I cant even tell when I’m hungry or not anymore. I just eat. I literally never feel full wtf do i do...

I cant even tell when I’m hungry or not anymore. I just eat. I literally never feel full wtf do i do. I cant tell if my body needs food or if its just hungry for no reason. Seriously wtf. I cant even tell if i have an appetite or if my body is just like i dont even fucking know. Wtf do i do dude. I have been starving and dieting forever and it still wont go away my body is just hungry non stop and if i dont feed it what it wants i start getting like hot sweaty cant sleep freak out have no energy


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Your shouldn’t feel stuffed or full all the time unless you are trying to gain weight. Being raised to eat until you are stuffed turned you into a fatty. When I’m cutting I’m usually hungry or not hungry. Pretty much never full.

I feel fucking starving but i also kinda do drugs that kick it in but its still worse than anyone i know

Maybe you shouldn’t eat until you feel full you dumbass. Maybe you should decide how much food you want to put in your body rather than let your body tell you what to do.

Fuck off angry retard go somewhere else and be a dick head I’m sure you have lots of friends to talk to

Maybe he’s right fatty. You can have will power or you can make excuses

I just ordered a 12" pizza, god rest my soul. There goes the day's calorie deficit. I just couldn't help it. I need to eat or I'll feel miserable hahahha

t. eating RIGHT NOW

Just don’t want to talk to angry autists go. There’s 1000 other threads you can be an ass hole in. Go. Go away.

Of course come to an autism board to ask for advice and get a bunch of lonely nerds being ass holes for no reason. Don’t know what else I expected from this pit of shit. God I fucking hate nerdy whites

There's 2 threads you can go to and it's the FUCKING STICKY or /qtddtot/. This is a waste of space.

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So are you virgin

Okay, now this is epic.

Dude we’re all hungry, don’t think you’re a special fatass victim of your poor guhnetics. Once you see it that way you accept hunger - and in your case, the shakes - as normal. You think other people don’t get sweaty and shaky when they’re hungry? It’s why dieting is uncomfortable, accept the discomfort. I get sweaty, uncomfortable, and dizzy too. I’m never satisfied. I eat a dinner the size of my fist and slug it out for the next 12 hours. But that’s what it takes. If I want to feel full like my fatass body is used to, it takes a 3,000 MEAL.

Same. I’m thinking of just exercising more than starving it feels unhealthy

There's always option 3

count your calories smoothbrain


My body requires 13000 calories or I experience organ failure it’s not me it’s my body.

No its not puking.


>Your shouldn’t feel stuffed or full all the time unless you are trying to gain weight. Not OP but is this true? Do most "normal" people always sit in a state of not being hungry, but also not being completely stuffed?