Pretty sure lifting has turned me gay or at least bi.
I know unironically get turned on looking at cute, lean twinks like David Laid.
And thinking about women, I prefer skinny, small, boyish women too. Evidence keeps adding up ...
Pretty sure lifting has turned me gay or at least bi.
I know unironically get turned on looking at cute, lean twinks like David Laid.
And thinking about women, I prefer skinny, small, boyish women too. Evidence keeps adding up ...
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop oppressing me. I'm a part of the LGBT community
You're a faggot OP what can I say (you're on the right board though).
Suicide attempt, when?!?!?!?
Damn dude, guess you got the big gay now
Soon you'll be deepthroating BBC while wearing panties
I have a crush on a woman though. But she does have a boyish bodytype. She's also tiny, like 4'9" and slim built. Cutie
Nah I'm good
Happened with me but lifting made me finally acpet the fact I was bi
Sorry mate but being bi also makes you pretty gay by definition. Nothing wrong with that though
>A guy with more muscle then 99% of all males is a "twink"
God i fucking hate Jow Forums sometimes. The guy in OP screams masculine but is just young and not ugly.
have you seen his sextape?
Yeah thinking I might be a bit. Don't know, but pretty sure I'm only into cute twinks (just found another one :o). If I actually saw more guys like this outside I might actually hit up Grindr
What routine do i have to do in order to acheive this body?
Starting from skinny.
Don't say SS+GOMAD
> unironically getting turned on by twinks
you guys have fantasys in your head and dont know what you'e talkiong about.
>t. guy who jerked off with another guy once
its actually fucking disgusting and i regret it every day of my life
>not being gay in the first place
its like you hate yourself?
If you have his built and height you just need to built muscle mass first and then later get very lean. Routine doesn't really matter as long as you're not going for a meme bro split. Probably best to start with full body. Enough calories but don't need to eat a shit ton ..
same desu (only find twinks attractive tho)
where the fuck are these fit guys that like twinks irl? guys who like me are just usually fatasses and old dusty fags. i have maybe hooked up with just a handful of actual fit guys
at the gym
just lurking on Jow Forums turned me gay
fuck you Jow Forums
I can fuck you if you want
is there a term for being bi but only liking twinks? like twinksexual?
I have the opposite problem, it's very rare that I even see cute twinks outside :(
yeah actually signed up to the gym a month ago. i see some guys looking at me but idk they might just think im a fag lmao but theres this one guy who keeps on talking to me ill try to show my hole next time i see him at the lockers LOL
where do you live? get on grindr
Nah, it's browsing Jow Forums that's made you gay. Jow Forums is pretty gay in general, but Jow Forums is one of its gayest boards. It's all psychological, you're told that your gay day in a day out and you're staring at images of progressively gayer pics traps>twinks>twunks and so on. Happened to me too. Trying to un-faggot myself, and I found that less browsing of Jow Forums helps.
Just bi and you like lean body type.
Switzerland but not Zurich. Idk though, I think I mostly prefer girls / would prefer to have a girlfriend, I even know one I think is pretty cute, maybe I'll ask her out when I see her again
Okay but who's that guy? He's cute af
Everyones a little bi, if ur completely straight you couldnt cum cause you could see your own Dick fucking a girl
post body user :)
i hate this thread because it reminds me of how lonely i am
I'm lonely too, the girl I'm into is 4,500 miles away :(
Your Routine doesn't matter in this case because you can't work towards a specifc bodytype. But to answer your question, he did the Jason Blaha ICF Program but modfied as a 4 day split.