If a girl gets raped she gets all the attention being a victim entails.
A Man literally can not be called a man anymore.
Rape is worse for a man
>Got raped
>No sympathy from anyone and even suffered ridicule
>Still all the problems to suffer along with the rape but no help
Yeah, it's pretty shitty.
Sorry that's rough. Can you describe how it happened? I'm interested
It's embarassing to talk about because how pathetic it is, but two black girls robbed and one raped me, behind the dumpsters in my old apartment complex which was pretty ghetto. One clocked me from behind with a bottle and they dragged me back where they did what they did.
Severe bad luck on my part but it left me traumatized and afraid, without anyone to turn to or help to get, I had to try and cope on my own.
Damn that's brutal, people are kinda brain dead when it comes to men getting raped.
Wow that sounds like cartoon violence but you could really die from that.
Big deal. Try being molested and abused for years by your own dad
That's stupid broseph
I'm sure that's much worse, I'm not trying to get into a contest just saying that guys are fucked when it comes to help from other people including with abuse.
It left me pretty fucked up for months after, which didn't help in trying to recover from it mentally and emotionally. Concussion and symptoms and all, a literal physical reminder of what happened even if you could try and get over it.
God damn it this board has ruined me. I can't tell if you're larping or not.
If you're for real, that really sucks bro. I hope you're doing ok.
I am a guy. Though yes, I do apologise for being a cunt
We are disposable. Why should they care?may as well do what you like because in the end,we will always just be some dude some where. Thats the curse every man has to live with .
I think it's more to do with the fact that it just doesn't sound that bad. Like I know intellectually that it's probably a horrible experience, but my gut reaction to the topic is still "yeah that'd be nice" until my brain takes over and I realize getting raped probably isn't as fun as it sounds.
Idk. I just think that men as a whole dont really matter as much as people say they do. Its like saying you are in my prayers or good morning. Its just something people say.
cmon, that's just so blatant retarded racebait that doesn't make sense
Wait wait wait, a female raped you? That's not worse than if a man raped a women, but if a man raped a man I could sympathize. I've come to terms that I would rather a man kill me than rape me. If a women threatened my life with rape I would one overpower her because she's a women, or two if that really wasn't an option I would get raped, wash my penis, and get over it. There really isn't much same unless you are actually physically weaker than her. In that case you should work out.
>gets blinde sides by sheeboons
>bro its your fault lmao get fit bro
You are being sarcastic and annoying.
I am calling total bullshit on the rape part.
You went out trolling for a stinky hooker and she brought an armed friend to take ALL your money after you were done.
Brain dead anons kys
>A Man literally can not be called a man anymore.
wouldn't say that
top tier strongmen and boxers can be raped to if there's multiple people or a gun i guess
I wish, but I'm not down with the sistahs.
It encouraged me to be more fit after the fact. At the time though I was a hungry skeleton so two girls could beat me up, especially when they got the first surprise hit to the head from behind.
Not larping. I'm doing better now but it was really hard, having to cope with it all alone.
Don't see what's race baity about it. They wanted my money and belongings first and foremost, one of them just opportunity sexually assaulted me.
Rape isn't really pleasant regardless of circumstance but I agree, a man being raped my another man is very likely the most damaging out of all the possibilities