Decimates you teeth

>decimates you teeth
You haven't been eating these every day, have you user?

Attached: three-almonds.jpg (1100x734, 56K)

>decimates you teeth

It weakens the enamel and makes it brittle.
You should avoid eating almonds more than once a week.

almonds are a pleb tier nut anyway, too hard and have a shitty skin

No, because they are literally toxic if you don't soak them over night.

Are peanuts fine?

brazil nuts

Just swallow them whole then.

Why would anyone eat these when cashews are the nut of the gods?

Why don't you Cashew on these nuts

I enjoy them so much I'm going to keep eating them anyways. I swear to god according to this place there's a problem with every food


Attached: 1551984480970s.jpg (125x118, 3K)

>contains more fat than a spoonful of vegetable oil
Enjoy your death nut.

Give me one(1) study that supports this

Been eating those regularly since I was a child, teeth are in perfect condition. Don't know what you're talking about.

If you had not eaten them, you'd have two times the amount of teeth you have right now. Think about them apples.

Why the fuck would I need 64 of them?


You can use them as currency to buy all the mushroom ale you need. Fucking teeflets.

I've been eating raw almonds for a long time and I don't have single cavity, filling, or missing teeth. You're full of shit.

>he's unable to drag a deer into the river using his teeth

>not knowing the standard human teeth amount is 128 for women and 256 for males.

Source: trust me dude

>2019 a.d.
>not activating your almonds
Absolute pleb tier nuteater

>not eating all the nuts family at once

Literally have been eating them daily for years.

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I would if they weren't so fucking expensive to be desu

>according to this place there's a problem with every food
to be fair that's not wrong

fuck brazil nuts