im finally throwing out all my piss bottles, Jow Forums
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im finally throwing out all my piss bottles, Jow Forums
ask me anything
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how do i talk to qt3.14 if she is always on her phone when i see her?
Why aren't you saving them to dump onto / into the possessions / bodies of people you don't like?
here's 2 more from another stash
Drink a full bottle op
Why would you keep piss bottles? I'm not trying to be funny, I genuinely want to know.
call her on the phone
slap her phone out of her hands and demand she talk to you. trust me.
im turning my life around, starting with dumping out all my piss bottles. later tonight or maybe tomorrow i'll clean my room.
here's 5 more bottles from behind my bed. we're like halfway through all the bottles.
Why the fuck are you using actually piss bottles? I use a 1 gallon Sunny D container, the opening is nice and large so I never make a mess and I don't have to empty it for like a week
here's another two. look at that color difference. one on the right is probably the darkest i have, but there's a ton more.
no that's gross
>Why would you keep piss bottles? I'm not trying to be funny, I genuinely want to know.
I don't keep them on purpose. I just get lazy and forget to dump them out. Each night I basically think "eh, tomorrow i'll go dump them out and throw them away." then tomorrow i never get around to it and i repeat the same thing the next night. continue this for weeks on end and the bottles start to collect.
Pissing in a bottle is much harder to do than pissing in a toilet. Toilets were invented because people were too lazy to empty chamber pots. Laziness is not a valid reason.
TEN piss bottles under my bed. im glad none of them leaked because they were all on their sides.
>Why the fuck are you using actually piss bottles?
I drink a lot of dasani water bottles, so there's always an empty or near-empty bottle on my night stand to use.
i don't really like sunny d. plus, keeping a sunny d jug is harder to hide(i live with my parents.) and keeping an empty jug is more suspicious than an empty water bottle on my nightstand.
If you drink alot of water your piss shouldnt look like that
here's the 10 piss from the previous pic but arranged in order from lightest coloring to darkest coloring.
what do you guys think?
I live in an upstairs room. If i need to piss, I would have to get out of bed, walk all the way downstairs, piss, then go back upstairs. im always dead tired and dont want to get up, but at the same time if i need to pee- even just a little- i cannot sleep at all.
so, it's much more convenient to sit on the edge of my bed and piss into a bottle and then lay back down and snooze.
i normally have to pee 1-2 times a night.
You live with your parents but they never go in your room and see your piss bottles?
Color correlates pretty well with volume here. This would make a good science fair project.
>piss bottles
>doesnt use the superior gallon piss jug
my room smells like like piss now
>You live with your parents but they never go in your room and see your piss bottles?
They never go into my room. As I said my room is upstairs and there's not much else upstairs besides my room, so they're barely upstairs in the first place.
At most they'll open my door and tell me something but they never come into the room. I still hide the bottles though, just in case they come into my room and start snooping around for some random reason.
other side
Didn't notice that. That's actually really cool.
I explained above. The bottles are more readily available and are easier to hide.
sink pisser here, pissing in a bottle felt disgusting
comparison between darkest and lightest piss colors
You should dilute them and put them in your compost user, don't just throw en away like a wasteful normie
What are you going to do with all piss? Surely not just wasting it in some mundane disposal procedure.
Think of the possibilities. Pour it all over someone's car while they're sleeping.
Toilet pisser here, y'all on some weak shit
No, I'm asking why you don't piss into the toilet. Is it a fetish?
You need to drink more water user, Though I use two piss bottles, arizona sweet tea jugs. pic related.
one final pic i took of these 10 before i dumped them
I'm a sink pisser as well. I only use piss bottles when I wake up in the middle of the night and have to piss.
Every other time I pee in the sink though.
It's too late. I dumped them into my backyard. I just walked up and down the yard slowly pouring them into the grass. I made sure to spread out the dumping so they don't make a puddle.
The bottles themselves I threw into our recycle bin.
I explained in a post above- I wake up once or twice every night and have to pee. I don't want to make the long journey downstairs when I'm dead-tired and don't want to get up, so I just pee into a bottle and then fall asleep.
I don't piss in bottles normally. During the day, or whenever I'm awake, I go to the bathroom like a normal person. As I said, the bottles are just because I don't want to get out of bed in the middle of the night.
nvm found 2 more.
these are the final last two though. i am now piss-bottle FREE.
how many in total do you have? good for you for trying to turn your life around, user
i had to go back and count the ones in the pictures i posted but it looks like I threw out 28 today? i've thrown out bottles in the past but normally that was just 1 or 2 at a time. this is the most i've ever had at once and the most i've ever thrown out.
>good for you for trying to turn your life around, user
thank you. my next job is to clean out my room. mostly just put a lot of clothes away and throw away a bunch of papers from college that are just laying on the ground.
>thank you.
no problem, user! i hope it works out for you!
>my next job is to clean out my room.
im currently trying to do that, but with my whole apartment. its... not going so well, but i'm going to try and get a decent amount of it done tonight
Why even keep piss bottles to begin with?
I can (almost) understand peeing in a bottle and then dumping it later. This is already highly autistic though.
You need to step your game up user
What is your plan of action to sneak them out?
i said above, i didn't keep them on purpose. was just too lazy to go dump them out and they started to accumulate over time.
i went out into our backyard at night while everyone was sleeping and dumped them out into the grass.
Amateur, All bottles aren't even filled.
>tfw no piss bottle keeping gf
What does your beverage intake look like on a daily basis? What do you drink and how much
why do so many guys here pee into bottles? is it a fetish of some kind??
i had a roommate who had 30 empty 1.75's he used as piss jugs. the stairs to the loft area that was his room were narrow and steep, and he'd fall down if he tried to walk down to piss because of how drunk he always was
just use a liter, not those tiny ass bottles
That's fucking nothing OP, don't you remember pisslord?? He had like 20x that, then he poured them into the bathtub and bathed in it on Livestream
Piss jugs are the modern evolution of a world that has forgotten about chamber pots.
Why are you so dehydrated? My urine is always clear
>not using 3 liter
never gonna make it
Throwing them out?
Take a couple with you and pour them out while riding the bus.
Next time you go to the movies, sit way in the back, go on a Friday night, packed theater, pour a couple into your empty drink and then "accidentally" tip it over, nothing like the smell of stale piss filling a room. If you go when its hot, think of all the chicks in flip flops getting a foot bath from your piss.
dilute 10 to 1 with water and use as fertilizer for plants
Why don't you use a fucking toilet? Are you fat and lazy?
i remember that guy. did anyone save that video?
I think it's completely fucking disgusting.
That's really dark. Are you diabetic?
My psychaitry professor who owns runs a clinic told the class about a guy who would piss in bottles... and drink them when thirsty..
I have this mix of white cloudiness and orange sand-looking stuff in mine...
Should I be concerned?
I haven't been on this board in a few years. Glad to see it's still the same.
I piss in my room all the time into a 2l (70oz to yanks) coke bottle.
Difference is I have it cut down below the neck so my dick can point into it with ease.
Easy to do with scissors or a moderately sharp knife. Sure it's an open container with piss that'd stink your room up eventually but I empty and rinse it daily so the smell never becomes an issue.
Why would you leave them in your room for long enough for the piss to start smelling (from bacteria buildup or whatever)? It should never be left long enough to go stagnant.
Also don't you have accidents sometimes trying to piss into such a small hole? Or are you using a funnel?
might be disintegrated kidney stones or some shit idk im not a doctor but you might want to go to one at get checked
If i roll trips you have to drink it all
I mean this isn't even a generational thing. It's like actual autism. Maybe if you're on a road trip or some shit but being at home?!? Get it together boy.
The worst I've done is pee in a tree in my backyard because I was too lazy to run inside and use the toilet.
What the actual fuck.
It isn't only about convenience (though that's obviously a big factor)
It's a collection, an achievement, like a fine wine collection.
I even brand mine with stickers (by age)
Fem here, how do you piss in a bottle? Do you just put your dick in it? Put your tip up to it? Do you hold it away from the bottle?
Im actually confused
Unless you have an absolutely puny dick, it won't fit IN the bottle, so you basically hold your tip to it.
Doing it with a boner is a much greater challenge though.
You put the tip up to the hole, you sperglord.
Why would it be a greater challenge? I feel like itd be easier to control where the dick is compared to flacid. Right? Isnt a flacid dick really floppy, making it harder to hold to the bottle instead of holding the bottle to the dick?
Pissing is just more difficult in general with a boner, but especially aiming for such a small opening.
You can't hold it down like you would normally (without breaking it off) which makes aiming harder.
Also, because the head is engorged, there's bound to be some backsplash unless you've honed your craft for years.