Symmetric strength thread

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bw: 63kg height: 170
ohp: 30x7
bench: 55x2
squat: 80x5 (I had done a 90x7 in March, but I haven't squatted in a while)
deadlift: 95x1 (BUT it was with a hex bar, my normal dead is probably lower)

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Wtf why are your pecs grey??

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I'm from Morrowind you dumb n'wah

For me it's chins and pullups.

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Fuck bench press

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SS or SL?

I started lifting 1 month ago

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Height: 5'7"
BW: 158 lbs, been lifting for about 8 months. I've got short ass arms too
>Bench: 215
>Squat: 275
>Deadlift: 310
>OHP: 140
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

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Muscles are greyed out if no exercises entered involve them. That's why most people's calves are grey too: Most people don't enter any of the exercises that involve the calves a lot.

1/2/3/4 at 150 lbs is advanced I guess

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3.5 years lifting from skelly. lifts are in pic

bench big gay

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On week 4 myself. Nice job user

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18- lifting for 2 years
Weighted dip is king

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Nooby question here. If I am doing 5x5 I should enter "5" for reps correct; not "25"?

nvm it won't even let me enter 25 so that answers my question

Is the website bugging out for anyone else?

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Pretty balanced

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>that guy who skips leg day lmao

Yeah it's 5. It's how many reps sets you do in a single set, not in total.

Yeah she needs to do more boob exercises...

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