
So i'm at the gym at 3am and i'm using pic related and some boomer comes up to me asking if he can work in and to "get off my fucking phone", I tell him fuck off and that if hes goanna be rude as fuck he cant work in, and i point him to the machine thats right next to this one thats similar, he says its "not the same man" and leaves, then 2 min later he comes back, asks why he cant work in and i respond saying that again if hes goanna be rude as fuck to me im not goanna let him, then he apologizes in a shit way, asks if we can "start over" at this point im tired of this and i specifically go at 3am to avoid confrontation. so i just let him do 1 set What the fuck is wrong with old people and why are they mad all the time????? I was just using my phone for a minute as rest times inbetween sets what is his problem? Roid rage? Divorce? I came to the conclusion hes probably going through something and taking it out on me.

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You are in the wrong for using the phone.
Get off the machine you fucking zoomer

Die soon crusty boomer
Imagine unironically getting mad because someone else uses a phone instead of staring at a wall for rest time. Dude was super setting 6 machines he can wait 3 minutes more for mine.

Yeah boomers have this weird idea they can just walk up and say whatever they want to anybody with no repercussions. I'm not sure why they do it, but I regret ever letting it slide inthe past, so now I always am as nasty as possible if they do it to me, just on principle.

There's a place for your blog posts called r/aita. Fuck off

he knows you are a pussy

This guy is a total faggot, what the fuck else are you supposed to do on your rest times, stare at the sky and daydream about sucking zyzz or scoobs cock?

>not thinking about sucking scoobs boobs

alright, I admit, I do it while im on my phone.

Do not respond when boomers try to talk to you.
Scold them if it's impossible to ignore them.
Do not make eye contact with the boomer.
Do not acknowledge the boomer.
Make your disdain of boomers known.
Make them realise their existence is frowned upon.
This has been a PSA.