So i'm at the gym at 3am and i'm using pic related and some boomer comes up to me asking if he can work in and to "get off my fucking phone", I tell him fuck off and that if hes goanna be rude as fuck he cant work in, and i point him to the machine thats right next to this one thats similar, he says its "not the same man" and leaves, then 2 min later he comes back, asks why he cant work in and i respond saying that again if hes goanna be rude as fuck to me im not goanna let him, then he apologizes in a shit way, asks if we can "start over" at this point im tired of this and i specifically go at 3am to avoid confrontation. so i just let him do 1 set What the fuck is wrong with old people and why are they mad all the time????? I was just using my phone for a minute as rest times inbetween sets what is his problem? Roid rage? Divorce? I came to the conclusion hes probably going through something and taking it out on me.
You are in the wrong for using the phone.
Get off the machine you fucking zoomer
Die soon crusty boomer
Imagine unironically getting mad because someone else uses a phone instead of staring at a wall for rest time. Dude was super setting 6 machines he can wait 3 minutes more for mine.
Yeah boomers have this weird idea they can just walk up and say whatever they want to anybody with no repercussions. I'm not sure why they do it, but I regret ever letting it slide inthe past, so now I always am as nasty as possible if they do it to me, just on principle.
There's a place for your blog posts called r/aita. Fuck off
he knows you are a pussy
This guy is a total faggot, what the fuck else are you supposed to do on your rest times, stare at the sky and daydream about sucking zyzz or scoobs cock?
>not thinking about sucking scoobs boobs
alright, I admit, I do it while im on my phone.
Do not respond when boomers try to talk to you.
Scold them if it's impossible to ignore them.
Do not make eye contact with the boomer.
Do not acknowledge the boomer.
Make your disdain of boomers known.
Make them realise their existence is frowned upon.
This has been a PSA.
>Using a curl machine
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
I don't get people's obsessions with not using phones. Any serious lifter is going to be resting between sets instead of doing some bullshit pump-n-fluff circuit training nonsense. Why the fuck shouldn't I look at my phone while resting between sets?
Even if you do have a problem with it why not just keep it to yourself, why go around confronting people and starting shit?, guy was super setting 5 or 6 machines in a rotation maybe he has that mentality
One of the perks of only doing barbell/freeweight lifts is that they have practically zero crossover with boomers, who stick almost exclusively to machines.
Even then though, just doing lifts in proximity of a boomer sitting at some faggoty machine will typically trigger them to ask how much weight is on your bar and then they'll express deeb goncern that you're going to hurt yourself. Thanks for the concern, gramps.
in general super-setters are just complete faggots, period. At my old uni gym each morning there was always this one piece of shit who would superset everything, including the one (1) squat rack that was available, and he'd freak out if anyone dare touch the seemingly-unused squat rack while he was over at one of the other setups he was hording.
The only time it's acceptable to superset equipment like that is if you go to a 24hr gym and go during the graveyard shift where it's guaranteed you won't be getting in anyone's way.
ask him respectfully not to interrupt your workout while "in the zone" since its very intrusive.
"Excuse me, could you kindly not interrupt me or in any way get in my way while im working through my sets"
theres so many ways you could work the smallest musclegroup on your body and he had to "work in" ? total bs.
just dont be a dick about it by sitting through 4-5 minutes of rest in between sets.
>just dont be a dick about it by sitting through 4-5 minutes of rest in between sets.
Some strength programs prescribe 5 minute rests. Some -- like the Texas Method -- prescribe 7 - 10 minutes rest. It has nothing to do with being a dick as it does performing my program as written.
Many boomers believe they're entitled to say anything they want to anyone they want without repercussion. Much of their whining about how millennials are entitled or lazy is projection; after all, white boomers were born into a prosperous time bought and paid for by the Greatest Generation -- probably the last generation to believe that the children should surpass the parents.
>using phones at the gym
Fuck off you fake poser POS garbage subhuman
you did nothing wrong boomers are trash
>unable to get off the phone for the duration of a workout
t. 30yo boomer who never owned a smartphone
Thank fuck I never bough into the whole mobile devices thing. Theres a lot of you fucks in my country sticking their faces constantly on the phone. I imagine its much much worse in the west and Japan/Korea.
Plus using your phone during rest can easily get you distracted and rest more than needed. Here some do use phone during rests but its really rare. Even among zoomers thank fuck.
>also go to gym at 3am to avoid boomers
>usually only person there
>doing warmdown on treatmill
>gym has probably 100 treatmills, 50 bikes, 20 stairmasters
>boomer comes in
>starts using machine right next to me
>puts his bag behind my machine instead of in lockers
>I almost fall over it when getting off treadmill
>I say what the fuck man but he doesn't hear me because he is humming loudly to himself
>go to parking lot to go home
>his car is parked right next to mine, entire 200 space parking lot completely empty except these two cars
>parked so closely I can barely get into my car
I would have fucked with his car if it weren't at the gym where they know who I am, I lifted up his wipers though.
Retards on their phones in the gym really activate my almonds.
>do set
>spend entire rest duration on phone looking for the right song for my next set
Every time
Based and youthpilled
Why? Do you have more patrician ways of making those 2 minutes rests pass?
minimum of 7-10 minutes of reset in between sets, imagine my surprise seing "texas" in there
might just bring books if i ever have a reason to set my foot in burgerlands
Be alone with yourself for 30 fucking seconds. You people are pathetic. So addicted that you even check the phone during a red light or between sets.
>30 fucking seconds
guess how I know you're a weak DYEL
Boomers always do this at my gym, they think that if they rush around as fast as possible between machines that they are getting a good workout. Tell them to shut the fuck up and wait their turn
>more rest than 30 seconds
Guess how I know you are a fatfuck who """"""""powerlifts""""""" with his sub 1000 combined, and shit 2pl8 half squat. Fuck off strengthfag. Training for strength is the biggest cope
>Lifted up his wipers
how will he recover
>le 2min rest meme
You are the DYEL here
>Has been benching since high school
>Cares about his body
>Tells life stories
>Actually has a soul unlike cardio bunnies and roiders
Why do we hate boomers again?
Unrelated, but why is the machine in OPs pick so damn unnatural feeling, whereas a preacher curl with a db/bb feels fine?
>likely to lose track of time and spend 5+ minutes dicking around when you only planned to rest for 2
>makes you less aware of your surroundings
For me it's cos you're forced into that machine's rotation. But with a dB/BB you can have whatever rotation/range of motion you like.
Similarly the dB/BB can be at 2hayever angle in your hands but the curling machine you have to have your hands flat on the bar
yup just like I thought
I would have skull fucked your retarded ass with a 60lb dumbbell and shoved your phone up your ass pussy.
>Lose track of time
It's literally in the corner
>Less aware of surroundings
Literally not even remotely true and even if it was who gives a fuck?
Music does the same thing in that case.
Boomer located.
You are supposed to be recovering and concentrating on the next set the next rep. You will never be shit unless you learn to focus.
Post bodies and lifts twinks
Boomer spotted
Gen x you pathetic cunt.
Okay retard.
Enjoy not making it.
Says the zoomer twat using a curl machine taking two min rest periods on its phone. Enjoy those 12" arms
imagine being so low iq that you have to preemptively concentrate about moving weight up and down
Dyel boomers.
Understanding how to activate the muscle group you are working on and getting the most out of your effort is not simply "moving the weight up and down."
You shouldn't be in the gym. You aren't ready.
>Assuming everyone goes to the gym for the same reason to get bit arms.
>Assuming I haven't already made it
>Assuming rest periods
Dyel. You're humiliating yourself.
stare at sweaty thot ass with a boner
Biceps are a tiny muscle group that gets worked enough on the big back exercises. Working them on a machine like that is absolutely pointless for fat burning, toning, or cardiovascular work like cricut training.
So unless you are trying to specifically build your biceps that machine is not for you. It would be a moron wasting his time.
I'm thinking the gym isnt the place for you.
Why are boomers so fucking stupid
lol truth
I bet you also pretend you're going super saiyan you big idiot
Without looking up, you should have called the gym's number and very politely told them that a man in an X colored shirt just insulted you. Someone will come down to where you are, and by this point, knowing how dumb and angry the retarded boomer already was before you called, he'll be fuming and dig himself into an even bigger hole. As he's carried away from security, wink at him and wave goodbye.
>muh mind muscle
Bodybuilder memes.
It takes 2 seconds to psyche up for a regular work set
based x'er
Reading what you write is like listening to a fish describing the moon.
> I tell him fuck off and that if hes goanna be rude as fuck he cant work in,
i have a story that starts the same way, lemme repost it:
>retarded thot supersetting half the fucking equipment at my college gym
>wait for her to finish with the supported tbar and throw some plates on it
>>hey i'm using that
>doesn't look like you're using it dude :^)
>starts trying to pull the plates off, shoving me, screaming at me, hitting me, crushing my hand against the bar with her thigh
>start chuckling and just start lifting with my hands on the plates so she cant pull them off
>the makes her go ballistic and start actually trying to punch me
>then she starts going around playing the victim, trying to get other people to take her side, after they just watched her chimp out and scream for the last 5 minutes
>she pulls out her phone to take a picture of me
>smile and give a thumbs up before going back to the tbar
>finish lifting, go to security and tell him to have a look at the security cameras
>find out from a classmate that cops actually showed up and stuffed her in a fucking squad car
>security guard takes a statement, straight up tells me he watched the video and she's going to move to a new city because theres no way in hell the college/hospital are gonna let her keep studying here
>considering wasting my time pressing charges just to fuck with her some more
pic for proof
The OP would be the thot in your story.
Fell for the accessory muscle meme.
They need working too in order to keep up by being isolated. Not only will it make your compounds stronger by isolating and strengthening individual components it also looks nice.
Zoomers are scum, period.
>drives to the gym in his Porsche SUV destroying the environment
>makes millenials work overtime to pay for his retirement
>gets to the gym before me and hogs all equipment because I had to make sure the business is running smooth
boomers are the ultimate gains goblins.
Zoomer can't read. Lol. Try again.
If you could finish your sets sooner by not looking at your phone, then you are spending too much time on your phone. I think that was the crux of the Boomer's frustration. It can be especially frustrating when a person does this while occupying one of the only (unique) pieces of equipment in the gym.
Boomer located.
Alpha as fuck
>confidential document
not anymore buckaroo
I read and countered your point.
Biceps need building too. And benefit from extra isolation work.
I understand you're retarded and know I'm right but cmon dude.
While I would personally just use freeweight curls, preacher curl machine also works and has worked for me and others in the past
i dont give a shit, i graduated a week after that
You have beautiful handwriting, dude
Lifting weights is literally moving the weight up and down, you think you're gonna get bigger legs by concentrating on your quads while squatting?
No, you took my statement out of context and built a strawman to burn down because you lack integrity and intelligence.
Try again.
based, get the fuck off your phone you pussy
A powerlifter and a bodybuilder both bench press. The powerlifter can lift more weight than the bodybuilder and never develop a full chest like a bodybuilder.
Please keep going. This is great.
resting while on ONE piece of equipment is fine.
using multiple pieces of equipment simultaneously is rude when the gym isn't nearly empty
Not even the guy you were replying to but you’re retarded
Resting on one piece of equipment while on his phone taking 10 min breaks because he is only using the gym as an accessory is bullshit.
i'll spoonfeed you
a pre-emptive isometric contraction of a muscle gropu that will be used in the later part of the lift allows it to generate a sort of stored tension spring effect, this allows you to better maintain your momentum when the weight is transfered from one muscle group to another
examples: "bending the bar" when at the bottom of an OHP, keeping your shoulders low when at the bottom of a pull up or dip, or flexing your quads and abs on the way down in a squat
The bodybuilder is on gear and fucks around with isolations the powerlifter doesn't bother with.
So you are saying lifting weights is not as simple as just "up and down".
Lol. What a moron.
You said biceps don't need individual work.
I said they do because it's beneficial.
Please please tell me you're baiting or that you have dyslexia. Cos you are actually fucking demented.
Yeah, except pulling the slack, spreading the floor etc are physical cues, not some sort of mind-muscle dogshit that would be ruined by me shitposting on my phone or bantering with the lads between sets.
No I didn't. Learn to read idiot.
He lifts slightly different weights up and down in a slightly different way.
I swear to god you twink shits over-analyze the fuck out of everything, no surprise there's daily threads on how to "improve SS" and other shit like that.
> not some sort of mind-muscle dogshit that would be ruined by me shitposting on my phone or bantering with the lads between sets.
yeah i'm not arguing with you there, i'm just speaking in favor of this statement:
>Understanding how to activate the muscle group you are working on and getting the most out of your effort is not simply "moving the weight up and down."
it's more than up and down, nigga
The powerlifter does bench as a full body exercise. The bodybuilder tries to keep the biceps under tension.
It's like you have no idea what you are discussing.
Get strong and big and no one will say anything like that to you. In fact you can get away with whatever you want if you're among the strongest in the gym.
*pectoral *
Biceps are a tiny muscle group that gets worked enough on the big back exercises. Working them on a machine like that is absolutely pointless for fat burning, toning, or cardiovascular work like cricut training.
They get worked enough, your exact words. The implication of this is that they don't need individual work.
I get this is Jow Forums and you're autistic but words have implications as well as meanings. When you say that something gets enough work you imply it doesn't need much or any more.
I didn't bother responding to the preacher curl thing cos you're blatantly wrong and I don't like the preacher curl machine enough to defend it.
Also you were wrong again. No samefagging here.
Its pretty clear that I said nothing like what you are insisting.
I told him that using that machine is pointless unless the goal is to specifically get larger biceps.
You are pretty fucking dumb man.
I'll help you out. Try reading in context you numpty.
The machine doesn't determine whether or not you are training for size. The weight does.
I was referring to the literal fact you said the biceps get enough work from back compound movements. Literally not even responding to the preacher curl thing. How many times do I have to say this.
Yeah a powerlifter could do that too, you just choose to do it, it doesn’t take some mystical mind-muscle bullshit
Shit bait.
You're clearly retarded. Enjoy never making it.
I don't care about the preacher curls. I simply wanted to refute the point that you put across as fact that back work will be enough for the biceps. That's all.