Are home gyms the final redpill?
Are home gyms the final redpill?
are there any non-americans that have a home gym?
I'm canadian and have one
I genuinely don't want a home gym right now. I am a social being and enjoy being around people, even though I don't want to talk to them. The people I do talk to at the gym are easy going and I enjoy our brief conversations and support. This is despite being an introverted person.
You're American, as you live in North America.
Told you Americans are dumb.
Yes. I'm a shut-in who doesn't enjoy social interaction with strangers.
Yurop homegym here
poor doggie, he looks so old :(
the opposite. you concentrate way better in gym, when you put yourself out of your comfort zone (home) and dedicate everything there. Besides u can have a sauna and better equipment there, get test boost from thot ass, get inspired by a big guy, rival a newbie and make friends with an old naked guy.
Homegym Europa here
Very homoerotic post
australia here, keen on doing one. gym gear is cheap as fuck where I am I just don't quite know what to put in my 2car garage. Do you reckon a bench and a power rack would be enough for strength and aesthetics training (rugby player)
I have a home gym, I prefer going to a gym.
>no bros to shoot the shit with
>no gym thots to give you a test boost
>no spotters when you need one
>have to shill out several grand to build one
Nah. The gym atmosphere is comfy.
Home gym Balkan here.
not knowing proper flag protocol
He sweet.
nothing wrong with a gym, its just what attracts me to a home gym is the convenience, and in the long run the price. Here in Aus you can buy a second power cage for like 200-250 and weights for about 1-2 bucks a kg. I've bought so much second hand shit from facebook marketplace which is literally a blessing. Especially if you play a sport like rugby it's good because after a hard day of work it's easier to go home and do a quick workout on your off days or on offseason without the commute which is actually the biggest barrier for going to gym. Plus no need to wait.. in theory you could get a workout done while the chicken is cooking in the oven for dinner... as opposed to going home, commuting (20-40min both ways) working out (1 hour).
Depends - do you prefer working out and gradually improving yourself in a non-toxic environment where you aren't constantly being judged by everyone around you and where there aren't a bunch (roughly a dozen, often more) annoying chicks in leggings just casually walking around, talking too loud, streaming themselves, bringing their own music and doing a single squat every 5 minutes just to get attention?
Albionic Temple Of Iron over here
>non-toxic environment
is there any Jow Forumszen with an apartment homegym?
Definitely get inspired from going to the gym,
I agree with # completely
I have a few bands, rings, a few plates and that's literally all I need for my gains.
Only drawback is I don't get a lot of variety with my bodyweight workout but it beats going to the gym any time of the day
Well, that's fair. My gym is about 5 minutes from my office on foot, so it's pretty convenient for me to lift right after work. And it's cheap too. 30 bucks a month.
Yes it is good
this is my 100$ "gym"
Sell this, buy some iron plates second hand off craigslist/facebook marketplace etc, order a cheap chinese build-it-yourself squat rack, craigslist bench and bar and you're set for all the compound movements
You can also build your own (half) rack out of wood for cheap.
Look at his dick though. Lad probably satisfied more than a few bitches with that weapon.
Yeah I could lift more with racks but they damn expensive. I feel like these this setup is decent enough for overhead press, squats, deadlifts and dumbbell exercises.
The problem (that I found) is that you need to be able to half rep OHP your squat to actually do it as you need to lift it off the ground and over your head. Will say though I made massive shoulder and trap gains by buying a disount EZ bar and 4x10kg weights and doing OHP and shrugs with it every other night.
Poland here, I have a squat rack and a bench in our cellar.
It would be pretty comfy if my parents weren't hoarders and dump shit there constantly.
Or just be able to clean your front squat and just do front squats and RDLs for glutes/hammies.
this is probably < 100 EUR worth of materials and the most expensive part is the M12 bolts when you only buy 4 at a time, can get rid of those if you match it to your height.
>Want to buy home gym
>can kinda afford it
>Can't afford the work to stop my basement from flooding
Matty Ice here, home gym master race come to my garage i will teach you deadlifts
UK home gymer. Full rack with pulleys in my garage. Haven't been to a commercial gym for years to which is nice.
How much do you squat? I guarantee it holds it just fine.
>drywall braced wood rack with no cross beams
>rogue fitness banner
>backwards American flag
>stationary bike
>fake plates
>bar loaded with lmao babby weight
>plate carrier
its so easy to spot a crossfag
That's not drywall, it's plaster over bricks. All the load is straight down along the grain of the main woooden beam with almost no moment arm. Those M12 bolts can carry 5 times the mass you can squat. The distance to the wall is also short enough, there is no need for a cross beam. I tie my belt against that rack while it's loaded.
Switzerland. Cost me about 4k with the concept2 rammer
put some cross beams on that shit brah
very nice user
I need to buy some gym equipment
i'm too scared to go to the gym
>eurocucks spend 4k on an ass rammer
I have the same rack
yeah bc it's the hex bolts that are going to fail on that fucking balsa wood squat rack. at least you mounted it to some bricks
I really want a home gym.
yeah more than enough though some dumbells might be helpful too
If you honestly think those 75x90 vertical beams can't carry the bar then there is no hope for you.
>Here in Aus you can buy a second power cage for like 200-250 and weights for about 1-2 bucks a kg. I've bought so much second hand shit from facebook marketplace which is literally a blessing.
you're fucking lucky, the only gym equipment in my area are rusted out or flimsy, plus the cunts won't accept anything less than what they paid for them brand new
Home gyms are the superior choice, there is no better motivation than getting mires from mommy mid rep.
I dont know why, but it looks like you lift in a weird ass survival shelter.
>local homosexual decapitates himself with homemade contraption
No, unfortunately. Impossible if you live in a commieblock, like 90% of eastern europe. I'd have no problem putting a squat rack and some weights in my room, but I'm too afraid it will make the whole thing go crashing down. It's cellar or nothing. And cellars are bum's turf, off limit.
I just get demotivated at home, in a gym I'll do extra just for the heck of it
Cheap squat stands are $50. They also store nicely in a corner.
paranoid baby
Yes. Super convenient and in the long run it's cheaper than a gym membership assuming you just buy some cheap barbells, dumbbells and racks.
It does however require some space and you won't have access to a bunch of fancy machines, so it's not perfect.
I agree. But imo several grand is an exaggeration.
Like another user said, FB marketplace, Craigslist and other boot sale website type things. They're great and people sell so cheaply. You could absolutely build a home gym for 1 to 2 grand. If not less. Maybe even 500 if you're lucky.
I've got:
>power cage
>adjustable bench
>oly barbell
>oly plates
>swiss bar
>ez bar
>dumbbells that go up to 50kg+ each
>pulldown/low row machine
>eliptical trainer
What else i could get? I was thinking about jammer arms but there are no that will fit my cage without modifying them.
>tfw a mother on Craigslist was selling her son's home gym
>he recently died of cancer
fucking rings son
thanks mate. its really nice. only downside is i have to control the negatives of deadlifts completely
>sell dumbells
>sell ez bar
>sell pulldown machine
>sell elliptical trainer
too much fluff and pump user. rid yourself of shit and free up space in your own home.
>jammer arms
imagine buying anything other than a bench and a barbell..fucking idiots lol
>Commie scum detected
The problem is that even the slightest lateral moment can cause the entire thing to tip and you could easily do that on accedent when setting the weight down or picking it up
Do you have a license for those weights
Such is life at the YMCA
bench is a little to be desired but I have the following In mine
>Titan T3 short cage
>adjustable incline bench
>economy bar (600lb)
>245lb plate set
>horse stall mats
>Bluetooth speaker
>chalk bags
had to get extra plates but the whole investment cost less than 1k burgerbux. Been using it for over a year and it’s been great. My only gripe is the bench needs to be tightened every now and then or it wobbles and you can see the lean in the pic related from it
I like this setup alot, apart from the degenerate starred flag the whole decoration offers pretty good vibes.
>no hope for you
>says the guy with the wooden squat rack
lightweight baby woo. but really do what you want. say hi to piano man for me.
I have mine in a garage nearby (rusanon). Other way it's dumbbels-only for us commyblockers I guess, having a full sized barbell at home is retarded. Good thing there are a lot of gyms usually.
yes, I have a power rack and stationary bicycle in my 4th floor studio walkup in an east coast city. I can do everything except DL, so I worked out a deal with a gym near where I live that lets me go in for 20 minutes a week to do DLs
>order a cheap chinese build-it-yourself squat rack
>You can also build your own (half) rack out of wood for cheap.
please stop giving advice that will cause retards to die
Yeah, we who live in the USA should get a proper demonym like Unites, Stations, or since the word America is in the country's name unlike any other country on the continent, we could reasonably be called Americans.
you can get thick foam mats + bumper plates will let you dl without noise complains
May his gains be yours. Lift for a fallen bro
>Titan Fitness
oh nononononononono
if you don't have a hanging american flag, it's not a home gym, it is a health club.
Home gym Canada herro
even im as a europoor would hang a american flag or at least gadsden flag / rhodesian flag in my gym dont be such a fag
oh i replied the wrong post, sorry
I can get behind this plus being at the gym means I'm away from my distraction zone, I can focus, and being in the gym puts me in the Work mentality.
i love posts like this. sycophants let themselves be known without prompting
Bench + Power Rack + some rubber mats to deadlift/power clean off is enough.
A quality homegym is the real endgame for the true Jow Forumsizen. Roasties and thots are an ephemeral meme, a homegym is eternal gains.
>Doesn't even have 500 lbs
>Louisiana-Layafette peasant race
Checks out.
Can i put a power rack/plates in an apartment without falling through the floor/annoying neighbors?
Not sure if the building is concrete but it is brand new
>Ever needing a spotter
Safeties, retard.
No. Some retards might do it anyway, but I assume you're not a retard so don't do it. Better safe than sorry.
its steel man. dont get cucked by a brand. if there were glaring issues with it i wouldve returned it but a full cage, bench, and barbell setup for less than 500 bucks and shipped for free, and truthfully the quality is very good, i couldnt find anything that beat it. second hand wouldve been nice but i live in a small town.
Why not?
My apartment is small 47m^2 whatever that in American measurements is
It’s a big a 1 room apartment
Big livingroo is where I got my bed, desk, TV and couch, bath, small hallway and a small balcony. In my kitchen I have the kitchen and my homegym.
About1/3rd of my living space is dedicated to my homegym.
But is the weight of the equipment an issue, being as i am not on the first floor and have you ever had noise complaints?