind of a comfy trance with the nice repetetive (in a good way) riffs.
there are outstanders like this one though..

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as a jew, i apologize to everyone for being ultimately responsible for the garbage religion that is christianity

i would much rather worship baal or whatever the fuck my ancestors worshiped, but they destroyed all trace of anything that isnt retarded monotheism long ago

Based and Hellenistic-pilled

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classic narcissist jew cant accept jesus btfo his religion 2000 years ago. Btw i dont see a lot of jews, especially ones who lift. what is your body like? not asking to be mean just curious.

i dont worship cucked yahweh frendo.

i have big ribs calves and pecs but lats and triceps are hardest to grow

i made this in the woods out of destroyed wooden huts, i spiked em together with a brick

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god i hate it when people say "paganism"
just google "Asatru/Asatro"

its the correct term for the faith in norse gods and the religion itself, so cringey how even the wikipedia page for "paganism" somehow describes thors hammers as some sort of symbolism of neonazi hipster incels

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nice picture to message ratio

literally disrespecting Sweden while posting the picture of whats supposed to be the father of Swedens most important king through out history.
peak stupidity

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what the fuck is that abomination? what are they even wearing? the vikings didnt use that kind of "armour". va fittan e de för skit

Asatro is older than Christianity you total brainlet

its medieval bondage outfits they wore while banging slavs, british and french women

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So what, who stated otherwise? How does this contribute to any argument??

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They're LARPing because pretending you actually believe in the Germanic gods is cringe. Imagine being raised in a Christian or irreligious environmental and unironically "deciding" to believe in Woden just on principle.

You're not supposed to actually believe that the Gods are literally real. It's a personification of elements that are important to a culture or a group. You worship nature and give its aspects names that you refer to and relate to and identify with in order to strengthen your connection with certain things like the sun and the trees and the rivers etc. so you can understand the need to respect these things. People who pretend those Gods are literally real are definitely larpers but that doesn't make paganism retarded it just makes larpers retarded, and you as well for not knowing the difference.

sounds more like youre describing the faith which the people of finland use to follow but in certain ways youre correct, most gods and goddesses were most likely real "people" but its so old that we cant trace back to them

Not just Fins, ALL religions. That's what religion is, a manifestation of human perspective. Its basically peak human philosophy.


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The people on the right are christians