ITT: get something off your chest and make a new friend

ITT: get something off your chest and make a new friend

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During the /r9Christmas/ shit, I got a nice cowl from some user and I never posted it for the picture collage.

Hopefully they don't think I'm ungrateful

how are the two related?

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Im only joining the army because i want to get away from my family once and for all. They dont know that i am disappearing into the void of life as soon as i am out of there clutchs.

I feel awesome when I'm on my own. As soon as I go outside and see people with what I want to have/do but haven't (gf, car, well-paying job) I feel like shit until I can be on my own again.
Scumbag brain at it's finest.

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us lonely anons want friends

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whats bothering you you want to talk about friend

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Alright I confess, I would rather have a flat chested, and flat ass asian girl over a woman with boobs, and a fat ass.

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Am in alot of physical pain and I feel like I can't walk much more even though my job demands it . I want to cry but I can't.

>Patrician tastes

There is no shame in that.

how do you make new friends?

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Good to hear, thanks user.

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I've lost every "friend" I had. They never actually cared about me and only talked to me when I was around them, they never messaged me online or ever tried to hang out with me. I know this because I recently moved to another HS (I'm 18 don't freak out) and now I have nobody and am completely alone.

I used to add people on discord but I always get ghosted. I've just given up.

Shit I know this exact same feel, and it haunts me constantly. My solution was to make my life goal to move somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, but I'm not sure how that will go down

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I feel like everyone i know tries to be somewhat supportive but in my eyes they're all NPCs. They exist just for the sake of existing, they don't mean anything to me. I put on a facade of having emotions and enjoying my day but I don't feel anything anymore, I just go through life aimlessly. I'm so bored of this ride already.

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Give Discord. I know this exact same feel. Twice over

>Repetitive wordplay
Kill me

I want to stop stuttering, I am so tired of this shit

nice effort oriokjoiksdf

Have you seen a logopedist? I think a stutter can be cured

I'm a 25 khv and I can't get a job because I can't bare working with a team nor attend a class. I'm fucked and I feel like its going worse and worse

I made a robot friend recently and in person we can talk for hours but I don't feel comfortable talking to him through text or video chat. He was only visiting my country when we met and already fly back home so talking to him IRL isn't gonna happen for a while. He probably thinks I'm trying to ghost him but I'm not.

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I bought someone an engraved zippo lighter last year and they didn't respond or post shit
Never doing again

19yo guy from Eastern Europe here. I got diagnosed with depressive-anxiety disorder in 2016. My father was beating me, one of my sisters and my mom for random stuff and forced us to do whatever he wanted. For example he forced me an my mom to work at his shop when I was 14. Of course my salary back then was 0$ for 10 hours of work per day. I reported him, but court decided to fine him with something like 5k$. Since he kicked me and my mom out of my parents house I got a chance to talk with some psychiatrist about my problems. And that's how I got diagnosed. My parents are still divorcing, but me and my mom will probably profit from this (he's ridiculously rich and is a tax fraudster - he earns like 10k$ per month). He's screwed due to leaked data about his earnings and properties (he declares that he earns 500$/month and somehow hid his real earnings for a few years) currently, so me and my mom are preparing for getting some part of his belongings. Anyway it won't cure my disorder or make me forget about what he did to me and my family though. A year ago I got interested in Japanese culture (not only anime) and due to my age I'm thinking about moving there since living in this part of world won't bring me anything good because of people around me and government. Because of that I'm preparing for it - I can speak nearly basic Japanese (but it's still shit imo) and I'm going to spend some of my money to go to Japan for a while just to live there like a NEET. And I'm going to do it after court will obligate my father to givey mother 50% of his belongings (about 90%+ of divorce cases like mine ends like that according to my mom's lawyer and my friend who is a lawyer too). If you want to talk with me no problem, just ask for my discord.

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not a robot but my life sucks
> divorce
>had live with my parents
>getting a cucked shared room thing with random person soon
> car is always fucking up
>boss ridding my ass at work
> think about kys too much
stay strong robots

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Im so scared of opening up to people and when I do, they are freaked out.

Im dicking around in school, know if i had the opportunity i could be done with college already and wouldn't have to deal with all the stupid fucking gossip mongering and crying people do, i just want to learn new shit and get a job I can live with. Im tired of dealing with dumb shit year after year and had some close calls with offing myself a time or two when i was a pussy who was convinced it wont get better

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I don't really feel that depressed at the moment but I'm really struggling to find any motivation to do anything, even shit I need to get done, which is leading to all kinds of real life problems. My social anxiety is getting worse so I keep staying in and the cycle just continues and I feel even more lonely. I feel like I'm missing some emotional component of my life that I might just never have. I think I'm drifting apart from one of my best friends of the last few years. I've fucked up my financial situation by buying weed and beers so I can fall asleep without staring at the ceiling for ages. I don't even know what I'm really passionate about any more and I can't find the motivation or get past the anxiety trying to pick things back up. I don't think I'm going to look back at my late teens and early twenties that fondly at all, the past few years have been largely shit and the future doesn't look amazing either right now. Since I left school I haven't really progressed in any way except gaining debt and pissing away money trying to work out what the fuck I want to do/can do. There's a tiny part of me that knows it will probably improve at some point, but 99% of me isn't optimistic about it.

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Welcome to my blog post. I'm 25 years old, anons. I'm officially ready to be put in the retirement home. Still on this godforsaken basket weaving website. It's lost a lot of its charm for me, so that's a sign of progress I suppose.

Not that you're not allowed to enjoy things, just that I spent a lot of time here in my teens and early 20s, so I personally feel like I "shouldn't be here anymore". It's weird in general to say "my early 20s", as if I'm 40 years old, drinking a bitter cup of black coffee and grimacing at the screen.

Haven't accomplished that much so far, but I'm excited for this next chapter of my life. I relate to this user in that I don't remember too much of my early 20's or anything that incredibly fulfilling or exciting. I guess I didn't expect myself to live this long without having accomplished more, which is disappointing. I feel uncomfortable in this 25 year old body, in that I feel like I can't enjoy anything or have fun because I'm too OLD, which is very foolish. I have a hard time shaking it. I never wanted to be one of those people who starts their life at 25, 30, or whatever - yet here we are. Lot of resentment mixed with an inferiority complex.

I'm finally moving out of my parents' dysfunctional household in with my partner temporarily until I find my own place. We met through a Discord server that I found through Jow Forums. Which, y'know, is a helluva sentence. Moving across the country, too. Coast to midwest. It's gonna be weird, but hopefully happier and more productive times are on their way.

My parents are in a shitty situation right now so it does feel weird to be leaving at this point in time. I pray they can somehow thrive eventually.

We're all gonna make it, brahs. One way or the other.

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i don't know what to do with my life. i graduated HS 2 years ago and went into uni ASAP. turns out i was and to a big degree still am a lazy cunt and i dropped that shit like it was hot. transferred unis and changed my major, big surprise, i didn't put in any work and dropped out. now i'm on my third attempt and i've been at it for 2 semesters but i can't fucking take this shit any longer.
i'm studying japanese because i have a decent amount of knowledge about the language so i thought it would be as easy as 123 but the truth is, the undergrad doesn't cover shit, the degree is basically worthless and infested with wapanese faggots.

i'm finna change majors, again. i signed a rent agreement so i'm invested in taking it seriously this time around but worst case scenario is it's still like half a year until i can switch majors properly.
either i get lucky and by the grace of raptor jesus i can barely squeeze my PONOS into the current semester.
or i have to wait and kill the time by working my ass off. if only my chef would give me more work. i don't get you NEETs, not being productive is a nightmare.

anyways, first world problems, amiright. also i stopped smoking and started vaping instead. thanks for reading my LJ

pic unrelated

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I completely get what you mean about not being productive. I'm sure that a large part of my lack of motivation and direction has come from having no routine, which ends up with me filling my time either worrying about shit or feeling directionless. Whenever I've had a job I've always felt so much better, and not just because of the money that comes from it.

I'm seriously worried I'm going to fail a class in my last term of uni -- just when I get a gf and we're thinking of moving in together and I only need to finish school. It's thin. I've already appealed to the prof in a humble way, just asking for consideration basically. God, I dropped the ball. Anxiety is killing me.

Im a faggot and I absolutely HATE most of the lgbt people. They're mostly backstabbing shit talk behind your back kind of people its sickening

>Be poorfag weeaboo artist
>Zero inspiration because im a loser neet
>Listen to some norman shit but the majority are anime-shit
>Join art discords
>Everyone already have a group of friends and it's making me awkward and uncomfortable
Any fellow third-world weeaboos out there to befriend?!

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>They're mostly backstabbing shit talk behind your back kind of people
well most of them are or want to be women

based and considerably red-pilled

>I'm sure that a large part of my lack of motivation and direction has come from having no routine
>Whenever I've had a job I've always felt so much better, and not just because of the money that comes from it.

this and this. after a year of dicking around at uni and not doing anything basically being a piece of shit i scored a job at minimum wage in a kitchen. i worked a 10 hour shift and i gotta tell you man, it's the first time i've felt alive in a long time

why can't i take hormones without people making comments or questions how feminine i look?
i am ruining this body for myself, no one else

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Know the feel, most discorders are bored normans. However, I'm probably more autist than you so it's probably for the best I remain in seclusion.

>thought it would be as easy as 123 but the truth is, the undergrad doesn't cover shit, the degree is basically worthless and infested with wapanese faggots

I mean, maybe at your school. At my uni the department is amazing, although I chose to minor instead of major because I actually want a job. Honestly user it just sounds like university isn't for you, but you took the "everyone has to do it" meme.

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Over the summer I was a kitchen porter at my local pub, working all the hours I could in a tiny kitchen that got unbearably hot, but damn I miss it every day at the moment. It's been even more demoralising applying for a fuckton of jobs and not hearing back from any. The one interview I've had, I got offered the job and was sent the paperwork a month ago only for the manager to not return any calls or emails. Since then I've felt so shitty about it I stopped looking.

What the fuck is the point in putting jam on bread if you're only going to spread like a quarter of it on. Completely pointless.

I'm cripplingly lonely but don't put in the effort to meet new people and ghosted old friends. I think deep down I must enjoy making myself miserable.

What's your discord if you're real?
I don't mind how autistic someone is, a legitimate friend with the same hobbies/interests would be nice

>Honestly user it just sounds like university isn't for you
might be. although to my defense, i have never actually tried, as retarded as it sounds.
i'll give it one more shot, this is going to be the one.

>inb4 homeless

i get what you mean, before i got my current gig i was zerg rushan' jobs with applications but so far everyone has been a bitch.
i got my current job, just like i got every single one before this, by just giving a call. got hired on the spot. though that doesn't tell you much, kitchens have a pretty high staff turnover and low standards anyways

weeaboo from hueland here
I fucking hate this country. Everything is overpriced, the only anime related things you can find are manga, no cool 80s-90s cars, everything and everyone is ugly

>from hueland
I've been thinking on going there to find a qt 3.14 south brazil girl, is this a bad idea?

>friend finds out i'm sad and suicidal
>stops talking to me

Not a single person responded to me. Fuck this place.

>something interesting happens
>no one to tell them about it
Before, loneliness was increasing linearly, now I seem to be getting exponentially lonelier. I wish I could cry.

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I keep having dreams that me and my oneitis are talking and having fun like we're friends but in reality we hardly talk. After I wake up I'm really depressed and I just have to get over it throughout the day until I get another one some other night. At least I'm finding some joy in other things, but those dreams really get to me.

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>south brazil girl
Are you trying to score a discount aryan or something? I don't really know since I don't interact with them
But if you do come here, stick with the south, it's safer and better and it has me

I was abused and forced to suck dick when i was 4. I've wanted to kill myself since the age of 7.

welcome to the streets, bitch

>are you trying to score a discount aryan
No LOL, I just heard its safer down there, so I wouldn't want to look for a girl in other parts of brazil because it would be more dangerous. If I do go down there we can be friends though

pls user
You have been muted for x seconds, because your comment was not original.

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I don't get along well with people, but I put a lot of thought into gifts for people I care about. It's how I express that I think of you even if I seem cold and douchey.
>putting a lot of time into stalking you so that I can buy you the right thing
>keeping track of what you complain about so I can buy you a fix
>getting you a soda or a snack you like on a morning I know you didn't get any calories yet
>getting you coffee when I know you're tired
>planning holiday presents months in advance and adapting/updating as I go
>gift-wrapping something you lost that I either found or replaced
>getting you chocolate or weed when I suspect you're on your period
>highly specific items
>a rock tumbler for my geology teacher
>an Osama-Bin-Laden themed gift for my ex-Marine teacher with a sick sense of humor
>a waterproof case for the sailor cousin
>a solar panel for my innawoods buddy
>signed baseball card for baseball fan buddy
>giving you the dirty socks you left in my room as a Christmas present

Someone got me four manga volumes and I was so happy that I forgot to post. I still think about it.

I have lost all passion in life. I do not feel as though I could do anything for the rest of my life.

By "anything" I mean like a career or successful path or even a job. I get bored and tired of something so quickly and this has plagued me my whole life.

Now that feeling is starting to creep into the things i used to enjoy, and i feel shitty 24/7 with no enjoyment in anything.

I am constantly screwed over by my fellow human being, that I feel as though i cant trust a soul. This is affecting my relationships with people and from normal social interactions.

I have always got the short end of the stick in life but once you realize it literally is just work until you die while everything you used to love crumbles around you slowly but surely.

I'd kill myself if it wouldnt make the few people I care about sad

I graduated High School last year and didn't go to Prom despite having a good friend group and enough cash. I just didn't want to go without a real date, not even a "friend as a date".
I reconnected with this girl over Tinder who was a Junior then a (legal) Senior now. I reconnected a month ago, we talk everyday and invited her out maybe three times but we've yet to actually meet up. I haven't talked to her in person since maybe June last year but I'd like to start hanging out with her consistently so I won't feel like a creep asking her to prom.

>friend group
fuck out of here failed normalfag

bready to die.

What a fucking mad lad. Post of the night right here.

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it was my 21th birthday yesterday. tomorrow im going to meet up with my bro because he's the only person that kind of cares about at all. he is trying to talk to me about "plans to have fun" but social drinking makes me want to throw up with social autism so i know im going to disappoint him again

i'm becoming so insecure about my virginity/romantic inexperience that its affecting how i conduct myself and interact with others during my everyday life

i used to think it was fucking ridiculous but i am seriously nearing incel levels of delusion and it is especially embarrassing because several other areas of my life could be considered quite normie in comparison

I joined the Navy with the same intentions. I only talk to my bro, but it's been about 3 years since I spoke with my mom and dad. Shit's pretty good.

sometimes I feel like I should cause civilian life is depressing as shit, but then I remember that I dislike what the army stands for and they'd never let me join much less hold a gun anyway cause I have shit vision, shit health, and they know I'd shoot myself if I got the chance

My dad is in the hospital, my cat is probably dying, and i'm having numerous health issue pile up. I'm scared send help.

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I know they say not to diagnose yourself but I seriously fit so many of the symptoms of Autism.

why can't i buy hormones? i just want to be swole like Jow Forums but they only give you the ol' gonad juice if you're a tranny

Talk, most pressing. Debt, stress, are the health issues stress related or non?

i already have hormones courtesy of the health system, but people harass me.
but if it were up to me, you'd have access to the information you need to make them yourself.
we shouldn't have to turn to the government for stupid pfizer shit

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>help left the chat
help go home you're drunk

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Stress, maybe? Dunno. I'm just constantly sore, have chronic issues with digestion, insomnia, headaches, etc.

I will never see her again.

i'm 35 and haven't enjoyed anything in years. it's just flat affect all night and day. spend more time trying to think of things to do to pass the time than actually passing the time. food doesn't taste good. cumming doesn't feel good. i can only focus on video games for an hour at best. i only come to these boards because i haven't had the drive or interest to develop new interests since the early to mid 2000's. i can tell about the only exception is that i feel a real and genuine love for my cat, and i don't know what i'll do when i lose that.

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My only irl friend is a pathological liar and I feel that he isn't worth my time, but I don't want to be alone. Its too the point that if I ask him if he has money for McDonalds, he says yes even though he left his wallet at home. What do?

lmao dude made my night xD

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I'm really unhappy with my mom and can't tell it to her face. She can't quit cigarettes and she's always eating unhealthily. I know that she tries to smoke whenever I'm too busy to pay attention, but that makes it worse. I had to grow up way too fast just to survive with a single parent like her.

i'm maybe too old to be posting here but I just wanted to type words

Ive heard voices in my head speaking in what sounds like a language I cant understand. I have killed many animals (mostly for food so grouse, rabbits, deer, elk, 1 bear etc.) and always get a high from doing so. The bigger the animal the better the rush, when I killed a black bear the feeling was comparable to the best sex ive ever had. Have fantsized about killing a human on many occasions however as it stands its too difficult to get away with and I still kinda like living although if I ever decided to kill myself Id probably kill someone first.

Clarification, I have heard voices in my head since I was around 12 and they persist to this day, not an isolated event.

Depending on social dynamics, can you set it up so that she has to go through you for a cig?

This breaks my heart because you're obviously sweet and thoughtful just really unapproachable. I'm the same way. Here's hoping we finally find someone more observant than average.

Being a NEET fucking sucks Im literally a parasite on my family but im too afraid to get a job because I have to interact with people and I fucking hate people REEEEEEEEEEEE

Is anyone here even a NEET anymore? I'm going through some really rough times right now. It feels like my family will kick me out at any moment. All my relatives keep asking me what i'm doing and I never have an answer. I've just recently reached the age where it starts becoming unacceptable to be a bum and every passing year its going to get exponentially worse. I'm going to fucking kill myself.

Tired of the fact that I've been cheated out of being a normie and being able to talk to people because I am socially inept and awfully ugly. I have been cheated out of a normal life because of that, females and males alike literally despise me I'm sure at least one person in this thread can relate to this feel no?

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>Is anyone here even a NEET anymore?
I dropped out of high school at 17, holed myself up in my room, and have just stayed here since. 20 now.

>one more shot
>one more shot
>one more shot
I've been telling myself that for 3 years now.

microwave your hd, forget this place, get out and live up.

What do your parents say or do? My parents would force me to get a job, go to college or kick me out. I always hear about these nearly 30 year old guys who are openly NEETs without their parents giving a shit. I'm so jealous.

My dad fucked off out of my life. My mum realizes there's something wrong about me but can't understand what. Sometimes she asks me what I plan on doing with my life and all I can say is "I don't know". Lately I've been trying to help out around the house more to not be such a burden. I honestly don't know what I'll do. 3 years of isolation tacked on to an already reclusive childhood aren't really conductive to a successful life.

I've been lying to my parents about going to college so I can be a NEET. I'm 22 though and it the jig is almost up. Its only going to get worse as you get older. We are only two years apart but 22 is particularly shit because its when it really becomes really apparent you aren't a teen anymore.

I hope you make it user. Don't be like me. Do something, anything. Don't waste the next two years shitposting.

Finally stopped being an alcoholic neet and got a crap job. Planning on moving out this year. Things have improved alot, but at 27 it seems pretty pointless. I already missed out on having any sort of decent youth, and by the time I have my shit together I'm gonna be in my 30s and my life will still suck.

That image is soo CUTE !!

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I am a 20 year old who still lives with his mum, have no clue how to adult.

I just want to be alone in my own house where I can cook and play games and hang out when I am not working, I want nothing more. I don't care about having friends or a girlfriend I just want to be working and own my own house with me and my cat.

I'm a young guy from a small country and I'm very lonely here. I can't relate to anyone and have been struggling to make friends with anyone.
I've been trying to make some more on Jow Forums but the conversations I have just die out nearly immediately apart from rare cases where I just click with them. Most of the time people don't even add me. I don't even see what's wrong because sometimes it works so well, but most of the time it really doesn't.
I just want to stop feeling so lonely.

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I want to do something but the idea of joining society is so daunting I don't know. I fin't know how I'd deal with it. I'll try it anyway though. Thanks mate.