What's your favorite lifting channel?
Mine is Tom and his sidekick acrobat dancer Juji.
What's your favorite lifting channel?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tumblresque flattering drawing for profile picture
jesus the boomer meme is real. does this man have any self awareness?
This Boomer right here.
>lifting channel
You are just jealous of his physique hater
Jason Blaha
>natty btw
I'm subscribed to
Barbell Medicine
Pete Rubish
Larry Wheels
K. Grizzly
I fucking hate jews.
friendly reminder that this is now the REAL Jujimufu channel...
I absolutely hate it when people do that "idealized avatar of myself" shit where every fat/skinnyfat ugly looking faggot has a drawing of himself looking buff and handsome like henry cavill.
is that the guy from gta vice city?
if you touch a dead body you're unclean for seven days, beast
Is this legit or fan made?
Fan made of course kek, it's stemmed from these threads - a channe dedicated to editting out Tom in all videos (or at least .. many)
Rippetoe would be proud
Dude I love Tom. Juji should just quit, we all just watch for Tom, he is SO likeable
Buff Dudes are pretty based. Especially now that Brandon got a tight latina gf.
tom has a decent personality on camera but holy fucking shit his Jew tendencies absolutely made me hate him
he went from a bro to a slimy attention seeking whore in a matter of days
fuck off & go edit, it isn't your channel tom
Juji is the attraction, not the vanilla plain-jane dadbod editor, stop being annoying
Try as you might, you can never truly edit out our boy Tom. For he does all the planning and thumbnail work. Every unique idea in jujis videos, that's ALL Tom. Every clever title? Thats Tom. Ever notice the red arrow on the thumbnail? Of course not. It's psychological warfare to get the human mind subconsciously interested in the video. And Tom invented it himself. Every comment that interacts with the fans is Tom and Tom only. Sure Juji is "buff", and his hair might be more impressive (not more stylish though), but he is a simpleton and if it weren't for Tom he'd be flipping burgers. They should rename the channel to "Tom & Juji" (rhymes with Tom and Jerry lol I'm such a clever mind) or better yet "Tom and friends" because that's all Juji really is, a friend of the mastermind behind the channel.
Martins Licis
>tom has a decent personality on camera
No he fuckin doesn't.. people have hated him since the beginning. He's not funny and has 0 charisma. This whole tom and juji thing was the icing on the cake.
you see that gif of some broad lusting over cavill.. fucking chad my god
would look good if he loses like 15 kilos.
he looks to be in his first year of training
I hope homeboy gets around to editing the more recent videos
I just want all Bugenhagen videos.. but imagine the hilarity of editting out all bits with Tom from the 30 minute "waaaah waaah"-video, holy kek
I like how Tom's drawn to look like some jacked male model instead of the dorky jew sidekick. And he's right there in the foreground with Juji hiding in the back
He looks like 95% of Jow Forums
Last natural
It's amazing how much he latches to Youtube Fitness yet makes no attempt to actually get bigger or stronger.
>But muh IBS
>Brian Shaw, only if he has a guest with him, preferably Eddie hall.
>tom has a decent personality on camera
i liked that hidden kek right there
the Tom Question is just a microcosm of the Jewish Question. Here we have a little jewish weasel who presents as harmless and amicable, but then slowly claws his way up and gains more power and influence until he's eventually taken over the thing he's parasitizing. And then when people push back against, it, he kvetches and blames everyone else, with zero self-reflection
couldn't have said it better
Tom is fucking horrible. I constantly have my finger on the -> button to skip past any moment he appears on camera or starts talking.
You can use the arrow keys to skip back and forth 10 seconds
yes... yes... the SS program is coming along nicely
>I must undermine my host channel
One of these days I'm going to have to go to the Training Hall and try to get in a workout with Martins and Romark and irl shitpost about anime with them.
This is a gay thing right? I've worked in community outreach for years and all the queers uses art like this.
Looks better than me lol
Except maybe I got bigger legs
why are his legs so big?
Pretty based, grizzly is ultra redpilled
Also ultra redpilled:
Catalyst athletics
Iron mind
Frank Rothwell
he looks pretty based
Gradually I began to hate him
Oh my god. This is the channel's banner on the mobile app. Do you think it's intentional?
Fuck. Forgot my pic related.
Tom, stop.
go get some sleep.
what did he mean by this?
Juji must be the most agreeable person on the planet if he doesn't secretly resent Tom. No one gives a fuck about Tom.
Juji's fans subbed for him and watch for him, and then they go ahead and blame the fans for not liking Tom for his sick editing techniques? Fuck, are we supposed to suck the cock of everyone's editors and rejoice when they finally appear on screen?
Calgary Barbell. Pretty chill and informative, with quite a few feedback vids. Which is good for me, since I'm new and shit.
mike israetel is by far the most listenable fitness related guy on yt but I guess he's not really a "lifting" guy
Jujis wife is in the new video. I guess he is natty and just got all the test from her thiccness, Jow Forums was right about braps all along
As if juji ever looked enviously at Tom
god i hate these fucking faggots
Calgary Barbell
Buff Dudes
Mark Bell
That would work, with a caption like this
>it was like he was looking at walking garbage
Juji's name obscured
Tom front and centre
Tom the jew giving the hacker known as Jow Forums's white power symbol
>Tom the jew giving the hacker known as Jow Forums's white power symbol
Now, do you see Jow Forums was right?
>tfw some jew faggot is stealing your channel
Right in what sense? That jew's are genetically predisposed to exhibit manipulative parasitical behaviour?
I must subvert and destroy my host channel
Can we meme tom into being leader of the alt right?
How did people on other sites react to channel change? Youbtube comment section is complete circlejerk.
Someone linked a ribbit thread here where they were talking shit directly to tom's account. Not enough for my tastes, but probably pretty brutal by normie standards.
>"Are we gonna be thrusting later?"
i like buff dudes, definitely a boomer channel though. which is good because i'm a 30yo boomer and i hate these zoomer "epic beach vlog + full day of eating!!!" channels
Based host channel poster
how do i get qt latina gf
The Golden One
I only watch alan thrall or one of his cronies if I need help improving my form, otherwise I dont watch people lift or have fun on camera because its like watching people fuck instead of going out there and fucking.
random finnish dude with a sick physique, super strong grip, pulled a fucking 95kg added chin up and looks like some wild beast/ogre
Has he recovered from the bike accident?
I dont know, I was subbed to him after watching that sick chin up and didnt watch any other video until yesterday where I got to see some others so I'm not really into his situation or whatever
seems like a cool dude so I wish him a proper recovery
Tim looks like this fuck
hey man stanley tucci is a talented actor.
This is prescient. I have had jew acquaintances that have enacted the same thing on this scale.
It cant be prescient when it's based on thousands of historical cases proving a pattern
>'Sup guys. This is Derek from more plates more dates dot com
Paul Joseph Watson
Vincent James
Tim Pool
James Allsup
They show solid ways to make serious gains, if your really serious, I recommend the golden one, styxhevenhammer and Joe Rogan Podcast.
Gains goblins are the daily wire, prageru, and anything ben shapiro
Nice dubs and nice cringe. Nice!
Ahhh a man in his 5th year of ss training. Amazing.
What you're gonna do?
lol i was just looking for it and it looks like it's been deleted.
How the fuck does Paul Joseph Watson show a solid way to make gains?