Anons give me your worst going solo to the gym stories...

Anons give me your worst going solo to the gym stories. My gym buddy is sick so I need to be ready for the worst tomorrow.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I walk in the gym alone
>into the promised land
>there’s a better place for me
>but it’s far, far away
>everlasting life for me
>in a perfect world

>Doing back/biceps/forearms
>Done with back, finishing with bi's
>Grab dumbbells and step away from the rack to do curls
>Qtpi girl is nearby
>Qtpi grabs a bench and moves it close to where my dumbbells would go to do her rows
>Qtpi's ass is beautiful and right in front of me
>Can't put my dumbbells back without interacting with Qtpi
>I'm intimidated by Qtpi's hotness, so I stand there and do curls until she finally leaves
>Bis were very sore the next day

Wtf is wrong with you faggot. How the fuck do you think you're ever going to make it if you're too much of a pussy to go to the gym by yourself.

>go in alone
>do my lifts
>go out alone
that's about it. oh, also exchanged greetings with the receptionist.

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I've had two different gym buddies in my life, and they were both horrible gains goblins who always found excuses to skip days or to leave before I was finished with my workout.

I only lift alone now and my progress has greatly accelerated. Fuck gym buddies.

Correct opinion

>be me, female (relevant)
>working out alone to cure my body issues
>do intense cardio workout on treadmill, elliptical, and those machines where your feet move in circles idk
>maybe I should lift?
>grab two dumbbells, google arm exercises
>sitting on bench with dumbbells surrounded by frat boys lifting heavy shit
>start doing exercises
>goes pretty well, getting into it
>check form in mirror
>blood EVERYWHERE, shorts are bloody, blood on the fucking bench
>panic, period came early
>how the fuck do I get to the bathroom without getting blood everywhere and humiliating myself
>paralyzed trying to plan my escape
>decide to use the dumbbells to cover the blood stain on shorts while crab walking to the paper towels and disinfectant.
>halfway there when I hear an "ew, what the fuck?!"
>frat boy and old man looking at my bench and the blood
>drop the barbells by the paper towels and fast walk out of the gym
>never return

>Finished my last set
>qt walks in
>can’t act like I’m finished
>turn around for another set of leg curls
>qt on stationary bike right behind me
>3 curls in
>bolt comes undone
>210 crashes to the floor
>qt doesn’t even acknowledge it

I always go alone to the gym because none of my friends ever stuck with lifting and I always out distanced them in weights. I have learned that lifting with others is a crutch and eventually only you and you alone will continue it.

But then again you sound like a faggot who's never gonna make it while I Chad it up and lift by myself then fuck your bitch.

>go to gym
>girl flirts me, I flip her off because she's not beautiful enough
>2 different roiders ask me for a spot, I flip them off because I don't care about other gym goers
>the 2 roiders start staring me to death and giving me passive aggressive attitude
>the girl who flirted me said to the gym staff that I harassed her and I get banned from the gym
>made 3 enemies for life
>no other gym nearby
>back to calisthenics

Bro why do you need to make your life harder?

>leg day
>heading to the gym to meet up with gymbro as per usual
>as I arrive I get a phone call from gymbro's actual bro
>"I'm so sorry man, don't know how to tell you this but (gym bro) passed away last night. I know you two were close so I wanted to tell you ASAP"
>obviously devastated but I already knew he had AIDS and so he kind of deserved it for being a disgusting wreckless faggot
>proceed into le iron temple
>halfway through first set see a qt out the corner of my eye
>dash to showers and pull a long blonde wig out of my gym bag
>usual protocol in these circumstances is for gymbro to put on the wig and suck me off while I imagine him as the qt
>realise gym bro ain't here so decide to put the wig on and try to suck myself off
>can't reach but so horny
>cock and balls take over my mind and make me run back into the weightroom with the wig still on my head
>grab the gayest looking dude and pull him into the showers
>start sucking him off immediately
>about 4 minutes in realise I fucked up the roles, was so horny I didn't even realise
>too late now he spunks right down my throat
>thanks me profusely and I don't have the heart to tell him the truth so I just pretend like that's what I wanted
>end up going straight home
>next morning I wake up drenched in sweat and lumph nodes are like golf balls
>head in to see the doc
>tells me I have AIDS

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damn tom a cute no homo

Same. Occasionally I'll see someone I know and give them the upwards nod.

desu this

I went there alone once and worked out. It was awful

Small openios

>at gym solo today
>run 2 miles
>start off weights with bent over rows
>have to shit after first set
>all sweaty and don’t want to deal with it at gym

It was a rough workout

Gross dude, you're going to fuck your own dad?

>walked into gym
>did workout
>went home

I know, i'm truly stunning and brave

>Be me
>Go to the gym solo
>Do some light warm-up and mobility work
>Lift weights for about an hour
>Exit the gym

What in the fuck do you expect is gonna happen now that your gym buddy isn't there to protect you?


I posted this on here before as a shitty experience I got past to encourage someone that was feeling to nervous to even start.

Anyway I think it was my second week going to the gym ever, I went late at night so I could use what I needed for the program I was doing.

After a quick warmup on the treadmill the first thing was inverted rows, I later realized I could do them on the smith machine but at that time I didn't even know what a smith machine was, I just knew I could do them in the power rack.

There are two racks and they both have bars with weight on them and the one has a big guy in it on a bench, so I start to remove the weights, and he goes I'm using that, ok, so I stand back and wait for him to go into it.

He does and then I start to pull the bench out of the one he was just on, "I just said I'm using these", ok so I head over to the corner and sit on a bench to wait

I guess he was doing supersets or a circuit or whatever on those racks and the bench, anyway after 5 minutes he comes over and loudly goes YOURE GOING TO SIT THERE FOR TWO HOURS? YOU CAN"T FIND ANYTHING ELSE TO DO IN HERE? GO AHEAD AND USE IT THEN, THATS WHY YOU LOOK LIKE THAT

of course the only other two people in the gym are two cute girls and they turn and I think laughed, so I did my rows, and then the other 4 exercises in my program and went home, I felt like not going back, but I stuck with it, I've been going for over a year now

this is the most based shit I've read in a long time

heh i would do the same OP

Pro tip: stop talking about your fucking periods. Literally nobody except your harpy friends wants to hear this shit.

>implying I have ever not gone to the gym alone

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The only thing that sucks about working out alone is that you can never truly max out your lifts without risking dying without a spotter.

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Do you guys seriously only work out with a buddy? It usually holds me back but certain bros it helps me keep my rests short and not be on my phone

going solo tomorrow

how the fuck do i bench without a spotter? the squat racks pins are too high and too low for the benches

>go to any staff member
>hey man can you spot me real quick?
>yeah sure
Its literally that easy fucking incels

Ask a random guy to spot you. People are my gym are pretty friendly about it and I never mind if someone asks me either

>what are safety pins

just don't fuck up

Something similar happened in my gym in the sauna. I thought I walked into a crime scene. Some girl bled all over the wooden benches.

I'm pretty autistic but nobody has ever turned me down when I ask them to spot, and I've asked randos ranging from skeletwinks to the biggest guy in my gym

Absolute nightmare. I remember in middle school being terrified of leaving a blood stain behind on the chair. The girls were fine, but the boys would torment you

literally what a squat rack is used for you braindead mong

>pins too high
Arch harder, and put a mat under your bench

have sex

God, what a fucking dick.

Haha my VAGINA right girls???

can't when I'm thinking about periods

People actually go to the gym together with other people? Lmao gey

no need to make excuses the first word was enough

>Look around for a decently big guy
>"Hey, can you spot me real quick"
>"I do/don't want a lift off, I'm going for x reps"
It's not very complicated

> First time at the gym,
> Doing assisted squats
> Since I was fat I and I went down too much I ripped open my shorts
> Welcome

I never returned again, still fat though

What a fucking cunt, he shouldn't have been super setting like that. I think i woulda verbally abused him for insulting me like that, what kinda unstable retard gets mad at you for something so stupid. I hope he's dead.

you're him, one step down the chain.

You forgot
>don't touch the bar unless it starts coming back down or I say grab it
Then you have license to yell at them when they retardedly grab your barbell anyways

>implying i'm going to the gym with someone else

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feel you man
usually went to the gym with my roommate but when i got into it more serious and he still wanted to goof around we agreed we'd go on our own

sex with your dad
is what i had!

Lol just lift alone
Extroverts are fucking subhuman, imagine needing other people to feel good

stop believing what narcissists like you post on faceberg

>be me
>5'6" 245 lb obesefuck dyel
>going to gym with other fat fuck dyel buddy for about a month
>buddy texts me to say he can't make it today
>decide to go alone
>chest day
>buddy usually spots me on bench
>decide to try it alone
>75 lbs
>first two sets go OK
>load up another 10 lbs
>not feeling confident
>decide to ask someone to spot me
>skinhead roider and two gym thots are the only people in the vicinity
>decide to ask the roider
>"no problem buddy" he says with a thick eastern euro accent
>i get under the bar
>pump out 5 reps and start to struggle
>"that's it? come on bro that's pussy shit" my spotter says
>squeeze out one more rep, on the verge of shitting out my insides
>roider literally starts laughing at me
>my arms are blown the fuck out and the bar is crushing me
>he finally helps me get it back up still laughing
>says "nice try buddy" and fucks off

i left immediately after that and it was like two months before i went back to a gym again. i've hated bald people and eastern europeans ever since.

Get pregnant user, no more periods, for a while.

You sound like an idiot.

omg thank u!! xx

Use dumbbells

sex have

Bruh my sides

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Fell backwards squatting at the packed university gym

Most Slavs are literal cavemen. Don’t take it to heart. I’d say you probably don’t need a spot for 85lbs, just roll it if you can’t make it to the safety hooks.

but how can you lift to your max potential without the fear of death

Haha, don’t forget about my DICK and also BALLS, my dudes

Without tipping them? Pathetic

stop having sex

>not lifting alone
Literally just ask random dudes for a spot if you need it

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Make me, tough guy

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> New to gym, just joined that week.
> Haven't touched weights, just need space to do cardio exercise and un-fat.
> Just me an one other Huege dude.
> Dude has been there like an hour.
> HUEGE guy asks me for a spot
> "Uh... I don't think I...."
> "It'll be fine, I just need to do a few reps."
> He puts on like 250 lb's.
> I couldn't even lift 250lb's.
> He does 2 reps and starts to struggle.
> I try to help him.
> Oh shit, were going down.
> Oh shit it's literally going on his neck.
> Finally have to lean one side.
> The weights crash everywhere.
> One rolls away into a mirror and shatters it.
> Leave. Never return.

I got a letter in the mail about having to pay to fix the mirror, but I ignored it.


He did that on purpose lol

no one will ever be as cool as 98-99 era cruise

eating log after log of doo doo from the potty is cooler than tom cruise at any point in his life

>those machines where your feet move in circles idk

that's called a bike, now post tits

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Meant a lateral elliptical, but you made me laugh so here you go

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u cheeki breeki

Based femanon

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>but I stuck with it, I've been going for over a year now
The most alpha option. You're gonna make it

literally best looking eyes and eyebows on planet. someone post helmet pic i feel suicidal today desu


unbeliveable no homo tho

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