How do I quit the liquid jew safely?

This shit is costing me a fortune. When I quit I get the shakes pretty bad. I'm getting fat. Help anons, wtd...

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You're an addict. Go to a meeting.

this helped me.
no symptoms and I was a very heavy drinker
talk to a doc

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>When I quit I get the shakes pretty bad.
uh how much ya drinking

Power thru the withdrawals.

>t. two months sober

Not having addiction genes.

For me it was as simple as just throwing all the alcohol out and never buying it again. It was hell for a couple of days, but I got through it.

Hungover as fuck my lads, should I still do my planned workout today or wait until tomorrow? Fucking christ last night got out of hand.

Go to a Dr and detox or Drink enough to stop the shakes and no more. Look up tapering plans. Go

Definitely don't do this if you're an actual alcoholic. If you quit cold turkey as an alcoholic there's a legitimate risk that you will die.

Consult a doctor.

If you're not an alcoholic, then just have the fucking self-discipline faggot

Nigga just stop drinking lmaoooo like put the bottle down nigga loool

>resenting sports and "sports culture"
>resenting alcohol and "alcohol culture"
These are telltale signs of someone who has been a social outcast since middleschool, these sort of people tend to take up the straight edge lifestyle and/or veganism as coping mechanisms, they also love playing the victim

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taper off, if ur a serious drinker dont quit cold turkey or u might actually die if you get DT (delirium tremens), just drink progressively less until you finally stop

Alcoholism isn't part of alcohol culture though unless you are eastern european

16 oz of gin per day

Do not just go cold turkey as some have said. I did that and had a seizure. I assume that liquor is your go to, if that's the case try switching to red wine, a glass or two a day. Then make it one. Then cut below that. But most importantly: ALCOHOL WITHDRAWALS CAN KILL YOU

You're an alcoholic Harry!
Taper it off. This week you're drinking 12 oz/day.

What is the best half life for cutting back?

Not who replied, but I've been through this multiple times, currently 5 months sober. The ideal situation would use some type of benzos to taper, preferably a long acting one like Klonopin. If that's not an option, reduce your I take by one drink per day, and don't drink more than one drink every hour. You're not trying to get drunk, your just drinking enough to avoid withdrawals.
It's possible to do it faster than that, I've cut my intake by half per day before, but it's a lot more uncomfortable. So in that scenario you would go from 16oz to 8 oz to 4oz etc.

As far as safety, I would recommend a blood pressure monitor. If your blood pressure starts getting high, and you begin to have muscle spasm or start hearing or seeing things, GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY. alcohol withdrawal is no joke. It can kill you. I personally know people that have died from the DTs. I myself spent six days in the ICU from it and was almost out in to an induced coma. Don't fuck around with it.

Having been down that road multiple times, I know it sucks, it's hard, and it's scary. Just know that there is support out there if you want it. Hope things turn out well for you.

Lord Jesus seek medical help immediately

What happens when Im not adiccted to alcohol but to the potential social interaction it brings me?

You must have a trash body, I lived for months drinking 12 pints of beer daily and it did fuck-all to me

Checked, but you need to stop using alcohol as a crutch for lack of social skills. Learn to be uncomfortable in social situations, and develop social skills and learn to small talk. I used booze as a crutch for years. Once I took that away though, I made huge social gains and started getting more pussy more easily than I ever did drinking.

I can't I can't be social without it.

My local liquor store had a back room with radio equipment. To quit I had to alert my local counseling center to get them to stop harassing long enough for me to quit. Since then I've quit smoking too.

but I still chew tobacco. Never gonna make it

Yes you can. You have to learn it just like any other skill. I have schizoid personality disorder and was able to do it. You just don't know how to because you've never tried.

>My local liquor store had a back room with radio equipment. To quit I had to alert my local counseling center to get them to stop harassing long enough for me to quit

what the fuck does this even mean