Anyone here ever successfully gotten their wife/gf to become fit? Is it plausable?
Serious question
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If you have to convince her to work out you should find a new girlfriend
Women have no drive to do better. They'd rather sabatoge your fitness or make you feel guilty for being proud of your body. This way, they don't have to confront their own cowardice and shitty lifestyle choices, and if you go from an 8 to a 6, that just means she has to compete with less women.
Find a new girlfriend if you ever feel like you need to convince them to workout.
I have a wife. Not a gf.
My ex was fit when she was with me. Now she's with a new guy and chubby.
Its divorce time then if you you have to ask twice.
My wife started supercharging her workouts when we were hanging out at the beach and a 22 year old (I'm 35) kept hitting on me hardcore. She realized that she better pick up her game because men age like wine and women age like ford focuses.
Listen buddy there's only so much you can say or do. Just like with any individual weight loss or fitness journey, she has to decide on her own if she wants to fix herself.
Up to you if you wanna tolerate her laziness. I'm not married but I sure as hell don't want to be with someone I'm no longer sexually attracted to. If she really wants to keep you, she'll shape up real fucking quick lol.
Yes. Very easily: you break up with your wife, you find a fit wife. Done.
>her laziness.
>implying it's about being lazy
>I'm no longer sexually attracted to.
>implying fat, ugly people aren't libido fuel
>she'll shape up real fucking quick lol.
>implying anyone wants to keep you lol
My girlfriend got motivated to workout when we got together and she's still going strong 4 years later. She made tremendous progress.
Didn't do anything to convince her though. Most likely she got the motivation cause she was afraid I was going to leave her for a way fitter girl.
Little does she know, I'm an architect, and I live and breathe for thicc curvy bitches.
>"user, I want to look hotter for you, I'll start exercising"
>Do some good stuff for two weeks
it's a lost battle
You're what we call a "two-week tosser".
>Little does she know, I'm an architect,
>imagine hiding your profession from your woman
>and I live and breathe for thicc curvy bitches.
>implying being fit means being skinny and stick-like
Would not want to live in houses designed by you.
every time. every fucking time.
>he doesn't know
Any woman who wants to look hotter for someone else is bound to fail, because it shows lack of character. When a woman says, "I want to look hotter and be healthier," then you're in business. If the only goal is "for you", it will fail.
Engage with women who have brains and character.
Summer is here lads
have secks
>newfags arrive and pretend to be oldfags
>think oldfags were all cynical assholes
>newfags think anything fun is Reddit
>think calling others summerfags is an oldfag thing
>newfags are always wrong
>newfags think summer is a thing
>newfags have nothing creative to contribute, just repeat dank maymays all day long
Well obviously fit isn't stick like. She's got a huge ass that she didn't have before and I couldn't be happier.
But she's also some kind of a cardio bunny and she constantly cuts her cals cause she's obsessed with having abs (which, as a female, requires to be pretty motherfucking starved but she doesn't want to listen to me and she just keeps following all these photoshopped insta thots), and in doing so lost a good amount of her formerly big ass milkers and that just deeply saddens me.
Not really. Most women have mental illness and you can't mention weight and fitness around them or they'll start crying unironically. Then you ask what's wrong and the answer is either you should know or I don't know. I hate wahmen
this pic is making me uncomfortable and queasy, please don't post it again
Yes. She has to want it so bad she cries about it when she’s alone.
Then you have to motivate her by holding her hand every day and scolding her for breaking her diet.
Even during her menstruation, give her no more than one day to break her diet
I don't understand .... why would you want to be with a wife/gf who isn't fit? I can understand if YOU are not fit, and get with a non-fit wife/gf. But if you are fit, would you not want the same for your partner? This is so strange. only excepction is she was fit before and let go since she got with you. in that case, a few insta posts of you with some brappers will defo help
I really hate it when anons just green text people and then don't make a point.
Fuck outta here Jogge
I told my GF id join weight watchers with her if she lifted with me. Told her it was something we could do together to bond. So now we're on the frankomans DB only routine, weight watchers, and light cardio will be taking the dog to the park on off days. I also do Box VR for an hour, it's pretty neat.
>women age like ford focuses.
Fat wife spotted
my brother is married and she gets fatter every year
she has a gym membership, treadmill, exercise balls, weights, matts, has gone on diets, he's gone on diets with her
and every year she gets fatter
Maybe, but I haven't been successful. I had a girlfriend in high school for 2 years and she was starting to put on weight while I was working out every day and putting on muscle. I told her to start exercising and she wouldn't even though I made her a workout plan and invited her to join me at the gym. She wouldn't, so I broke up with her. After the break up I was expecting to get lots of pussy but I've only had sex one time since. Feels bad man
Women in relationships don't care about improving and will let themselves go if they feel don't have any competition for their man. If you start talking to other girls and flirting and she senses it, she will chimp out at you first but if you hold frame she will start bettering herself. Women are demons that way. They will also actively try to lower your SMV by trying to get you to stop lifting and bettering yourself. They want you to get on their level and will end up cheating on you half the time anyways.
Im planning on doing so, I dont want a weak gf
>tfw the word "flab" traumatized me and made me disdainful for weak people
With my gf the issue isn't getting her to exercise, it's getting her to eat healthier portions. How do I tell her to stop putting so much shit on her plate?
how does eye contact feel?
Fix yourself and avoid her sabotage. There's about a 50/50 chance she'll see the marriage crumbling and fix her own shit. If not, take the hit and get the divorce... pull the rather painful bandaid off but it's off.
>t. asked for a divorce, moved out and in desperation she started hitting the gym to save the marriage... she eventually slid back to her bad habits... I got the divorce.
My gf wanted to get into fitness before me, I just helped her get started, set up a routine, teach her the lifts. Now over a year later she has made great progress and goes as often if not more often than me.
The trick is they need to want it themselves, that combined with a reinforcement with positive comments about her progress and negative about fat and unfit people helps. Other than that it's important to be strict yourself and stick to your routine of going when you want. So you set the right example.
give her some competition. act like you're single without actually cheating on her. flirt with other girls, make her jealous, keep improving herself. If she doesn't change dump her
>19 year olds of Jow Forums giving marriage advice
just lol
I showed my gf a bunch of thicc insta thots while telling her how hot their bodies are
Now she's squatting 3x a week
>complaining about greentext
Doesn't know
i just won't to save my sister from becoming a land whale she get offended every time i point out she's getting fat she's not too far gone so any tips ?
>below age 25 - maybe, not certain though
>over 25 yo - you are fucked unless you have money, job and a place to live
poor fucking brother
>can you see me now?
I am married to a bikini competitor. Shit is pretty cash.
How new are you?
more lol at anyone that takes them seriously jesus christ
>dont be lazy and cook healthy meals
>buy more vegetables than you could eat
>dont let snacks in the house 99% of the time
>she wants to eat pasta or burger
>oh I bought too much collard, help me eat I don't want to trash food
>tomorrow we can cook burgers
>next day cook more healthy food
Just don't be crazy about it, nothing wrong with cheat meals and eating snack here and there, but always cook real food and have some excuses ready to denying a cheat meal instead of making a big case or getting angry for nothing.
jealousy is the fuel for women
Taught her to fast and she lost the extra weight
Taught her to work out and stretch to fix posture. She feels much better and is super excited to work out every time.
Taught her to meditate and gave her some supplements so now her skin is perfect and she's much better at dealing with stuff.
Not only is this good for me but she's super grateful for everything. That said, she's the one that wanted to put the effort in, I just helped make it easier.
I only ever managed to do it with the two girls I dated in highschool, one was a painfully thin redhead who wanted to put on some weight and the other was a chubby blonde who wanted to lose some weight.
Your brother is a girl?
>asks for advice
>gets advice
>copes massively
get fucking out nigger.
You still consider her your wife? She's been staying at my house for almost a year.
my gf is in average shape, but I want her to gain 5-10 kg and also start doing regular exercise. absolutely not the regular "fitness gym thot" shit, I just want her to exercise like twice per week with walks or some cardio.
>Anyone here ever successfully gotten their wife/gf to become fit? Is it plausable?
>I have a wife. Not a gf.
i can already tell you're an asshole and your wife hates you
He's an architect, user. He doesn't build houses.
so, lets turn this from a pity party into a helpful thread
what is a good introductory strength routine for a woman / strategies for encouraging them to use a real, non meme routine
my gf goes to the gym, and has since before I met her to support her (somewhat but not that athletic) sport/hobby. She takes directions well, and has been fairly open to learning new exercises so she doesn't just do leg press/row machine/leg curls/bicep machine bullshit, but she still has really bad imbalances (stronger quads and weak lower posterior chain + strong upper back and pathetically weak chest). I've shown her good squatting and deadlifting form, but she basically won't do them unless I'm there with her, and getting her to even go near a bench is always met with a polite 'maybe next time' dodge. That said, she's made some noticable strength gains and is becoming more receptive, slowly
Thinking I should make her a cutesy routine doc, with a basic A-day\B-day structure, but I need ideas for stacking in as much glute work as possible, and finding a horizontal push movement she'll actually do and stick to.
tl;dr if you were going to suggest/design a simple but effective routine for your GF, what would you use?
3 SETS OF 10-12 REPS, LAST ONE HARDLY DO-ABLE (maybe start with 13-15 reps in the first weeks)
ooh I love my wife IGH
Help!!!! My gf and I have been doing 5x5 for 3 to 4 months now. However she would like to have more lower body centered routine without losing upperbody gains. What routine would be good? Or ahould she just add more accessory exercises in?
thank you, furious cruse-control poster - you are doing the lord's work. I kinda just wanted to spur discussion that wasn't boomers whining about their fat wives
she goes x3 a week already, just as I said does more machine work than she needs to, and more upper back/front leg work than she needs to, with too many machines. I know a normal fullbody workout is the answer, the accessories and a quality bench alternative are the only real things I am thinking about.
she don't use insta, and the desire for a juicy butt is more fueled by jealousy about how mine is better (and more practically because she has imbalance-induced lower back pain that building better glutes will help with).
she actually has really lucky fat genetics, perpetually slim waist and wide hips. nobody is worried about fridge mode
She got on a diet and has lost about 10lb, down to mid ~130's from mid 140's in 6 months, so now I'm trying to encourage her to recomp and get some noob gains and I think she'll look and feel 100% better
Also a point of order: women do largely need the same kind of routine as men, but they do actually have slightly differences that make higher volume training more effective:
if she shifts her accessory work to lower body stuff, but doesn't stop doing bench/OHP/pullups she won't lose much if any upper body mass. Tell her to do low weight/high volume squats on deadlift day, and the same with deadlifts on squat day if she really wants to minimally change her routine and that should desu be enough.
free weights >>>>> machines
there is no discussion, do I need to explain why or do you know it?
>she actually has really lucky fat genetics, perpetually slim waist and wide hips
the important part is, how does her mother/grandmother/possible sister look like?
That's a look in the future.
i feel like this is good advice but if my girl did this to me i would dump her ass quick
Sort of, we both got chubby so I decided we needed to loose some weight.
Made a plan for her and me (a lot of cardio and eating less calories).
Currently working out 6 times a week, thanks to that she has a better figure then during her highschool also she is happy af with it.
Don't know if she can maintain it though (she has some serious goblin gains family).
she's doing it anyways retard. women will always do the absolute maximum they can get away with
I get what you're saying, but do you have to use the word "retard" as a slur? I rape retards and I think some of them would be really offended by that kind of language.
Thought I could with my ex but the stubborn bitch disregarded all my advise and just wasted her fucking time getting nothing done
It'll really irritate you
i gape retard anuses with my stubs since i lost my lower legs to some towel head diy soap maker
>Anyone here ever successfully gotten their wife/gf to become fit? Is it plausable?
She will get fit, then leave you.
Me too! But again, please don't call them retards.
if a bitch started to hit on my man like that I'd tell her to fuck off for sure. then again I already lift so I probably wouldn't worry too much.
S E E T H I N G and Over The Hill roastie detected.
I usually don't speak to her for a day then she will bitch about how we don't do anything or I don't give her attention and then I hit her with the "let's go somewhere then" take her to the gym and boom.
Haha nice dubs :)
Another tip is I cook for us a nice healthy meal and claim that I'm Givin her a break on the cooking, she loves it and she don't even know and I usually get a thank you at night if you catch ,you drift :) enjoy my tips fellas
My* haha oops stupid automatically correct I meant my instead of you oops
here your (you)
>22 year old (I'm 35)
This shouldn't make me butthurt but it does. I'm 22 and can't get get a girl my age, but they're happy to date geezers. Worst part is I'm literally outlawed from getting an lgf to make up for it.
It does crack me up when post wall hags cry about men all dating young girls, like the young girls have no agency or culpability
Isn't it "foci"?
lads my previous girl told me that her ex used to get self-conscious when she would wear gymshark stuff to the gym and asked me if i cared. he was a fat loser and i am pretty Jow Forums so i said wear whatever the fuck you want im not insecure.
anyway she had daddy issues and broke up with me and im wondering if its because i wasn't more controlling but still aloof. i read all this redpill shit about not giving a fuck and doing my own thing regardless which definitely works but i am wondering if it backfired in this instance.
also if you had a normal girl, would you allow her to wear gym thot attire? saw her today at the gym and she was def trying to get my attention but i just ignored her
If someone continues to take care of themselves after marriage and the other doesn't, that person is fair game to get cheated on male or female
My girl lifts at the gym three times a week but her snacking habits etc are terrible. I can see her putting on a lot of unreasonable weight after marriage. If that happens it's young hot escorts every weekened
I know it, obviously - I don't fuck with machines other than the cables for minor accessory work; slowly weaning her off of them (managed to get her to use free weights for arm work, do back raises/suspended crunches, DB rows instead of machine rows). Making slow but steady progress.
>how does her mother look
She looks pretty damn good, especially considering she's approaching retirement age.
it is only good advice if you are subtle and not a dick about it - going out of your way to hit on other women in front of her is juvenile and contributes to her thinking you are a bad long term partner, not to mention it will be obvious to her that you are trying to fuck with her self esteem. Don't fall for the bullshit 'women aren't really human' rhetoric that gets thrown around here. if you get yourself into situations where women hit on you, and act respectfully and friendly but not overtly interested, your partner will see that:
-you are highly desirable, and could have someone else in a second if you wanted
-you are CHOOSING to stay with her, given other (arguably better in some ways) choices
A good partner will, presented with that evidence, work harder to please you and be the best version of themselves for you. A bad partner will get jealous, or sulky, or try to crab-bucket you down.
>daddy issues
in the sense that she had some mild sexual kinks like calling you 'daddy' and being fucked rough, or the big red flag emotional problems? Either way, being controlling is never a good move for your own mental health. It sounds like she just doesn't have her head straight, and you were a casualty, not that you actually did anything wrong
big red flag emotional problems were def on the horizon because of her alcoholic father, said she was depressed and shit when she was ending it. funny thing is she was a pretty awesome gf in the 4 months we dated and i was sort of blindsided by everything.
lost 10 lbs, six pack coming in and had a job interview today so im not hung up on her but moreso trying to figure out if i made any errors
Honestly? I doubt it. Sounds like she had to work through her own shit before she could genuinely connect with another person longterm. My only advice is not to resent her or hold it against her - which it sounds like you don't - because fuck we're on Jow Forums right now, everyone here is a current or former fuckup.
You are both gonna make it, she just isn't there yet. Live that mentally wholesome life.
Also, gratz on the fat loss and interview user, good luck
thanks user but what about the original question? how should you handle your girl's dress to the gym? lets say no red flags in this instance
>Anyone here ever successfully gotten their wife/gf to become fit?
Yes, by starting with one. If yours isn't get a new one.
Yes. Wife and I both started as obese (she was 250lbs, I was 230lbs) and both of us decided to get our shit together and drop the weight.
3 years later she is at 140 and I'm at 160, both of us go to the gym 6 days a week and eat really carefully.
I don't think either of us would have lost the weight if we didn't agree to do it together. There were times when each of us wasn't as serious about getting fit and it dragged the other person down. I think it is absolutely necessary that both people be on the same page as far as health goals or it won't work.
congrats but i bet your wife's cunt stinks
Only by breaking up. Not plausible