How realistic is it to be a AFAB (assigned female at birth) girl who has gender dysphoria and wants to become a dude (and also wants to get shredded ) to find a male mentor to train her to become a real man?
Is this such a bizarre desire that I would HAVE to look in BDSM places. Cos I'm not against sex being in this scenario but the focus is more about masculinity & power than sex it's self.
just get a personal trainer or find a lifting buddy if you pass? >bizzare desire you just want to get fucked, we get it
Henry King
So you're a faggot who wants to fuck his strong mentor of a father but your father was weak and pathetic (if even present) which is why you turned out a faggot? Good luck
Parker Butler
Just be a wheyfu with no unnatural cutting or hormones besides var
Daniel Davis
> become a real man
No can do Pinocchio
Brayden Campbell
Yup. You read that correctly. Also I want him closer to my age so really not that much like a father desu.
I might do hormones tho because I'm trying to become a guy.
Jonathan Garcia
You'd know this already if you asked LGBT groups instead of homolust body dysmorphia forums, but being a "real" man isn't about adhering to stereotypical gender stereotypes. If you identify as a man, just live your life how you want to and you'll be a man. If that means lifting, then lift, but it's not an integral part of masculinity that you need to obsess over.
The fuck you talking about. Go read some BL manga if you like boy x boy stuff dumb fujo.
Joseph Clark
So more like a mentor bro. Hate to say it, but you might be right with the whole bdsm thing. That, or find yourself some guy who is willing to fuck a girl while teaching her how to act manly which isn't gonna be easy. A lot of guys say they want a tomboy, but that's far different than wanting to fuck a girl who acts like a guy.
Carson Davis
I understand what your saying but it fulfills a deeper desire to carry out what I'm doing. But I support your point of view you have laid out here completely.
Jackson Green
>A lot of guys say they want a tomboy, but that's far different than wanting to fuck a girl who acts like a guy.
Ok then read the sticky and don't post again until you're squatting your bodyweight
Dylan Evans
Ill keep posting while squatting.
Levi Rivera
this is retarded even if a girl changed her gender the bone density and structure of a girl is different, no amount of hormones will change this. Physically you would plateau far before any other male, a genetic disaster. Just like the opposite where random guys became girls and are suddenly world level athletes because of the genetic difference to biological females
Hudson Jenkins
A tomboy is a girl who may engage in guy activities (hunting, car repair, woodworking, fucking whatever) but tends to do it in a somewhat feminine manner, even if it's just they do it while attractively wearing feminine clothing (from personal experience, a woman running hogs in daisy dukes is fucking hot). Furthermore, that tomboy can still clean up and go full feminine when required/desired. That's why the whole "tough chick comes out in make up and an evening gown" trope exists in movies and books, because it gets men's blood running. 99% of men don't want to see their woman come out wearing trousers and a suit jacket.
Ryan Bailey
>I'm not against sex being in this scenario My gym buddy sucks, compared to you.
Thomas Perry
This. OP you don't have to take test to become more of a man, although you might as well because getting sterons if you're a woman wanting to become a man is way easier than if you were a man wanting to become a bigger man.
Ayden Gonzalez
I am glad you retards rub this shit in the faces of normal people. The backlash will be severe, and you'll have earned it. I'll just sit back and watch.
William Reed
Females piss when they lift heavy
Noah Butler
Your family had hoped in you once. Fucking animals
Ethan Rogers
That’s kinda hot except for the hormone part, but it seems to me like you’re more looking for a relationship than needing actual mentoring since it doesn’t seem like you’ve actually been training at it for a while yourself. Might be helpful to have someone mentor you on how to behave like a man, for the training it really isn’t any more necessary than for anyone else as you just need to focus more on upper body, lats, delts, traps, obliques etc. Anyways, you probably won’t listen to this, but it would be a much less all in way to start by presenting as more masculine and training for a while, and not do hormones for at least a good while until you are sure you can’t feel happy this way. Injecting testosterone is massively unhealthy for women, even more so than for men, and it makes a permanent changes to your body that you will never be able to undo. That’s true, performance would never be at the level of a male >but tends to do it in a somewhat feminine manner I don’t think that is really part of the definition, though it may happen >come out wearing trousers and a suit jacket It can look good tbf
> Cos I'm not against sex being in this scenario but the focus is more about masculinity & power than sex it's self.
So you want to be a man and "masculine" or "powerfull" but then you also are cool with getting fucked by another dude ? Hate to break it to you but you will never be masculine, most guys arent in todays society what makes you think some roided out chick could ever be like that ?
Sebastian Lee
>gender dysphoria and wants to become a dude
I always wonder how do you know you feel like a guy ? I mean you have no idea what it is to be a guy, how we think or what we have to deal with in life. So how do you know you are mentally closer to us than to other women ? What do you people even base this off ? I am actually interested and not memeing here.
Jonathan Parker
>The backlash will be severe, and you'll have earned it. I'll just sit back and watch. Hot.
> it doesn’t seem like you’ve actually been training at it for a while yourself.
Im not completely out of shape but I'm underweight from an eating disorder.
I'm not sure if I want to do hormones.
Nolan Gray
Its not as much for me about seeing males and being jealous (though don't get me wrong I DEF do have that) more about being a female and getting treated a certain way and that not lining up with how you see yourself on the inside.
Brandon Moore
Anime, action movies and romantic comedies
Evan Bennett
ANOTHER tranny thread JANITOR does NOTHING about it what a crazy COINCIDENCE
>more about being a female and getting treated a certain way and that not lining up with how you see yourself on the inside. people treat you a certain way because of how you act and who you are not because of your gender. I know women who are "one of the boys" and get treated pretty much the same as other guys because they act that way. and then I have met women who have made it in their career and carry themselves in a way that is powerfull and intimidating to a lot of people, more intimidating than most men.
So I really dont get what you are saying here, especially because changing your gender wont make you "one of the guys" it will just make you a freak in the eyes of most people or they will assume you are a fag. You will get treated like a guy much more if you just stay female and act more like a guy. Atleast that is my experience as a guy take it for what its worth.
Carson Green
>people treat you a certain way because of how you act and who you are not because of your gender. I know women who are "one of the boys" and get treated pretty much the same as other guys because they act that way. and then I have met women who have made it in their career and carry themselves in a way that is powerfull and intimidating to a lot of people, more intimidating than most men. This isnt true at all. You don't notice because you are a guy and therefore privileged. So of course you wouldn't notice what women face.
Justin Bell
>it can look good tbf Trousers and suit jackets specifically designed for women can sometimes look good on the right women. But gowns almost always trump suits, unless the woman is ugly
Jace Price
And you have no idea what he knows as a man because you're not a man. How he perceives various aspects of life are something you will never truly understand because you're a woman. So attempting to deride his opinions based on his gender makes you not onky sexist, but an ignorant hypocrite
Oliver Perez
>This isnt true at all. You don't notice because you are a guy and therefore privileged. So of course you wouldn't notice what women face. Which a woman even when taking hormones and getting surgery will never be. And what you call privilege and line of thinking is precisely why a trans person will never truly fit in. The way I perceive women might not be right but it is how a man perceives women and trans people and I dont want to burst your bubble but I dont know a single guy who looks at a ftm transgender person and thinks they are "one of the guys". We accept your decision and it is cool if you want to be that way or feel better that way but you are not one of us and never will be sorry to break it to you. And I am not saying that to be a dick just so that you know what you are getting yourself into.
Luke Williams
join the 40% and kill yourself
Mason Gonzalez
but by your own logic hes doing the exact same thing you described. also he asked me first why i thought i was one. i only replied
Joseph Rodriguez