What class are you, robots?

What class are you, robots?

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A wizard, wanna play the game?

Let's find out.

I don't even know what distinguishes some of these classes in an RPG setting

>What class are you, robots?

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gimme a cool class please

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Bitch tits

I want to see an RPG with all these classes someday.

rolling for my class i guess

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You're suposed to roll retards

that tells me a fuckall about anything, rigged system, reroll


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Rolling for curiosity i guess




I don't know what my class is, but we'll find out soon enough.

gfhbvn original reedit redt reddit avcxcvvbnbv

Dubs confirm. Bow to my superior wizard powers.

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Locust girl

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i wan to roll a different triangle this time.

Roflcopter rollerino

A fucking berserker 100%

Lets find out
my bet is on bard tho

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Who knows? Not even certain I can post

marauder here
Wizard please join my party.

Rollerino. Don't gimmie something gay like dancer pls.

Who the fuck cares?
>muted bc shit is wizard tier

Trickster was my main in RotMG

Rolling for Tinker

Rolling for whatever lmau



Badadadadadadadada ROOOOOLLL

lets see
hoping for some kinda nightblade/thief/dark mage type

litty roll

Please rogue

Gimme that explorer

I want battlemage!

something cool pleas please

Sure, I guess I can roll. If I got to choose I'd be some overpowered chuuni shit

Gimme enchanter

I deny my fate, nigger

Hands to yourself sneakthief

monk or martial artist

chuuni it is!

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It'll do. Maybe I can feed qts and help them grow up big and strong.

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Rolling for beastmaster


usually a cleric or battle mage

give me something cool. something rogue-like.

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If I could choose, probably a necromancer or some other summoner type. Maybe someday I could spawn a gf for myself.

roll it in an original style

Inquisitor please.

As long as its not near warrior class

Let luck decide

Rolling rolling rolarino
I hope I get mentalist so I can hypnotized sexy female orcs

Y'all mind if I hit that rollerino?

oh god oh fuck oh god

I'd honestly be fine with whatever I rolled on this one. Bard would be pretty cool and I also like Spellsword. Trap-masters are gay tho

Moshi moshi roller desu

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I'll spawn this user a gf first though

a hybrid between spy and illusionist or a shadow-mancer

Very original role

the time has come abu dabu

pls make me chad

Trying again, I dont want to be a fucking boxer, I want waaaaaaands

Please nothing gay rolling

why do i need an original comment?

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Well I dunno but let's find out shall we?

Nice. Im ok with being a knight

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Rolling in an original way. Extra blox

Chad roll incoming

Wow, brother. That's truly unfortunate.

The numbers shall decide my fate.


I'm a duelist thats pretty cool

FUCK, still cool though


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I'll create the illusion that I'm a useful class!!!

well lets see what i get from this roll

Alright lemme find out here's hoping for wizard like irl

Not a fighter

tf is a gambler supposed to do?

Whatever it is, it's going to be retarded.

Niggerfaggot bitch off by 3


ever think about the universe

Redguards are just neggros

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kkkkkkk I see beegee rollloolo

Rollin' in a super original way

Rolling with a duck

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Gimme a Chad class


hhmm. let's see here

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Gonna find out, ideally a highwayman

give me the THAD class

roll ralewnaijpfe

Just get me WHAT I NEED

I'm this thread class

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Rolling through the street in my 64