Honest thoughts on the ketogenic diet?
Honest thoughts on the ketogenic diet?
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imagine being so fucking retarded you dont know what makeup is
what? nothing here suggested any of that.
make up shouldn't be legal
It's good if you do it right. main benefit is controlling hunger urges, and the CICO just happens as a byproduct of that
Someone please post the makeup pasta associated with this image
Demonstrated as effective as a therapeutic diet in many cases
Good, but not essential, for leaning out if you aren't an idiot about it
Requires real commitment and switching from keto to non-keto binges is worse than just eating healthy non-keto
Carbs will need to be reintroduced after you are very lean if you want to keep lifting
Easy to pervert into an "eat anything without carbs" bullshit routine with lots of crappy processed food marketed as keto-friendly
>controlling hunger urges
placebo at best and comes with costs like
>extreme fatigue
>poor athletic performance
>brain fog
and many, many more
It's really stupid for anybody who doesn't have a medical condition which it can help manage such as diabetes. Carbohydrates are the only source of energy the brain can use and the body will inefficiently create them through gluconeogenesis if you don't feed it any.
Found it.
The average women Is naturally far less aesthetic (facially) than the average man. Makeup is the biggest fraud ever seen and it's in hidden way the cause of the meme feminism we know today, every girl add 2-3 points to their base "value", causing the average woman to be seen as 7/10 instead of 5/10 but the most unfortunate thing is that a lot of them judge their overall appearance with their makeup on, which in turn inflate their ego and suddenly 80% of the women worth the top 10% guys, the survey on OK Cupid confirm this, women find the average man almost half as attractive as man find the average woman.
*I feel sorry (well, not really) for the women who don't want to take part in this scam but must to if they want to stay in the game.
*A lot of men fell for the natural looking makeup, thinking this is their natural look. lol. Some of them look like a different species without makeup.
*makeup is so embedded in many cultures that it's perceived as women natural look, especially to men who grew up in male dominant environment.
*Without makeup the sexual market would've been completely different, more "wins" for the average man for sure (still will be much more easier for women to get laid because pussy).
*Women are more A-sexualish than men so they tend to find facial aesthetics far more important than body, making it even harder for men because body "compensate" less in comparison to female, so 7+ face is required for the average girl.
*Makeup is the source (or important one) in the saying that "all girls are insecure", some of them can't fool themselves into thinking they're hot based on makeup, it's like an honest person who's forced to lie.
Conclusion:A lot of women are literally walking illusion.
Solution: ban it or convince men to start using it too. Try to be more confident by knowing most women are naturally far uglier than makeup fooled us to think.
if you have any of those things, you're doing keto wrong.
>brush your teeth/chew gum
>you're eating too many carbs or you're not being patient enough
>you have better long-term sustainable energy, food is fuel, eat when you need it
>this is easily mitigated by staying hydrated or taking a couple of supplements
Controlling hunger urges comes from the body switching over to prioritizing burning fat for energy instead of searching for glucose. If you have good fat stores then you're usually good for hunger control, and if not just drink more water.
this, best route is paleo x keto. eating whole foods, a lot of meat and dark green veggies. snacking on nuts occasionally. Very few "processed" or "packaged" foods.
>Carbohydrates are the only source of energy the brain can use
Objectively false, human brains can use ketones for fuel. Otherwise people would go brain-dead after a few days of not eating.
Changed my life.
probably some butthurt roastie that wants to pretend men know what horrors lurk beneath her clown paint.
I read that rapid weight loss can cause kidney stones unless you're on a high fat diet at the time. That plus keto's ability to obliterate your urges to eat sugar make it a better choice than regular CICO, in my opinion.
anything that reduces carbs in diet, let alone removes them completely, is a non-starter for me, so i don't have any thoughts on it
t. hyperinsulinsensitivityfag
if you're insulin sensitive doesnt that mean you should eat less carbs? how does that work?
Insulin resistance means your cells have a hard time absorbing glucose from the blood, which leads to diabetes. High insulin sensitivity is the opposite. A ketogenic diet controls insulin levels and therefore alleviates both issues.
do any of you have any idea on how to get the high amount of fat keto requires? i already have a plan for protein intake, and for carbs, just not for fat yet.
Cook with saturated fats like coconut oil, butter, lard, bacon grease. Olive oil os ok, but it has high levels of inflammatory omega-6. Stay away from vegetable oils, margarine, crisco, etc. You can also go for fatty cuts of meat like ribeye, high fat ground beef, bacon, egg yolks, etc.
Good diet that gets bad rep because retards think it is magic, and ignore CiCo. Also eat fats without discrimination.
she literally looks better without the makeup
Keto is a meme cult
Imagine trying to lift heavy without carbs. Just lol
she's also beautiful on the left btw
Implying the clown on the right is beautiful.
It's THE diet for people with type 2 diabetes, women with PCOS, people with certain kinds of epilepsy, and people with intense insulin resistances. Other than those specific people, everyone else should follow a balanced diet with a caloric deficit to lose weight, because nothing else has been shown to be as efficacious in the long term.
I actually prefer left. Right looks good in her own way, but idk. The left version of her looks more... wholesome? Less fake.
literally a result of your candida overgrowth dying and goes away in at most a couple of weeks, never to be seen again
>extreme fatigue
maybe for the first couple of days as you adapt, if you arent overeating carbs this shouldnt even happen, I never got the "keto flu"
>poor athletic performance
it's negligible for non athletes and can easily be offset with a few complex carbs, or you can do a sort of modified fasting keto where you eat carbs before working out for glycogen.
>brain fog
yeah nah, most people function better with ketones
I tried keto. I didn't get any weight loss and my breath smelled like shit so my wife didn't want to be around me. 2/10 maybe I did it wrong. I tried it for about a month and half though.
You get tired of eating steak if you can believe that...
>literally a result of your candida overgrowth dying and goes away in at most a couple of weeks, never to be seen again
Dude no, it's stinky because of ketones, same thing with diabetics that have high sugars and are untreated, they get the same breath stank
t. nurse
Not enough protein, suboptimal way to lose weight and increase muscle. You get the same benefits through fasting and you don’t need to keep up a retarded diet for the rest of your life
>Less protein than a carb diet
I think she looks better with the makeup in the left picture. Why is the style on the right so popular?
I did keto for a while. It's biggest advantage for me was it forced me to learn good grocery shopping habits. I haven't don't keto in ages, but I'm still buying that healthy shit, and god damn do I love pork chops and brocc.
Literally just fast
Pls dump Mayo set
*Mati, fuck
sauce on this qt
dumb phone posting nigger
It causes hairloss.
Just google it.I did keto, and my hair started to thin really badly. I tried a bunch of stuff to correct it, but nothing worked.
I quit keto and my hair gradually came back over a span of a year.
Waking up to pretty much a big clump of hair fallen out of head is terrible. Keto isn't worth it.
It works for a few months, but then you wake up and your hair falling out.
I've been keto for 17 months. Had 5 cheat days she. I went to Boston. I lost 140 lbs. Me and the girlfriend are keeping on this diet as a way of life.