Hate the cold and it doesnt even get that cold here. Post bods and disdain for colder climates.
6’0 77kg, trying to hit legs more but theyre still shit. What else do i need?
Hate the cold and it doesnt even get that cold here. Post bods and disdain for colder climates.
6’0 77kg, trying to hit legs more but theyre still shit. What else do i need?
Stupid aussies. Drop your routine though.
hot.. everything really
6'2 76kg winter bulk
How do you get those abs? I have a similar body but with a marathon runner's core unless if I flex
I Only do compounds for abs though
Looking pretty solid overall, but you do need that bulk bruv.
5'6, 132 lbs.
Started kinda fat, slightly less fat now. Trying to get down to 12% bf for November wedding
You'll never be a girl, sorry
Heartless idiot
Trying to look like Tom Hardy as bane
Fit Greyskull 4 months up 20lbs
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
Atleast hes honest with you. Would you rather be lied to your whole life?
>falling for the bulk meme
honestly m8, i've literally never ever been accused of being a tranny irl or anywhere but on Jow Forums, so i'm pretty confident that actual heterosexual males who's been near actual 3D women can tell i'm a female since birth, but ur very welcome to imagine me with a dick if that's what gets you off man.
kek what
thx my man
I'd hit it either way...then again I did send a random guy a picture of my nuts yesterday so take that for what you will
what a disgusting tranny, you will never pass
6’1, 175
Just hit 3 plate squat and 1 plate OHP today. Not big into benching as you can probably tell.
1 plate ohp with those delts how did you do it
dick or gtfo
Doing barbell lifts for the first time in my life. Basically did a bunch of lateral raises for my shoulders for a year. Imagine a hotel gym, that’s what I had access to.
how the fuck is op 6 feet at 77 kg with that body? he's probably lying about his height, right?
it's called posing.If he stands in full profile, you will see his frame is extremely slender
Well here I'm And tried to copy the pose no pump
>tfw you were skelly mode
>then gained 35 lbs in 3 years eating shit
>then did leangains, lost the weight, and noticed forearms, delts, biceps got bigger and abs were much easier to frame out
chitty photo but w/e
ffffffff this is my goal body. slim, muscly, toned. i need to get rid of my slight pointy boobies and work out my abs way more.
ok cool, still learning. nice body though mate
Thanks bro we're all gonna make it
Strength is the goal
mirin' those pecs hard man. post routine? how long you been liftan? bf%?
Lifting for like 5 years. I am 5'11 and 167lbs, my bench at this BW is around 320lbs but I want to gain weight and increase that. I mainly do some form of powerlifting programming for the main compounds when I am bulking, however I just did a cut so I just tried my best to maintain strength, normally 1 day high volume bench and 1 day heavy bench per week, followed by 3 sets of incline dumbbell bench press
the extra weight must be from that fat hog, what are your stats?
5'11, 205lbs, 165/285/335/455 5RM lifting for 2 years
pls r8 and bf% estimate
is this natty? mirin
what was your before body if you truly are skinnyfat? you should post on this thread:
u've made it ottermode wise
You did it OP. You made it. You posted body and you're actually Jow Forums. Congrats man
Let's produce Aryan children.
I’m I was 200 pounds a couple of months ago. Get all of your carbs from fruit, start running every other day, and focus on some hypertrophic lifts for a bit. I don’t do a lot of an isolations but I make sure to activate my core in all lifts.
5'9 165
Fit greyskull 4 months. Lifts effectively going up every workout.
All 3×5 except deadlift 1×5+ usually 8-10
Haven't squat in a while due to move and homegym not enough space in garage at moment so could be outdated. Going to do greyskull until 1234 then switch to some type of hypertrophy routine.
lighting isnt great but whatever, 95.5kg at just over 6'4" right now after committing to a cut for the first time a couple months ago.
>tfw seeing some ab definition for the first time ever
mirin hard my man, post routine/diet?
I meant penis stats but this is fine too i guess
5'10 146lbs I am grateful for all the advice from you fitizens
those shoulders are wide bruh, you could've made it as a man if you tried
thanks bruv. CBA to type everything out, so pic related if you can decipher my writing. Left page on wednesdays, right page mondays and fridays. "Scooby" on leg day refers to Scooby's rottissary ab workout, with a 10kg plate. Weight is in kilo's, "x F" means until failure. No real diet, just eat maintenance + protein shake and extra ham sandwich now and then.
Ofc not. Look at his traps and bowling ball shoulders.
Hey downlight fag it's nice to see some development in those legs compared to months ago, keep it up
5'11" 180 lbs, started at 150. I feel like a fattie now
nice delts and booty
pretty good could gain some size, aesthetic though
not too bad def need to gain some weight though
keep lifting and eat protein
good ottermode
not bad need to eat more though
You are retarded.
>>tfw seeing some ab definition for the first time ever
I remember this, great feeling
mirin arms
lats and delts are lacking, you are tall enough to gain more weight before getting fat
train traps and gain 40lbs then
looks good, time lifting?
your missing out, bench is fun
train lats, helps extremely for tall people to look wide
looks good lean but id bulk if i were you
how much do you squat?
I'm not sure yet. I worked out at home for the past year, so no squat rack. I joined a gym two weeks ago though. Working on getting my form down before I push it too much. Did a few sets of 200 lbs x 5 yesterday.
Nice forearms btw, forgot to add that. Mirin
loks good except for that stupid tattoo but hey we were all 16 and made dumb choices once
I'm not natty. been on gear for a while now. unironically healthier and happier on test. gear definitely helped my shoulders grow, but I was already genetically gifted in the traps.
I like your moles. They are arousing somehow.
post cock
>time lifting?
1 year 5 months
I am a manlet with autism
hello 5'8" manlet retard department? yeah i'd like a refund here's my receipt
Best gain this Summer was a tan
>a tranny
You people are OBSESSED with trannies here, what is the actual fucking deal.
Mirin hard
Hey it's david bowie posting on Jow Forums, what an honor
>winter bulking
We’re still in summer. Cut you fatties
mirin arms and forearms hard
Fucked nips
I used to be able to bench 315 and deadlift 545 but Lifting for strength is stupid.
I bench 205 x 10-12 as my max now and barely ever squat or deadlift anymore.
idgaf what your nips look like, incredible body. lower body?
pls no billy
whats your arm routine and max curl?
Good enough, not very impressive size wise.
Thanks. I do biceps with back. For biceps I do:
Dumbbell curls 10-12 reps superset with db hammer curls 20 reps x 3-4 sets
Seated ez bar curls 15-20 reps superseted with standing 45 plate curls 15 reps x 4 sets
Seated slow curls with dumbbells 12-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Cable curls 30 reps x 2 sets and 10-12 reps x 2 sets with appropriate weight
7-7-7 curl reps against the wall with a bar x 3 sets
Wrist curls 10-12 reps heavy weight superset with behind the back wrist curls with a bar 12-18 reps x 3 sets
I don’t know what my max strict curl is but i can curl 50-55s DBs with okay form. Try this routine for your biceps, it’s pretty good.
Cute legs.
How much can you squat?
hhnnhgggg they are p-plenty impressive. You should post the backside bruh
Also, is that you in the nip thread? Don't cut up your nips, they look fine
How long you been cyclin' for?
Mirin traps and delts
Yes and I am.
I maxed out at 365 back when I was around 170, haven’t squatted heavy since, only like 275 for 10. 11 plates for 10 on leg press.
pls post penis
do breast workout please
you look more than 76kg at your height
>planet fitness
l o l
how the fuck are you all over 6ft and only 75kg?
6'1 86kg here
They aren’t bloatmaxxing
neither am I. Just need to shave 3kg to look jacked AF
BTW an adult male weights 200 lbs.
You’ve got some meat on your bones, but not just 3 kg of white meat. Good luck
Not 6 2 at that low weight lol
I’m not an adult yet
I think I managed to stop looking like a soft toad (left is 81.2 kg), but now I am only 66 kg
and legs dwindled into even greater nothingness
Trying my first ever bulk starting three days ago, 28 years young
>28 years young
such a boomer thing to say
No matter how tall you are (unless you're a dwarf) if you dont weigh 90kg you are a woman or at most a trap
I am though aha, it's a good photo, I'm skinnier than this really
what is on your back? hair?