Why is pic related so offensive to people? Why is the act of a white man making affectionate contact with an asian woman such a terrible thing?
Its really the most natural thing in the world.
Why is pic related so offensive to people? Why is the act of a white man making affectionate contact with an asian woman such a terrible thing?
Its really the most natural thing in the world.
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Cause anyone who takes pride in being white or Asian might not like it. And white females or Asian males might feel threatened by it
Kek my roastie sister is always warning her friend whose husband is a pilot that he might cheat on her in some asian country
People fear the next line of super humans. Big dick, high iq chads.
the master race and the next bast loving each other
this is how the mafia works
Only literal beta males with an inferiority complex hate racemixing
>attractive white man
>ugly panfaced asian
its the discrepancy that is offensive. the exoticism of asian girls gives them a solid +2 on a 1 to 10 scale for guys with yellow fever. the result is wasted genetic potential. if you're gonna race mix, at least find ones that aren't significantly less attractive than you.
Im gonna have sex with an Asian girl!
it's because white men and asian women are both so insufferable on their own, so when they get together everyone gets terrified
stay mad beta chink
Because there is an air of the man dehumanizing and fetishizing his asian gf, and the tone of the asian gf being a mindless submissive.
People subconsciously detect this when seeing this on the street to the point where even the asian woman feels shame displaying their affection in public and feels disgust deep down at seeing other couples like hers.
Hitler was a War Hero and alpha. Scared the Ruskiesso much they burned their own cities and farms for him. Took the whole world to fight him.
hahahahaha, never getting asian gf, because never getting gf hahahahaha
You can't be serious
Too bad they only like white chads. Me being 5'6 takes me out of their,and many many other dating pools. Fuck my pale skin,blue eyes,and blonde hair. Being 5'6 maked me as desirable as a sicth hole in your head.
They look similarly attractive to me. Both are decent without quite being hot.
I couldnt imagine being this butthurt over love. I really couldnt. Love is love.
Insect posting should be a bannable offense. Stop with the insectoid fetishism.
Thanks for the permission whiteboy
Time to BLACK the world
>Hitler was a War Hero and alpha.
Neither are true. He was a early 20th century hipster who turned to radical right wing politics as he aged. He was basically Gavin McInnes but german/austrian/whatever.
This. Never seen an attractive person find this problematic
>Married for 24 hours to a girl who never liked him
Objectively wrong. She loved him so much that she volunteered to die by his side. You will never know such a pure love as Hitler and his young bride.
Lmao you ate so deluded and fucked there is no hope left for you. Thanks for the laughs kiddo I needed that.
>mindless submissive
Your average white thot is the same mindless sub. Asian submission is pretty much code word for motherly suitor , not from the sexual aspect. That's why whites flock to them.
whoops reply meant for
Pick up a book, nigger.
Do you even know what that is? I thought all your knowledge comes from infographics. Surprise surprise little Timmy is using his big boy words. Next you'll tell me Hitler wasn't a loser druggie.
I mean literally read a single book on Hitler and the third reich. Cause I've read a few now and know for a fact that you're just a shitposter. I wouldn't be surprised if your knowledge is actually from infographics like that charming Chad/Virgin piece before.
I'm done with you, you just talk in circles. Took you years to reply back because you aren't witty enough off the top of your head. You worship a drug fiend and you tell others to read books lol you're a certified moron. I'm bored of this digression.
Good, get out of here. Do your homework.
He wasn't even married for 24 hours. It was a few hours.
No one thinks this excepts you autists
The pic isn't offensive moreso the face of how easy white guys have it. Asian women basically worship them so seeing a pair is nothing special. I honestly don't get how so many white guys end up virgins if they aren't fat or fuckugly
>Most girls that check me out are asian
>Most girls I match with on multiple dating apps are asian
>Most of my female friends are asian
This site would have you think black would be a deathblow, so going by that logic, being white would be a free pass right?
That's an excuse, how many have you actually tried to get to know?
I know. Ive been on two dates with them one SEA girl and one chinese girl. But still,convince me heightism doesnt exist.
It definitely does, but you control how much damage it does to you. 5'6' ain't even THAT bad. Now if you were like 5'1' or something.
>tfw latino
>tfw only really match with ugly black girls
I wish I could match with hot black or Asian girls. Not even latinas like me. Fuck being a mestizo.
Sorry bro, for me it's asian and latina girls, never match with black or indian and a white girl like once. I literally do not care though cause those are my two preferences, I guess they can somehow tell.
Out of curiosity, is it usually Koreans that are into you? One of my best friends is black and he's had like three Korean girlfriends.
Imagine if huffpost made an article on Unlearning Black Fetish
Hmm, I dunno I know for a fact there aren't many if any japanese around here, but you can't always tell the difference between your standard chinese or korean, and you'd be dumb as shit to ask.
Idk. Its just the only time ive ever met someone shorter than me over the age of 18 was when i met my dads boss. I was so surpised because until then i had never met a korean man before. My brother is taller than him and he is 14. Anyways i have a really skewed way of seeing things i guess.
>Asian girls are ugly
>Guys that date Asian girls are losers
They just hate seeing us white guys happy. Its like seeing a beggar happy or a mangey dog happy. They consider it blasphemy in the cult of leftist ideals. If they had it there way theyd genocide every whote male in america and laugh it off.
He is good looking and should be able to get a nice white girl.
because they're fucking normies who are blind to the pain of others. affection should only happen in private areas.
Whatever you say, you cultural marxist nigger lover.
>wh*te female
Choose one
He's such a fucking zoomer.
Age isnt an inslt you old aged faggot.
shonuff but he looks like a zoomer
Yeah well you look like a bunch of 1s and 0s about the be hidden and verbally mocked.
Holy fuck that was lame, come on dude.
Im not here to impress you.
Nobody cares what retarded insects, and Cuckold white people who are so fucking autistic that they ruin National Pride and Facism by being autistic retards (germans)
Your both pathetic races, Mediterranean people are the only ones that can race mix with any race and not create ugly abominations. who dont end up shooting schools
I look better than this guy and still no 5/10 Japanese gf
Huffpost is steaming shit and so is your post. Fucking imagine being trapped in this bubble of neuroses, how exhausting it must be.
Not that other guy but you're a retard and Hitler was pathetic on many levels. Eat my ass.
> literally any other race combo
> and that's a good thing here's why!
> white male with any other race
> white supremacy Asian fetishism white colonialism self hatred etc
Why are libtards such hypocrites?
am libtard but identity politics is a shitty tactic used to divide the proletariat and cause infighting when we should rise up against our capitalist overlords
What if I'm a white guy who wants an Asian girl to dominate him?
>pol school of false equivalence
stop being a retard for once
>R / asianmasculinity Tards unironically quote shit like The Huffington Post
If this doesn't prove you guys are mentally ill faggets nothing will
Stay triggerd
Heavens, look at those trips.
Same as any other male submissive - you're shit out of luck. Go look on fetlife or alt scenes and maybe you'll get "lucky".
its not offensive. but you shouldnt need to ask for public support on Jow Forums from uninvolved parties.
what you should do is create a WMAF sub reddit and support each other
I literally can't stop thinking about Asian girls
help me bros
How can a drowning man help another drowning man?
fuck she looks like my ex..
>help me bros
once you actually dated one your yellow fever will go away
trust me
I dated one and now I don't even look at white women with love anymore only Asians make my heart tingle now. Help.
Just embrace it and live with it