apolitical edition
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I'm fucking tired of cumming to BBW porn.
Same really
Hi watashi wa Isley and I hate each and subete one of anata weevs.
お前は黙れ -聞け>> youtube.com
The kaneki mask though.
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king
Any recommendations of high frequency squat programmes?
I have a much better deadlift than squat, and I don't think I should because of my proportions, so I think I need to work a lot my squat techniques and want to do high frequency for that.
burce lee latw
Weighted chinup expert
based and hank pilled
What is Joseph Pena's life expectancy?
60 or something probally
Exactly one lifetime long. Do you even understand what life expectancy means?
Daily reminder that if you dont pull sumo you aren't serious about the sport
How much do you think AOC can squat?
Whats your 5rm?
You are a very dumb man.
>Life expectancy, often abbreviated to LEB (for Life expectancy at birth), is a statistical measure of the average time an organism is expected to live, based on the year of its birth, its current age and other demographic factors including gender.
I squat high bar, bench close grip, and pull conventional (beltless) at meets. You mad?
Okay mentally handicapped twink
It's a population average, you literally cannot calculate it for an individual.
EUbros where do I buy a good belt from?
So what's your best meet result?
The figure you calculate by averaging a sample's lifetimes is not the life expectancy, it is the average. The life expectancy refers to the predicted length of time the person who matches the sample demographically is expected to live.
Don't correct people when you don't know what the fuck you're on mate.
i dont care as long as its on my face
You're still wrong. You can get an average life expectancy of a person in Pena's demographics, but it's still an average of that combination of factors. If that's what you want, then fuck off and calculate it yourself from data tables.
Are you just not interested in being more efficient, or have you actually tried low bar/wide grip/etc and don't like them? Especially competing at 210 instead of taking a fat shit to hit 93kg is a bit of a waste if you're going to go out and try and compete
I just have no desire to compete "optimally"
Why pay a bunch of money and travel to compete at all then? You can do all of the lifts in your gym with someone calling commands for you if you aren't interested in being competitive. No offense, I'm just curious
>/plg/: "your genetics aren't garbage"
>me: "watch this, nerd" *hurts my triceps just hanging from a bar*
Guess I'll ride my bike some more this week huh
If my elbow gets too distracted then my triceps hurt too, shit happens
I don't travel more than a state for any competition. I mostly do it to hang out with friends.
I still try hard, but I have no desire to make it look like that I am trying hard
Fair enough man, good stuff
6ft, 90kg.
Bench 105kg,
Squat 160kg,
Deadlift 225kg
Eat at a surplus, sleep 8 hours at a minimum, do a program that entails progressive overload that you enjoy and that you respond well to. All xF
You should keep trying super hard, your numbers are great
Running "Destroy the Opposition" for the squat program and it's fun so I'll keep at it. Cheers
Here is a free 10 week program enjoy
Hank is an idiot, you're expecting too much of him
Kys riplet
>Instagram: @ctrl.alt.deadlift
>DM for personalized coaching $30/mo
>1165 total, half of which is sumo deadlift
>program is garbage
yikes buddy
user btfo by Detective Autist
Mirin his tiny Twink body
Dude just magically know how many reps you have in the tank and don't do the last 2 bro xD
When you've been lifting for longer than a month you'll have some understanding of how many reps you have left if you aren't extremely submax
This guy could have been a powerlifter in an alternate life.
Recommendations to get a good arch if I have 0 flexibility in my back?
is that the boxing champ?
no it's butterbean how old are you man?
>gonna make my own oympic style bench press
>with safeties
>and automatic handoff
> youtube.com
well anons, westside spacing for both safeties and j cups? also how wide should i worry about the pad being and height off the ground?
Dude, that is the box champ Andy Ruiz
Get a fat pad from rogue.
that does look nice, but it's more than i'm gonna spend on the entire bench itself. Gonna settle for 1" plywood and some foam.
Finally got back into the gym after two weeks of work getting in the way. Felt good, but damn am I weak right now. Hungry, tired, dehydrated. Blech.
I did DB bench, fixed bar OHP, BTN rope tricep extension, one-handed pulldown, and incline DB row.
Last night in Greece, I'm getting gyros of course. And tzatziki. And a Greek salad.
Equipped deadlift: 410 4x3
Bench: 260 5x5
Medium grip TNG bench
Band push downs
Band pull downs
my uni gym has the handoff rack and I don't like it since it moves while I'm setting up. seems like it could be useful if it didn't though
Press warmup, 4x5xbabyweight, then go home
Steak and potateos
Owww owie ow my arm ow owww
Hatfield Squat 320kg 1x3
Split Squats 70kg 3x10
Pretty pleased considering I had food poisoning and spent all night on the toilet and half the day in bed.
And now a threadly, but non-spamming, non-trolling, obviously on-topic reminder for you unlifting user CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. But only if you have at least one of
>A squat greater than 2.5x bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A CONVENTIONAL deadlift greater than 2.5x bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press greater than 1.5x bodyweight AND 300 lbs
>A Standing The Press(ᵗᵐ) greater than 1x bodyweight AND 200 lbs
>A body fit won't think looks like shit (good fucking luck)
Otherwise, stop LARPing, stop giving "advice" like you have half a clue what you're talking about, stop posting altogether, bring your ass to the gym, and try harder.
LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMS/INITIALISMS (post, but don't spam, in every thread)
>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.
>GAYS (Gay Aylien Skull)
Weak bone structure, mouth breather. Wastes time trying to be strong. Jewey faced and mad, but harmless.
>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.
>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.
>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.
>CHODE (Communist Homo Of Dick Eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (Projecting Homo Ass Goblins)
>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.
>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.
>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering)
A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.
>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.
>POSER (POsitively Shitbrained Evermediate Roleplayer)
Talks about powerlifting like he's a powerlifter, yet has never done a powerlifting meet.
Daily reminder that powerlifting isn't a sport.
>Why pay a bunch of money and travel to compete at all then?
He doesn't want to be a POSER.
>6ft, 90kg.
Eat food, run some early intermediate program while you do that.
Why do you keep getting foodpoisoning
lmao you know you have shit lifts and bitch tits when you spend a year and a half of your life posting the same thing in every thread
Do you have a patreon for immodium?
>had it 3 times in my life
>qualifies as "keep getting it"
can somone post that list with all Jow Forums aproved routines?
My great grandma had it once in her whole life and she lived to 99.
you had it 6 months ago too i remember
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek im still laughing send help
Kek dis dick
Is there a common thread?
Hafthor Bjornsson is like 190kg and 20% bodyfat, with a 460kg+ deadlift and like whatever the fuck all, and can't do a single pullup.
Why does pullup mog him so hard
>and can't do a single pullup.
he can do like 5
post body and lifts weakboy
Those weren't pullups user
theres not a single person at that weight who can do normal pullups
its not something he trains
Is progression by lowering rest duration a meme?
I fucked up today. Went too late to the gym and I was forced to do sets with 1 minute rest at best at 60-75% of 1RM and I only got two before the gym closed. Could this have been beneficial? (I don't really mind, just wondering)
I’ll bet it’s good for endurance gains, but not so much strength gains
Yeah, I was trying to catch my breath after and my shoulders hurt. Felt like I'd went for a run.
Bored at work today and was looking at 13mm belts and better flat shoes, anyone notice much of a difference switching from a 10mm and chucks? Friend says 13mm for squats because it's stiffer but I don't know if I care enough to buy a new belt
At your level, it's worth it.
I'm rehabbing my hip by front squatting, will add 5kg every session
I feel happ
No pain at all
If it had a limit on how far it could move forward? Those designs look like they could completely pitch forward, I was going to put some steel plate on either side of the uprights, drill holes and put a bolt through so it would hit at the set 'front' position. See shitty attached pic. Normal handoff, red woukd be plate and dots would be positions to put bolts in. This would then contact the piece of metal beneath it. Does it make much difference benching? Like would I be fine with just a better j cup height and I'm going overkill now?
The ones in my gym only go as far forward as a human handing off (really not very far), it's more so that any movement when you're trying to set up can be annoying, maybe just have an option to not move at all if you have another person available to hand off. Personally I avoid the dedicated benches and set up in a squat rack so I don't have to deal with it
I mean, I also see plenty of heavy lifters in chucks and anecdotally hear about people in 10mm belts, but there's some cheap used gear on Facebook swap groups so maybe I'll get something and see if it's worth it
>mfw i see these little faggots shitting their pants THIS hard because being reminded of their shit bench causes them to have a complete meltdown
So you'd say not worth the hassle, just stick with a normal non-moving bench? I lift alone at home so was looking into it but it's a fair bit more complicated and it's be a shame to not like it.
It depends on your build. 13 mm won't be a direct upgrade if you are built like a twink shit. Switching to something like wrestling shoes though, I can't imagine that would be anything but a direct upgrade, but with the baby weights I've been squatting equipped, I've had no problems with them.
I guess it comes down to how your bench set-up is, which only you can decide. Personally I think I'd skip it and just set the arms low enough that I can comfortably unrack it normally
I mean even equipped, I haven't had too many problems self unracking with Westside spacing and Jap unrack.
Benched on a piece of shit for a year or two were I actually have to use my front delts to unrack then try and set up. Sweet, I think I'll be lazy and if I need to retrospectively change it then I can cut and trim some parts I think.
Sweet. One of you's suggested getting the Rogue fat pad. Not a bad idea - I was thinking of DIYing but a company rep fitness sell replacement bench tops that look pretty decent for $30. Now to see if theyhave a UK distributor.
Question about 4-day Texas Method.
For someone just coming off of SS which template would be better?
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
V. squat V. bench I. squat I. bench
V. deadlift V. press I. deadlift I.press
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
I. squat I. bench I. deadlift I.press
V. deadlift V. press V.squat V.bench
Goals: strenght and hypertrophy (duh)
>4-day Texas Method.
i do the latter, but i've also switched my deadlift intensity day for doing heavy singles and adding reps most weeks
trying to bust out a new 5 post squat volume might be shite
then again doing deadlift volume post squat volume is also shite
def would recommend doing I / V for bench and press though