I want to fucking die. Brobots, if you were thinking of getting a degree in history just fucking stop...

I want to fucking die. Brobots, if you were thinking of getting a degree in history just fucking stop. Worst fucking mistake of my entire life.

>Finish uni in May, just have exams left
>Mom forces me to go to job fair
>Nothing better to do, so fuck it I go
>I hand out at least 20 resumes
>They all ask about my history degree
>One guy laughs in my face
>I don't even know what to do, just stay silent while he laughs at me
>Leave feeling like a whore and holding back tears

Fuck this gay earth. No career for me I guess, just wagecucking for life. Fuck university.

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>history degree
Good luck, user. You'll need it.

Should have gotten a "Herstory" degree you misogynist pig

>history degree

Why the fuck would you get a degree in history

wait I'm a history major, fuck. did you go to a good college? that might save me idk. pls user I need more info, you just kind of freaked me out.

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I graduated with a history degree two years ago simply because my family made me to college for something.

just been working the same shit jobs I could have had without it, but at least the family paid for it so no debt. I can tell my grandmother really regrets falling for the meme that any degree means companies throw jobs at you.

I went to the second best uni in my country. Switch majors NOW

If you aren't studying Law or Stem, you are retarded.

Might as well stay, if you're daft enough to even go for a history degree in the first place you'll never make it in another field that isn't useless

Did you think we were joking? I love history but I am not stupid enough to major in it. Jesus tap dancing christ how could you do something so dumb? Get a degree that isn't completely useless, even though they all basically are. Do something where people will not at least laugh you out. I picked geology and it was sometimes sorta hard and I don't really like it but well, I got a STEM degree and no one laughs at it like if I went into history which would have been much easier and enjoyable.

I mean you said you went to a job fair meaning you did not apply directly for a job in your field of study, so I would recommend you apply directly to jobs that deal with history. For example museums, national parks, archeology. Your problem is that you are not looking into how your skills can be applied.

Become a cam gigolo.

Better perspectives than meme degree.

I have a history degree and I'm making $75k a year so...

Lmao at going to college for any other reason than fucking sluts. Even stemfags are coping nowadays

I shoulda joined the military

Honestly...this. My biggest regret is not going military. I wanted to but my fucking mom got in a hissy fit

>getting an eng degree so I can fast track to an officer position
Feels good man.

Wut job do you do

Well bro, i have a public administration degree so I can't even laugh at you

Become a meme historian. Make your dreams become true.

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Policy analyst for the government.

I got a political science degree and it's just as worthless. Had my parents not pressured me to go to college so hard I wouldn't have.

hmmm I may switch to cs after your post

fuck off bong

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>in my country
>so not USA
in which case of course you're retarded. the rest of the world expects you to get a pre-professional degree in some bullshit instead of a liberal arts one. god i hate eurofags

OTher thread died while I made this garbage so I dump it here

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I double majored in math because I'm not a 'tard like the OP.
At least with a math degree it's a proxy IQ test.

user, I CAN HELP! I sort of went through this same thing, and learned something in the process (that they should tell everyone). There are basically two main routes you can take going through college:
1.) Get an undergraduate degree that directly gives you the skills you need to do a specific job. For example:
>Getting a Computer Science degree and then becoming a programmer
>Getting an Engineering degree and then becoming an engineer
>Getting an Accounting degree and then becoming an accountant

2.) Get a broad undergraduate degree, then getting a Masters or Phd that gives you the skills you need to do a specific job. It is common for people who go this route to pick the easiest undergraduate degree they can so that they can have the highest possible GPA to get into graduate schools. Although some pick a relevant undergraduate major to bolster their knowledge (then take the easiest classes possible). For example:
>Getting a History degree, getting a Law degree, then becoming a lawyer
>Getting a Biology degree, completing medical school, then becoming a doctor
>Getting a Philosophy degree, getting a master's in Finance, then becoming a financial advisor

Path number two is still an option for you. Masters degrees are only 2 years of school, and some can be completed in 1-1.5 years. And on the plus side, you'll have a more impressive resume and make more money than the people who got specific undergraduate degrees. I would seriously consider this if I were you. You just need to find a job prospect that requires a Master's degree and then get said degree. It will even allow you to save face immediately, because you can just tell people that you plan to go to graduate school for "X". Good luck.

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this. idk what the fuck is graduate undergraduate. wtf burger college

Oooor get an associates in like IT or somethin/go to trade school possibly in a few years

An associate's degree falls under option number 1, as does trade school. OP doing either of those would essentially be starting over from scratch.

I'm a psychology major, am I fucked? BLS said they make bank...

Yes, I'm American. I don't know what you guys call it in other countries, but I'll try to explain it. "Undergraduate" is the word used to describe when you first go to college/university. Undergraduate degrees are normally 4 years, but there are some 2 year degrees. You can go to undergraduate schools right after finishing high school/secondary school. The degree you receive from undergraduate schools are either called Associate's Degrees, or Bachelor's Degrees.

"Graduate" schools require you to have an undergraduate degree before you can attend, and they often offer deeper or more specialized knowledge. The degree you receive from graduate schools are either called Master's Degrees, or Doctorates.

I hope that makes sense and has some sort of analogue in your countries.

And one last thing OP. For the love of god, do not get an MBA. You need something specific that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to perform a specific job. MBAs are for people who already have specific skills/knowledge but want a business degree so that they can move up into management in larger corporations.

MBAs are useless unless you already have a degree that aligns you with a job.

When you decided to get a history degree, what job did you have in mind?

Your major doesn't matter. Just learn excel, SQL, and some form of programming. You can learn for fucking free online.

I don't understand why people don't think of this. Your degree doesn't prove anything about your work-related talents. Learn to be useful and people will hire you.

Like most artsci majors, history is only worthwhile if you intend to get a masters and specialize in something.
I got a masters in foreign policy and make 85k.

thanks for explaining. yeah, it correlates completely

Hahaha you bought a worthless $60K degree hahaahaha fucking cuck

should have learned to weld, faggot

>Worst fucking mistake of my life.

Not really, sounds like you didn't make any connections. Just go to Law School bro or go for a Master's and teach.

He wanted to be a historyman, where he goes to work every day at the history factory and does a history

Did the guy laughing at you do a big hearty laugh like he's in a cartoon or was it more sly and sarcastic?

>He majored in geology
I'm laughing at you mate and so does everyone you tell you majored in rock studies

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why didn't/don't you go to grad school?

OP its not the end of your life. You have learned. You still got options man. You could go to a trade school(welding electrician ect..). Sadly you will have to live with mommy for awhile until your on your feet.

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You could teach. Work in a library/museum. Etc. ops prob good at reading at least too

Why excel and sql? Well I get excel.. but why sql

I got a history degree and ended up applying as an officer in the army. Needed the UCAS points in order to. Could try something like that user. Not really sure why you got the degree anyway though.

Get certified to teach history at a public school! It's an interesting topic, the responsibilities are few, and you get the summers off (with a paycheck if you choose). The pay isn't excessive but it's certainly enough to be comfortable on your own. I have a son and my salary alone gets the two of us by without issue.

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you could predict the past to people!

What if a history degree is the only degree I'm intelligent enough to get?

I'm unironically considered applying to be an officer in the army after graduating with a history degree. What are UCAS points/how do they work? How did you find your experience as an officer?

>What are UCAS points/how do they work?
It's basically a point system for post-16 qualifications as a way of measuring their academic "worth" I think the requirement these days is 72 UCAS points required to apply. For context this is within the United Kingdom, your respective country may have a different system in place.
>How did you find your experience as an officer?
I was only in for 6 years after necessary training which was 44 weeks at Sandhurst and another 12 with the regiment but it was probably the best time of my life to be honest. The money might not be the best in the world but they'll cover 90% of your expenses anyway. You could quite easily make a lifelong career out of it if you stuck with it long enough, opens a lot of opportunities in the private sector too. Worst case scenario you can get educational leave and complete a different degree whilst posted as an officer so you have an exit strategy. If you wanna ask anything specific go ahead but those are the basics.

alright thanks, I'm actually from the US so I'm sure we have a similar system.

yea you're a dumbass. i got a poli-sci degree so im not too much better. you literally need to erase the fact from your mind. like completely wipe it from existence and just pretend like you never got it at all. just go get some garbage job and work your way up.

Got a Geography Degree so I am right there with you OP. I was hoping to get a job in GIS but so far, no luck.