
>270 lbs
>started balding at age 13 (not even full bald, just Costanza hair)
>4 inch dick
>bad teeth

I have it worse than you.

Attached: 1486168748005.jpg (1402x1687, 173K)

>140 lbs
>full head of hair
>7 inch dick
>healthy teeth
feels bretty good

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framelet kek

yeah I know but I look rly elegant

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t. jealous manlet leglet

Pls be my tall skinny slenderman bf

Okay lemme try
>long hair
>5 inch maybe idk
>good teeth
>no autism
I don't know I think you probably do have it worse. How are you so heavy user?

I barely have an inch and people here think 4 is bad?

Attached: 29e.jpg (600x885, 36K)

>160 lbs.
>balding since 22, also Costanza hair currently
>6 inch but impotent from porn addiction
>not incontinent
>good teeth

You're right OP. I have problems but you do have it significantly worse.

wtf dude. stop eating.

Since we're posting
>6" fully erect
>great teeth
>no autism

lmao your smaller than most girls and most of your body is legs
how will manlets ever recover

post bussy ayy lmao

Nigger you look like a fucking wendigo or something.

>140 lbs
>full head of 1/8th inch hair
>6 inch dick but gaining from pe
>yellow shrek teeth
I guess im ok?

Attached: 1551031155202.jpg (1436x1433, 911K)

> 17 years old
> feminine ass
>black as hell nigga

guess im ok?

Attached: DE87841C-8A08-4C10-8E9A-08788CD410DE.jpg (980x1112, 134K)

>dumb enough to admit he's underaged
checks out

Look on the bright side, maybe a girl would just laugh if she saw your dick, but its not like a shes ever gonna see it. The same could be said about everyone else in this thread.

Lol holy fuck I'm laffin

could be worse, you can have ED like me and some other anons

motherfucker, people think i'm a girl because i'm shaped like a pear and have a baby face.
women just laugh in my face and say, "lol, no, i'm not a lesbian, sorry."
it's humiliating

>129 lbs
>long curlyish hair
>5 inch dick
>I got into an accident so I don't have my front set of teeth
>arthritis in both my hands and my knees

I'm only 23

Attached: IMG_7173.jpg (480x360, 39K)

I don't know man, some nigger says living in a small town is worse

>165 lbs
> 6.5 inch dick
> Ok Teeth
> No Autism
Manlettes Unite

>6'1"(short as fuck where i live)
>4 inch dick
>feminine body (wide hips, big ass, soft body and shoulders
>i look and act gay
Tfw attracted to women who think im faggot

>those legs

Do you have an extra chromosome?

>200 lbs
>not balding
>6.5 inch dick
>bad teeth
im also black so adding that onto everything else i think i have it worse op.

>300 lbs
>Widows peak
>5 inch dick was smaller but losing weight was 360 so i'm hopeful.
>great teeth.
>schizophrenic :(
I just need to lose weight and see a therapist but no job so shit diet and no insurance for mental or physical health.

Dont listen to these losers
Your clearly still young
Start working out now and you will be mega chad guaranteed

That's fucked op
>Anime hair
>7 inch
>Anglo Teeth
Feels weird, where's my pussy at?

Attached: 15527837310550.jpg (558x558, 56K)

looks like a fucking long leg tribe straight out of One Piece

Lmao lord far-quad

>ftm transgender
>130 pounds
>not balding, good hair actually
>no dick obviously, but when have surgery have Choice so fuck all of you
>good teeth
>continent (why the fuck is this on here jfc)
>gender dysphoria and OCD, was diagnosed autistic as child but turned out just to be faggot
life is okay actually, started T and happier than ever, have gf (she's a bit large but whatever, she's chill as fuck and actually an awesome gf). in college. life pretty good rn

you look more like a girl than i do and i'm biologically female

why in the fuck would anyone go from female to male? as a 5'7 you're a manlet. literally just made your life 10 times harder

how does it feel user, being able to choose dick length
go for 12 inches for vengeance
strike back for the manlets

educate yourself REEEEEEE
no but i fucking wish i was *mentally* a girl
i'd be hot as fuck honestly but dysphoria's a bitch, it's all the insecurity of being a manlet but having no dick whatsoever
pretty good actually

>I don't know man, some nigger says living in a small town is worse

it's okay to be a dyke user. don't get the bottom surgery, I've never been the same after looking at those pics. Most people don't have positive results. And you don't really get to chose the length with the type of surgery that lets you keep sensation.

'1"(short as fuck where i live)
so nowhere? thats 95th percentile world wide assuming your actually 6'1

>>Widows peak
do those receed?
i just realized i had one

Ima just be honest:
>full hair but not necessarily thick
>185 (refuses to go lower even with calorie deficit dieting)
>7" when 200% erect
>this post is autistic but otherwise only the faintest touch of technical tism
It's alright, but the crippling disdain I have for most interaction complicates thing. Also, stress hallucinations. You have it worse than I do OP, definitely, but that's just my opinion: it really depends on how you handle it. You can work out, shave your head, and be a volcel (or find someone that doesn't care about sex really). You can't change your height sadly. As for me, I'm well off for working out and donger, but I'm stuck with the threat of PNES or whatever and hallucinations at all times. Stanky old wizard eyes, man.

>Indian that lives in India so hieght is not really a problem
>170 lbs
>4 inch dick
>good teeth
>no autism
>diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and doctor said that I'm probably a psychopath

>"Ahhh... No user! I told you I'm a boy now. Y-you can't keep treating me like this AHHH"
Keep telling yourself you're a boy but deep down I know you're a cute girl wanting to get dicked

Slowly but surely.
mine's been very slow though.

Look user, just put up with it. I act like a guy outwardly but half the time I'm overtly empathetic, especially when it comes to animals and kids. I'm in a grey zone if you will, and for a while thought about going the other way. Then I looked into it: trauma from surgeries, sterility, the typical freakishness of those types, not to mention a self-awakening and political stuff. I have to mention too that much of this time I was actively engaging in "those" behaviors, testing the water and whatnot.
Don't go tranny mate, please. After long enough it should fade, especially if you don't think about it too much and start natural supplements to balance testosterone out. You can be my tomboy gf if you want, I'd rather someone who can deal with work as well goddammit
>inb4 bait

>not even full bald, just Costanza hair
do yourself a avour and shave your head,and wear sun glasses

what the fuck are those proportions, built for S A I N T L A U R E N T P A R I S

> No chance of ever finding a soul mate
> 5 inch dick
> Autism
> Crippling Anxiety
> Wishes life would just end and there would be no after life.


>0 titties
>fat looking pussy
>flat ass
>degenerate fetishes
>keratosis pilaris
>dark eyebags
>looks sick

At least I'm a girl

Attached: tenor (2).gif (220x206, 87K)

>5 foot tall girls weigh more than me
Please kill me

none of those besides kerawhatsis is a negative. would breed your femanon ass any day of the week. also obligatory be my girlfriend

>full head of hair
>7 inch pp
>White teeth but i have a gap between my two front teeth.

still a virgin cuz the height thing is a meme

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-26 at 8.23.57 AM.png (151x256, 70K)

Guaranteed (You)s.
Besides that, you just have a painful skin condition (I used to have something similar due to allergies, if I recall KP correctly). Fetishes can be fixed, and most people here look eternally drained and sick.
>can't post face sadly

btw i am 150 pounds.

losing weight will help your dick problem. other than that stop being a fag????

Attached: 1555025192431.jpg (922x979, 199K)

>god tier genetics
wastes them. its torture knowing that if i traded bodies with you i would be fucking every woman in a 20 mile radius

To be fair I'm pretty fat
I forgot about my rosacea on my cheeks
Its not painful. I 'flare ups' sometimes but it mainly makes the skin on my arms rough/bumpy. Forever wearing a cardigan

Neither kera or rosa can be 'cured' :(

Please user, if you traded bodies you could afford to have some sort of standards.

I'm working on myself because i can barely hold a conversation with anyone

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you don't need to hold a conversation when you're 6'3. all you have to do is stand in front of a 5 foot qt and they can't help themselves from drooling while they're eye level with your dick.

This is truth
This is truth

Attached: loved+up+Kim+Kardashian+boyfriend+Kris+Humphries+Gyr6iOevMDBl.jpg (396x594, 84K)

That has never happens to me, I make the conversation awkward and they leave.

>I forgot about my rosacea on my cheeks
none of that matters when you're a girl.
you can still find a guy. im living proof of that. just put some concealer on it or whatever choice of makeup you want if you're that insecure about it but none of that will stop me from wanting to date you

It's okay user, as for KP like I said it was a side effect of my lifestyle and not true KP. They can hurt sometimes though so iktf. Don't worry about a cardigan, for that matter, because in the woods no one's looking and I'm not worried about it. My back is permanently red.

Also what this user said, though admittedly I'm more fit than he is to take the bait.

Thats fair. Thats why I said at least I'm a girl
I understand

Do you have an email, user? We could talk about this off this Burmese tiger watching forum and not worry about something lurking in the thread.

i already claimed her faggot back off

I apologise Anons but I'm not seeking companionship

you femanons are all the same. leading me on and then telling me you don't want me. fucking roasties

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I apologise if I lead you on, that wasnt my intention user.

its ok but why wont you love me. did someone tell you about how big my dick is

Reminds me of that really old Spongebob episode where Spongebob had to go to the prom with Mr. Krabs's daughter.

>260 lbs
>started balding at age 16 (not even full bald, just Costanza hair)
>7 inch dick
>decent teeth

I am unhappy

e-dating isnt for me and I'm emotionally numb

>no gender (hard mode)
>incontinent (pee)
>thinning hair
>teeth so wrong that they stick out and jab my cheeks

you actually do look elegant, i was skeptical.

yeah I am a pear with a baby face too, MIGHT change if i lost weight.

Meh, I think you're just self-conscious. In any case, there are some people I like to keep up with. Just shoot me a message sometime if you want to talk outside of r9gay. [email protected]
Your claims mean jack shit faggot.

I can just move.

God, I hate that guy. "B-b-but God struck me down!!! I'm just on probation because I'm black!" Fuck him. Hope he rots in that upstate NY shithole.

No, I'm genuinely emotionally numb and uninterested in entering a relationship.

>200 lbs
>good jawline
>6in pp
>mediocre teeth
>bad acne
>antisocial to a painful extent

I havent had a conversation with another human since august.

>femme, 5'5"
>105 lbs (eating disorder rip)
>lot of hair, pretty
>128 IQ, national merit scholar, college honors
>hard working, friendly, kind, creative
>proud of my degenerate sense of humor
>weaknesses: massive depression, PTSD, suicidal, slightly socially awkward but not in an antisocial way, shortsighted, stubborn
>ik i'm far from perfect and come with problems that are too much for most people to handle (myself included) but I try to be good to others and thats enough for now.
:^) suck it mofos

Shrug dot jaypeg user, it's all good.
Tbh you seem obnoxious, much like my mother.

this read half like you were sucking yourself off and the other half was actual faults

actually after rereading its more like 99% of it is you sucking yourself off. fucking roasties

>140 lbs
>living in third world shithole
>no history of baldness in family
>6 inch dick
>decent teeth

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HoIy fucking shit user

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